Yes, Janet Napolitano, DEMOCRAT from Arizona for listing Tea Party protester, southern Christians and returning members of the military as potential domestic terrorist and right-wing extremists. you are a dumbass.
For renaming the ongoing "War on Terror" as an "Overseas Contingency". you are a dumbass.
For dropping the word "terrorism" from the government lexicon. you are a dumbass.
For saying that the terrorist attack on 9/11/01 was really a "man-caused disaster". you are a dumbass.
For claiming that ILLEGAL immigration is not a crime. you are a dumbass.
For declaring that the Canadian border was more dangerous than the Mexican border. you are a dumbass.
For stating that the Muslim Terrorist attacks on 9/11 came from Canada . you are a dumbass.
For allowing the spread of Swine Flu by not testing travelers from Swine Flu ground zero in Mexico. you are a dumbass.
For comparing a fence along the US southern border to the Berlin Wall. you are a dumbass.
For claiming that Homeland Security's "system worked" when all could see it failed. you are a dumbass..
For walking back your "system worked" comment with "system failed". you are a dumbass.
Janet for you just being you. you are a dumbass.
So congratulations Janet Incompetano!!
You are the official 2009 Dumbass of the Year!
Deserving of awards and accolades to have failed so much in one short year - you are the winning loser!
How the hell did she get elected!
not elected
BHO thinks shes great and appointed her
a big shocker there huh?
She is also ugly.
This administration is a complete disgrace. Judicial Watch has listed Geithner,Holder, and Obama in the TOP TEN most corrupt in Government. I hope all you complete morons that voted this corrupt Chicago way government in are pleased.
Oh man, a right-leaning paper said that. I am shocked and outraged! Did they have any proof or just more talk without backing anything up.
swine flu was a hoax for the drug companys to make a quick buck in this dwindling economy. everyone knows that. the seasonal flu was more deadly than the swine flu, they just saw an oppurtunity and the MSM had no problem blowing it out of proportion. and as far as "the war on terror", they use that because you can't put a face on terror. thus keeping the war going and keeping military budget higher & higher. everyone needs to open their eyes.
yep, we are all pleased. After all, this propaganda is exactly that, right wing extremists' BS. It is overwhelmingly obvious that all they are doing is taking a page out of Michael Moore's script. I mean afterall, who ever associated republicans with originality?!? Personally, I think the works of Michael Moore were nothing short of unpatriotic, and the right (not correct) has taking it to the next level... almost to the level of Nazi Germany. If we can brainwash everybody in America into believing Obama is the antichrist, then we(republicans) can get the white house and congress back and continue our agenda of rich get richer and poor get poorer. Congrats... YOU are part of the problem!!!
Joe, please don't ever post a picture of her again! she makes janet reno and michelle obama look ravishing!
she deserves it....or it deserves it...man she ugggggggleee.
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