Cowboyz Smokehouse And Saloon In Ocean City has been forced to close their facility for "circumstances beyond our control". Phone is 410-713-4180.
If you have purchased tickets for ANY of their events during Bike Week they say you will receive a full refund.
They did NOT pass their Health Department Inspection. Don't let them tell you it was a gas leak, that's not true.
Haha, lets see if the REAL reason gets leaked....
I heard it was a problem with Eastern Shore Gas also, that didn't make sense.
Same guy owns the Crabcake Factory which has some decent food for lunch when I have been there.
Just heard that Molly Hatchet may be at Break Time in Salisbury Friday. MH must be getting desperate this late in the game. They would be better off just staying in OC.
One thing comes to mind about that picture.
Joe, You always amaze me.... that was TOP secret, who the heck was your source? I was just told tonight.
Molly Hatchet's people may not have even been informed that Cowboyz has been closed down. In any case they have a contract and they will be paid regardless so unless they are trying to get paid twice on Friday I doubt they will be at Breaktime. Breaktime would also have to scramble to do some advertising for it if they wanted to make any money. I'm sure Molly Hatchet isn't cheap... Just my humble opinion.
The worst part about this is all the innocent people that have been screwed by this; employees of the bar and the benefit that was suppose to take place tonight for breast cancer. The Cowboyz website has some babble on it that tries to say they fixed everything and then the rest of the statement runs under some pictures so you can't read the middle of it. It also says that the breast cancer thing was cancelled by the county and will be rescheduled. Then if you scroll all the way to the bottom it says Cowboyz is closing for the season 9/20. That's Sunday... Sounds pretty shady. I
Break Time is a dirt Hole.
They originally said gas leak. then, then it was the hot water heater. I heard from a reliable source that it was due to substandard refrigeration that lead to multiple cases of food poisoning earlier this week. I don't think we'll ever know what happened here.
That is usually what happens.
It is a real shame that the employees are the real one who are going to suffer. Everybody else might get paid, but the wait staff won't. The rely entirely on tips. I'll be suprised if they reopen. I'm sure the owner was counting on last night to help with the fix the violations he had been cited for previously. Although, there is no excuse for the violations. Another business in Ocean City probably just bit the dust.
Top secret? Hardly. It was posted on their website that they'd closed, even though the reason they gave was some bogus gas leak.
This wasn't top secret information. Cowboyz was sited 30 days ago by Environmental Heatlth for a 3 page list of violations that are public record. 9/17 was the deadline to fix these problems including; a broken water heater, undercooked food (which is says on the sign posted on their door by the health dept), employees not able to wash their hands bc of no hot water and a rather long list of other offenses. You can verify for yourself with Environ. Health n at 410-352-3234. On 9/16 someone submitted a complaint to the health dept, they came in and shut them down immediately one day before the deadline. Cowboyz claims on their site that it took 4 hours to fix everything and now that are caught up in politics w/ the health dept. BS!!! Think about it they had these problems 30 days or probably more and it only took them 4 hours to fix! They probably had no hot water all summer and think about THAT! Cleanliness went right out the door there! But in all fairness there are plenty of OC businesses that have been in violation of code for years and they aren't shut down. I think the point was to shut him down for bike week so he lost tons of money.
Delmarva Bike Week was not too happy with him using a trademarked name by B line inc. (Delmarva Bike Week and Ocean City Bike Week)in advertising and on a billboard on Rt.50. If you live here you know the OC politics and that the "gold ol boy system" is alive and well there. If you burn those 2 bridges out of OC, well, you're screwed.
I heard they had bad crabs.
I heard that it was all too fishy.
anon 07:49
give some examples of why you think it is a dirt hole.
breaktime is alot cleaner than most of the eateries around town.
i go there almost everyday along with visiting other l.o.r.a. eateries.
what makes this country great is that everyone has an opinion but unless you have certain examples of why you think it is a dirt hole...keep your opinions to yourself....
