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Monday, February 15, 2010

And They Expect Buses To Run Safely Tomorrow?

Camden Ave.....

Traffic's backing up on Camden due to a propane truck being stuck on ice...a truck is on it's way to help the propane truck.


doug wilkerson said...

Buses without seat belts.

Anonymous said...

Putting our children at risk because of the upcoming MSA's. I have had my children at home for the past couple of weeks and have really enjoyed spending time with them. However, not everyone can do this because of work.

Anonymous said...

MSA's is right. I am a teacher & I am actually dreading going back because I know that the only thing they are worried about is getting these kids ready for the MSA tests. Let's get back to basics & teach our kids what they need to know to live in this world, not teach them everything they need to know to take a test! Unfortunately I do not dictate what the students are taught, I just do my best to teach them, love them, and keep them safe.

Anonymous said...

8:23 - I wish you were my child's teacher......she only cares about Benchmarks and MSAs......I thought they were suppose to be teaching "the Standards" not teaching how to take a test over a four day period and how if you don't know, choose the letter C since it's the most common answer.

Anonymous said...

9:05 - Thank you so much for understanding where I am coming from. It is so sad when we worry about a test over the safety of our children. There are still a few people out there that care about the children & not the state scores. It is really nice to know there are parents that get that education is more than teaching math, reading, and so on. It is about teaching the students life lessons. I just hope they all get there safely tomorrow. (8:23)

Anonymous said...

8:23 if there were more teachers like you in the school system, that didnt feel that school was just a job. We would have a better school system......

Anonymous said...

Gotta have high test scores or the state will cut funding. It's all about the Benjamins, never about the kids.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? It's always for the kids! That's why we need so much bloat in the board of ed - the kids need them to learn!