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Monday, February 15, 2010

Wicomico County Schools To Open 2 Hours Late Tomorrow

For what it's worth, Schools will open 2 hours late. Now I personally think they're nowhere near ready to do so but I'm sure enough Parents have had just about enough of their kids being stuck at home.


Anonymous said...

I agree, if you look at the side roads, they are terrible. Many roads have only one lane open. In addition, kids will have to walk in the road to school in many places. Roads that are already narrowed by the piles of snow. Of course they can still change their minds and close tomorrow morning. I hear Delmar district is closed in DE tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I have seen Wicomico close schools when roads were much better than they are presently. Tomorrow, we will find out objective the criteria for closing really is...

Anonymous said...

Please be on the lookout of all children who will be walking. Sidewalks are not cleard off or safe.

Anonymous said...

This is all about MSA testing and the short number of days left until testing. Many roads are not ready for the increase in traffic and kids walking to school. Forget the darn state test and get the roads ready for the schools to open. They can get the lot accross from the Civic Center cleared, then why can't they clear the roads properly.

Anonymous said...

The kids need to be in school. Let it be!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone been down Rockawalkin today? What about White Lowe and Adkins? How about Rewastico and Athol? Those roads are trecherous! My husband just came home on Old Railroad and watched a trooper slide doing "normal" speed...It's plain ole crappy out there...

joealbero said...

NO 6:52, I agree with the other comments. While everyone must be careful and keep a special eye out for young students in the morning, these conditions are NOT good enough yet to send children back to school. It is NOT safe.

NOW, that being said, Code & Compliance AND the SPD need to start slamming fines and giving away tickets to property owners who have not cleared pathways for these children.


Anonymous said...

They will change their mind in about three hours.

Anonymous said...

Reading MSA should have been completed before we let out for all this snow. I bet you anything half of the tests if not more were not scanned as to the fact the teachers were just as excited as the children to leave early 2 weeks ago.

joealbero said...

I'll add, everyone wants to biotch about public works not doing a good enough job plowing the roads so far, WHAT ABOUT THE PROPERTY OWNERS!

Anonymous said...

The landlords are putting the responsibility on the tenants to shovel. Many of these people can't afford or don't have shovels. The landlords should be out there clearing their properties and put it on the people they exploit.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Joe there are a lot of able people who have not cleared the sidewalks or a walking path for the kids.
I do not think parents being sick of their kids being home is a plausable reason to send kids out into dangerous situations. I have kids and they have been home for nearly two weeks, only two days of school the past two weeks. Rather than biotch and moan about it, we have made the most of it and I have to say it has been wonderful interacting with them without outside influences!

Anonymous said...

Reading MSA takes place the second week of March, 6:57. Your referring to the county benchmark exam, which doesn't really count towards anything.

Anonymous said...

It's simply a mistake. The county roads are terrible. It is a decision that the BOE will live to regret.

Anonymous said...

Your right Joe. Although I have a sidewalk and have no intention of shoveling it...

Anonymous said...

I rode from Rt 13 down Priscilla St and then down Main Street today. Of course 13 is clear, but the turn onto Priscilla was narrow from the piles of snow. On Priscilla, the road is narrower than normal and cars are parked on the side of the street. I had to stop when oncoming traffic was coming because both cars could not pass. East Main Street at Rt 50 has one of the lanes blocked and the right lane on East Main Street is down to half a lane. Many buses and students walking to school travel down Priscilla and East Main Street everyday. The roads are not ready for the traffic tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

7:01...there is NO reason rental property occupants cannot shovel snow, unless they are elderly or handicapped in some way. They could always borrow a shovel from a neighbor if they cannot afford one. A friend of mine in AACo was using a cookie sheet to shovel snow for a short period of time until a nieghbor was nice enough to share his! Ever heard of "where there is a will there is a way"?

Not being the owner of the property is not reason to neglect the property which puts others at risk!