The waitresses are scary looking enough to keep me away!
I love breaktime its the only plice where you can shoot poul. i go threr twice in one week. me and my boyz will be scupin up on the bikr chics tonite.
anon 10:51
if you judge a place by the looks of there employes,than i guess you better stay away because i'm sure that they don't want your type of stupidity in there anyway.
comments like your belong on that other website.
I heard it was alot more than just some undercooked food and low temps on the coolers....it goes much deeper and pretty nastier than just that!!! I
FINALLY! Some indication that there IS a health department doing inspections and taking action. This whole area is full of restaurants and fast foods that would make you sick just to walk thru their kitchens. It's amazing that there aren't more places closed. It makes you wonder what these people did to tick them off.
There are so many places that the dining area is so nasty you just KNOW the kitchen must be awful.
(They can start, here in Wicomico, with the new KFC/Taco Bell on Rt. 50).
10:39 see 11:59 enough said.
My point was I was impressed that although a few note they didn't think it was "top secret", the real information that they did not pass the health dept. is horrible for business, thus all the other "excuses" were everywhere. Where did Joe get that information, when even the closest sources heard otherwise. It appears now Joe was correct.
Know some of the workers there.. I would have to say it was a lot more then the health department! I think some crazy stuff was happening
2:11 Speculation, fact is the health dept. has the final say, and you can't get around them. It's really not the complicated, they missed the deadline, and made every other excuse they could, other than admit the truth. Who wants to go anywhere the health dept. won't approve? Other things a customer accepts. Even the excuse of the "good ole boys network" in OC.
No, no, no, you misunderstood the message. It was the chef that had a (methane) gas leak! :-)
I work in the kitchen at Break Time and I can tell you, it's far from a dirt hole. Ms. Carol is in there every morning (except Sunday) by 6:30 am cleaning that joint.
Tommy Jones
What a crock ! They did not correct the issues, simple as that! Another case of just blame the "system" when everyone else complies, and then say... "oh, we can't comment pending litagation" Joe, don't know where you got the info, but you were right on.
Never ate Cowboys, had some friends (local) eat there and will never go back again the food was horrible.
Breaktime: Have always had good service and food there. Who cares what a waitress looks like, as long as she is clean.
Hmmmmmmm.......all of you are clueless
any other locals involved???
It's about time..!! It was noisy, hot and had way too loud 'music' played by a 'dj' (?) with NO idea what CW music was about.... or the dances. Worse? He Didn't Want To Know..!!
dj longhorn was the owner i do believe.
Well folks, let's go ahead and get out the real information. Which from the previous entries most people have the right idea. It was not a gas leak or a hot water tank issue. It was prue carelessness. The health dep found a handful of problems when the first inspection was held roughly 30 days prior to the shutdown. Cowboy's decided to ignore these infractions and continue business. The major hits were no hot water, meat being kept at 60 degrees and above, and sanitation was pretty much thrown out the window.
Now i work very close to Cowboys, but i wont leak my involvment. But, to get the ball rolling, I'm letting you all know that there was something else being done in the background. Multiple sources have told me that apparently some pornographic pictures and videos were being shot in sections of the bar in the late hours.
Still unconfirmed but I'm sure it will leak officially soon enough. Point blank...do you want to go eat at a bar that has no hot water, unclean food preperation areas, bad meat, and to top it off a porn being shot on the table that your samwich was prepared on?
I dont know about you, but I'm taking Cowboy's and Crab Cake Factory (yes that moron apparently owns that one too) OFF MY LIST.
Here we go again: John Brooks, the same SOB who ownes Crab Cake Factory,and does drugs and other illegal stuff ... He also married an eastern european girl few years ago to get her the green card, even thought he had a girlfriend who was running the Crab Cake Factory business for him.... They keept it secret from everybody until the true about their illegal marriage acme out. I am wondering if they are still together. Looks like John Brooks went to the next level from crab cake to porn, which he always was obsessed with...
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