Location: Purnell Street, Lowbar Drive, Hillside Drive, and Fifth Street in Frederica
Date of Occurrence: September 16, 2009
Suspect(s): See below listed names
Resume: On September 16, 2009, Members of the State Police Kent County Drug Unit, along with the assistance of the State Police Special Operations Response Team and the State Police Governor’s Task Force completed a year long investigation into the sales of crack cocaine in Frederica. Search warrants were executed at 3, 5, 7, and 9 Purnell Street, 116A Lowber Drive, 7 Hillside Drive, and 101 Fifth Street, Frederica. A search warrant was also executed at 203 North Street, Milford by the Milford Police Department. As a result of the investigation, the following was seized: 32.5 g crack cocaine, 101g marijuana, 2 marijuana plants, 2001 Mazda 626, 1998 Mercury Marquis, $6578 U.S. Currency, .22 handgun, .357 Revolver, .22 Rifle, digital scales, and packaging material.
The following subjects were arrested on the following charges:
Eric Garrison, age 28 of Milford – Racketeering, Trafficking Crack Cocaine, Delivery of Crack Cocaine (6 Counts), Maintaining a Dwelling (3 Counts), Maintaining a Vehicle (2 Counts), Conspiracy 2nd ( 2 Counts), Possession of Marijuana, and Possession of Drug paraphernalia (3 Counts)
Kenneth Winder, age 27 of Frederica - Racketeering, Trafficking Crack Cocaine, Delivery of Crack Cocaine (7 Counts), Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony, Possession of a Firearm by a Person Prohibited, Possession of Firearm Ammunition by a Person Prohibited, Maintaining a Dwelling (3 Counts), Maintaining a Vehicle (4 Counts), Conspiracy 2nd ( 3 Counts), Possession of Marijuana, and Possession of Drug paraphernalia ( 2 Counts)
Jamane Gantt, age 19 of Felton – Delivery of Crack Cocaine (2 Count)
Kinon Teat, age 35 of Frederica – Possession with the intent to deliver crack cocaine, Maintaining a Dwelling, Tampering with Physical Evidence, Conspiracy 2nd, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Endangering the Welfare of a Child (4 Counts)
Latonya Scott, age 28 of Frederica - Possession with the intent to deliver crack cocaine, Maintaining a Dwelling, Conspiracy 2nd, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Endangering the Welfare of a Child (4 Counts)
Kendall Perry, age 20 of Dover – Delivery of Crack Cocaine, Maintaining a Dwelling, Possession of Marijuana, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Roger Scarborough, age 52 of Frederica – Racketeering, Delivery of Crack Cocaine, and Conspiracy 2nd.
Kermit Moore, age 51 of Frederica – Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Resisting Arrest
George Brown, age 57 of Frederica – Possession of Firearm Ammunition by Person Prohibited Possession of Marijuana, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
Krystal Young, age 42 of Smyrna – Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Robert Stroud, age 70 of Frederica – Maintaining a Dwelling, Conspiracy 2nd, Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony, Possession of a Firearm by a Person Prohibited (2 Counts), Possession of Firearm Ammunition by a Person Prohibited, Possession of a Firearm with an Obliterated Serial Number, Endangering the Welfare of a child, Possession of Cocaine, Possession of Marijuana, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
Dazzel King, age 18 of Frederica – Possession with the Intent to Deliver Marijuana, Manufacturing Marijuana, Maintaining a Dwelling, Conspiracy 2nd, Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony (2 Counts), Possession of a Firearm with an Obliterated Serial Number, Resisting Arrest, Possession of Marijuana, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
Robert King, age 20 of Frederica – Possession with the Intent to Deliver Marijuana, Maintaining a Dwelling, Conspiracy 2nd, Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony, Possession of a Firearm by a Person Prohibited, Possession of Firearm Ammunition by a Person Prohibited
Well that was cost affective wasnt it.
Surprise, all the suspects are African-Americans, but it's not their fault, they were held down and never given a chance.