Anonymous said...

why would you expect the landlords to shovel the snow?When a place is rented it becomes the tennants responsability to upkeep the property come on 7:01 you know better than that.

Anonymous said...

Like most of you I totally agree kids have to go back to school sometime BUT being on backroads throughout Wicomico County today I can tell you for a fact roads are NOT ready for school buses!

Just goes to show once again the BOE doesn't give a sh** about our kids and are going to do what they want to do no matter what.

I have to add this, for the parents who have been whining about their kids being home why do you have kids?? If you want to get rid of them that bad there's plenty of families out there looking to adopt. You know, the kinds of families that actually enjoy looking out for their kids and spending time with them. People like you are why kids are the way they are today, you're so busy doing what you want to do you don't take the time to care for your kids or teach them civility.

As for you Joe, the entire community appreciates and thanks you for everything you've done to help through these storms!

Anonymous said...

Landlords cut the grass at many properties or have someone come and cut the grass. Then they should also make sure the properties are clear of snow. In addition, the city didn't enforce the snow emergency routes. Many cars were still parked on the snow emergency routes which limited how wide the plows could clear the snow.

Anonymous said...

I agree kids need to go back,however we have no sidewalk and my kids were walking on the grass. We live on a street with alot of truckers going up and down the road. Well my kids now have to walk in the street. We still parts that are slick, and my kids are suppose to wait at the corner. they will be standing in the street. I think they should close schools and the communities need to pull together to finsh the roads/sidewalks. If we want our kids back into school to learn we as parents need to get active and stop complaining and physically do something about it.

Anonymous said...

Try entering Willow Creek Drive and tell me if the county is doing a great job!!! By the way, I cleared my driveway and I had to pay someone. What about my tax dollars, where are the going? It's true about the MSA's. The schools are all worried about students passing the tests. How about the children's safety?

Anonymous said...

'Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone been down Rockawalkin today? What about White Lowe and Adkins? How about Rewastico and Athol? Those roads are trecherous! My husband just came home on Old Railroad and watched a trooper slide doing "normal" speed...It's plain ole crappy out there..."

A Trooper doing normal speed; what are you drinking?

Anonymous said...

**Rental Properties**
It is the responsibility of the property OWNER to maintain the property as mandated by the enforcement code. Not saying the tenant should not take any responsibility, but the tenant will NOT receive a fine. The property OWNER will.

Also, I live near the intersection of West and Adkins Rd and I will NOT allow my child to ride the bus tomorrow. If they proceed with school then I will take my child myself. Thanks to all that have worked on the roads, but they are FAR from being ready for buses.

Anonymous said...

I live off of Norris Twilley Rd. in Delmar. If my children are in school tomorrow I will take them! The back roads are HORRIBLE and the bus stop has not been cleared. Shame on Wicomico County for putting this responsibility on the bus drviers. It's an accident waiting to happen.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 7:03, the state mandates testing dates, and they are in March.

Anonymous said...

7:44 - I was waiting for someone to comment on the "normal" speed for a trooper statement. How dare you - they're not all idiots. Don't judge.

Anonymous said...

Rockawalkin IS NOT cleared....

Anonymous said...

gordy rd in salisbury is a mess!! sheet of ice

Anonymous said...

I don't know why all of you people are complaining the county has done a wonderful job cleaning our road. In fact they came through Saturday morning at 9:30am with 2 plows and plowed it again (10th time second storm)both plows were plowing AIR!!! I do not understand why all the roads in other neighborhoods were left not plowed at all when they could just ride around like that on Saturday. Don't get me wrong I'm glad they kept ours clear but don't understand why streets in Foxchase,Deer Harbor and Rustic Acres were left piled with snow. I am sure these Neighborhoods were not the only ones left in the condition they were. The supervision in the county roads needs Mr. Pollitts immediate attention and Mr. Kelly needs a good a$$ chewing over the condition of our county roads. Just in the travels in the last 2 snow storms we have made cleaning off neighbors I have seen plenty of waist in the way the county employees have handled clearing roads. One trip of the plows down our road was the first tuck spreading salt and two minutes behind him a second one plowing it off. I guess the salt worked so fast they could just plow it off? Several time we watch them taking a break on the side of the road just shooting the crap for an hour instead of plowing. It all boils down to no supervision and the employees knowing their job is secure because once you work for the county they can't fire them. Rick Needs to get on top of them and make sure we get what we are paying for!

