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Monday, February 15, 2010

Schools Closed In Delaware Tomorrow

Even though road conditions are better in Delaware, the State chose to keep Schools closed as they feel conditions are nowhere near safe enough.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Joe.

Concerned Parent said...

I just wish Wicomico County would get the kids are not going to school until the roads clear a little better.

Anonymous said...

That's not a state decision.....Cape Henlopen and Indian River are opening 2 hrs late each.

Anonymous said...

To 6:55, Wicomico Cty has done a fine job. They have cancelled school for nearly 2 weeks due to snow. The kids have more than 12 days they need to make up due to snow days. Are you looking for dry roads with tulips blooming before the buses start running again? If so, I suggest you drive you own kids to school but keeping them out of school is sending the wrong message. Get their butts up out of bed and off to school where they belong!

Anonymous said...

I've been clearing roads in DE & MD and the roads are much worse in DE. If you travel from Pittsville towards Gumboro or from Bishopville to Selbyville there is a distinct difference in road conditions as soon as you cross the state line. DE was contracting with farmers to clear roads and told us to quit at 9pm Thursday. "As far as we're concerned the storm is over" was what we were told. Personally, I think money had run out so they shut everyone down.

Anonymous said...

6:55 have you been down some of the back roads that have yet to be plowed? Athol rd in Mardela has one lane with 5 and 6 foot piles of snow on each side of that. If you have on coming traffic someone has to backup. Do you think that is a safe way for buses to travel with children loaded on them?

Anonymous said...

Dear 7:44,
You, dear citizen, are speaking like a moron! Take a look at the picture posted by Joe at 7:48. That looks like GREAT traveling weather for the children...if the buses or cars have ice skates! It's not about the amount of time they have been off (you said "the kids have more than 12 days...) it's about their safety. I wonder about people like you sometimes...
Wait! Do you work for the boe??

Anonymous said...

7:44, obviously you must not have kids,by a slim chance that you do,CPS needs to evaluate you!!Thats all I have to say to you!!

Anonymous said...

So I assume all of you have been snowed in, cars in your driveways for the past 2 weeks? If the roads are safe for you to travel to the mall, work, store, etc., then you can by all means take your own children to school. I personally am not loading mine on school buses tomorrow but am choosing to take them all to school myself. Of course that's extra work for most of you but remember, the county is raising your child, you are. There is no ice in the school building. I've been out, and I do know know that some of the roads are still pretty bad, that's why I am making the decision to transport my kids myself. But to wait for Mother Nature to melt the 5 inches of ice on the roads that the city and county neglected to plow is a ridiculous thought. And no, I don't work for the BOE, I just know that the kids get a lot more out of school when the temps are in the 30s than mid-June when the pools are opens, beaches are crowded, and summer-idis is in full swing. You people will complain about anything! Schools are out--complain. Schools are on--complain. Go find something to do, pick up a shovel like Joe and shovel the ice and snow yourself. Good grief!

Anonymous said...

7:44 you must be one of the low-life section 8 people that don't give a crap about their children. All you care about is your free housing, food, drugs and alcohol.

Anonymous said...

I teach for a district in DE (but live in Salisbury.) I am worried about the kids being off so long, but after a few days, they will be back into the routine. My district is bringing in teachers tomorrow for in-service to prep, and will help to keep the snow days down by eliminating some in-service trainings, and possibly by shaving some days off of spring break.

I am glad they aren't making the kids come in - I teach in high school, and many of my students drive. I think it would be irresponsible to encourage them to be on the roads while it is still pretty dark and icy.