Anonymous said...

The way I see it ,we have traveled down these roads for the past 7 days with the conditions they are in . You know by now what to expect. I have lived here all my life ( 42 years ) and have never seen the storm systems come back to back they way they have. Why is everyone complaining about it . The buses can take a different route if needed . Are we all just going to stay home because a road like Rockawalkin has a little ice on it !!!

Anonymous said...

I work for the county. where do you all want the snow to go? you all have been spoiled so much everytime you call you expect the county to jump. it is time for the public to get off their ass and do some work themselves. for one when we are out there plowing stay off the roads so we can do our jobs. the plows are so that the snow comes off to the right. don't shovel your driveways out or mailboxes until we are done. quit complaining and shovel your own driveways out and mailboxes, and if you can't hire somebody but don't keep bitching about it. it is not the county's job to clean out our driveway because the snow plow went by. My personal opinion is that subdivision should clear their own roads, they pay dues. and no the roads division does not get you property taxes. our funds come from the state.

Anonymous said...

I teach in Dorchester County & we don't even have a delay. They got the same amount of snow if not more & I am wondering why we are going to school, that's right MSA's! It is not about the kids needing to be in school, it is about getting them ready for the tests! Don't get me wrong I love my summer break, but I would rather go a little longer in the summer if it meant to keep the kids safe.

Anonymous said...

To the person who posted about the Reading MSA and it being scanned - please get your facts straight! The MSA is a state test that will be given in March. The test that you are referring to is a benchmark and we were unable to give it due to the snow days missed earlier and the reason they are not scanned has NOTHING to do with teachers leaving early for poor weather conditions. Saying teachers were excited to leave early is unfair. We are professionals who take our jobs just as seriously as the next guy!

Anonymous said...

8:33 you sound like a genuine caring teacher...thank you :)
I am a parent of children in Dorchester county and I have to admit if it weren't for the fact I take my children to school every day, they would not be in school tomorrow. I lay money there will be at least one bus in Dorchester off the road if there is no delay or last minute cancellation.

Anonymous said...

Have you been through Newtown? It's not safe for buses on regular days with the narrow roads. It is a complete mess; the roads are still full of ice and snow. I can not imagine a bus getting through that mess.

Anonymous said...

6:57, you are an idiot and have no clue as to what you are talking about. Teachers do not scan the MSA's they are sent off to be scored.

Anonymous said...

8:16 what you been smoking? You stated "the buses can take a different road" lol. The buses have specific routes they must take to pick up the children. They can't just decide not to go down a road and leave the children. Idiot!

Anonymous said...

Sure let kids go longer in the summer - fine if you are in an air conditioned school. Anyone want to guess just how hot it will be in Bennett Middle or High at the end of June?

Yes, it is about testing, and when we don't make AYP because our kids have missed so many days you will all be jumping all over the teachers forgetting how many days we missed.

I now have 5 chapters to do in 3 weeks - impossible to really teach for comprehension under these circumstances but if we don't make AYP it comes back on me. Remember that the next time you bash teachers for 'failing' schools. They will extend the school year but they won't move the testing dates back.

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:29pm where in the hell do think the state funds come from? Your comment about the sub divisions is unfounded as well the people who live in those subdivisions pay taxes as well. Neglecting to plow ALL of the roads leaves you short of your duties that you are paid for! I do not understand how you can be so arrogant with the comments you have made. I was taught from a very young age that if you are going to do a job THAN DO IT TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITIES! The problem I have is the county provides you guy's with some of the best equipment there is and you refuse to attempt to do the best job you can then pat your self on the back at the end of the day. MY friend let me assure you we take care of our neighbors to best of our abilities and have NEVER charged anyone a dime for the service we provided. I understand your Problem with people on the road in the way and in that case yes they need to get out of the way and let you do your job but in the same breath understand our displeasure when we see things like you not doing the job you are paid well to do.

Anonymous said...

Ok guys, I have a great idea. Let's totally bombard the BOE's phone messages and lines because WE care about our kids. I just left my 1st message, plan to leave several more and will be calling when they open in the morning. If they don't care how we feel let's at least let them hear how we feel!

Anonymous said...

Just as a side note,St Francis De Sales in sby now has a 2 hr delay for tomorrow

Anonymous said...

smart solution: 1) On snow emergency days have the attendance not count towards AYP for NCLB requirements 2) At beginning of the year set up a "Plan B" bus route where parents of kids in bad areas must get their kids to a major road near their house for bus pickup. 3) Have early drop off/late pickup for parents at schools. Or does this all make too much sense?

Anonymous said...

9:34, are you nuts?? So let's see, you want more parents out driving on dangerous roads to meet the buses which will only add more accidents and you want kids to be dropped off early and stay late? You have to be trying to be sarcastic to ask if this makes sense, right?

joealbero said...

anonymous 9:41, Do you have any real clue what you just said here.

You admit that parents shouldn't be driving undert these conditions but think its OK to let the children onto buses instead?

Anonymous said...

Sorry but "making the grade" is not reason to engander the safety of children. Why doesn't the board put in a request to postpone the testing so many are commenting on? It isn't like this is a county issue, for the most part it is a state wide issue. Very few areas are in the entire state are in the condition to safely transport children to and from schools, so why aren't the board of ed heads putting their thinking caps on to set the testing back a few weeks to ensure safety for the time being and to give children, as well as teachers, a fair amount of time to study for the testing?

Wouldn't that make the most sense? Kids all over the state are going to be stressed trying to cram information and teachers are the ones that are going to pay for that! Things happen and it seems the ones in charge are sitting around with their thumbs up their .....!! Figure out a common sense solution for goodness sake! Oh I forgot they don't grasp common sense because it isn't in a peer reviewed journal and approved by scholars!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous 7:30,

The families that desire that their children return to school isn't because they don't want them. you my friend are a ranting idiot!!
some of these people have to work to support the children that they love. A lot of times emergency daycare isn't available. That puts the parent or parents out of work for what ever amount of time. I myself have been out of work for 2 weeks due to the children being home. I am very thankful that I have an employer that understands, others do not. Before you jump to judge someone, maybe you should consider the other circumstances.
Beth, Salisbury

Anonymous said...

We live in the county and our road HAS NOT been touched...Its a complete mess....I will NOT jeopardize my childrens safety due to poor judgement of our school board..What are they (he) thinking....Isee law suits if these children have to go to school tomorrow....

Anonymous said...

All I can say is remember the Talbot County fog bus crash in the 1990's. There are several students who were in that bus crash that are disabled for life and the bus driver was killed. The last I heard, they were still trying to settle lawsuits from that crash. I hope we don't see a similar situation tomorrow in Wicomico County. Two blizzards in one week is historic in this area. We shouldn't rush back to school just to pass the damn MSA test.

Anonymous said...

Rick Pollitt will be pulling his hair out tomorrow waiting for that first call of a bus load of kids off the road but he won't dare call Friedrickson and tell him to cancel school. They call them dumbocrats for a reason.

Parents, just tell the BOE to kiss off and keep your kids home if you don't feel it is safe. What can they do to you? Not one thing.

Anonymous said...

winder street is a mess andso is the parking lot at the wicomico housing authority off winder street cars have been stuck and all the side walks havent been cleared and people have been falling whats up with this that they cant clear this