Look at those addresses, bet it gov sec 8 housing.
Hey look, it's the Wicomico Democrat Club!
This must have been a investigation where racial profiling was used. There's no white folk in the whole bunch. They should be released for violations of their civil rights, and sue the gov't for a million dollars a piece. This is just another case of the white man trying to keep the black man down!
LOL!!! The sixth one down looks like Kramer from Seinfield.... With a tan!!! LMAO!!!
Typical. You would think they would start to set a little better example. praise Obama.
Two societies, we need to build a commune.
Can anyone say "Future ACORN employees?"
Kramer with a tan! ROTFLMAO!
Cops must have been racist. They all look like clean cut people to me.
How dare those racist pigs pick on my bruthers and sistas!
whitey always keepin us down!
wall strret bankers steal and no one goes to jail!
There is one thing very much in common with those idiots.
They are all standing in front of a gray wall.
Racism at it's highest point, like white people don't break the law. Don't see so many racial comments then. I am shocked at this forum, not all african americans are criminals and this is very degrading.
Why all the ugly racial comments? Crime does not discriminate. And don't think blacks are not happy this bunch has been stopped. Not all of us are dope addicts, murderers, or drug dealers. Contrary to popular belief here some of us do work for a living.
oh my......its a shame really.....thats somebody's mother, brother, sister, father, friend, etc.....its sad that they had to live this life and take this road....bad choices, bad choices......
Gen-Pop is like Baskin Robins, all flavors and push-ups too.
"Why all the ugly racial comments? Crime does not discriminate. And don't think blacks are not happy this bunch has been stopped. Not all of us are dope addicts, murderers, or drug dealers. Contrary to popular belief here some of us do work for a living."
Jimmie Carter enter stage Left.... never mind....
I personally don't care whether the perpetrators are Hispanic, Oriental, or Indian. The point is that "the race in question" simply needs to do more to stop this sort of misbehavior within THEIR society. In the case of the ASIAN INDIAN operating the SHELL station north of Salisbury being MURDERED, should we denounce Indians for owning gas stations? Should we just blame it on the SPD?
I don't think so...
5:37 wrote:
"They are all standing in front of a gray wall."
There you go, you alway have to bring color into it, don't you?
and the NAACP says that we are profiling, right?
and what exactly are YOU doing to stop the crime in your society?? All races have crime and whatever your race, again, what are YOU doing?
If you are a felon with an illegal handgun I dont give a crap if you are purple-I want you off the street
Its good to know what the ppl of the eastern shore do for gainful employment. The drug market here is alive and prospering.
Black-White, no matter! Do the Crime-Do the Time. Simple
Its typical! I'm not suprised... AT ALL!!! We have been taken over!
SPD take note, that's how stopping crime is done! not ticketing people for bs! oh yea that's right you might get shot at doing real police work.
The racial tensions hit a fever pitch when O called the cops out on national T.V.
No one called it a racial issue when Kanye West totally disrspected Taylor Swift. Hell Jay Leno had him on the show the next day. Talking about his poor old momma who died during platic surgery to get her breast enlarged and a face lift. Tragic I tell ya. I think Taylot Swift should have been on T.V. talking about the rude Black Man. This is West' second time down this road hating on whitey on national T.V. He stated Bush hated Black people. LOL Maybe Mr. West he has a reason YOU. This multi millioaire has it all to bad. Whitey done made him a millionaire. His own president callled him a Jack Ass wow. That says it all.
No one called it racist when four black youths beat the crap out of the White Jewish guy on the Marta Bus is Balt last summer.
No called it racist when gangs of Black Americans roaming Salisbury robbed college kids.
I thought but never said it. Why it is politically incorrect.
My point is white people who have never spoken out, have become tired of the same old, same old. The media is trying to stir racial strife. The old white guy that has sat back and said lets all just get a long. Watches the disrespecting of white america and has had enough.
A senator called Ohbama a liar. The timing is all wrong for sure, but to say Ohbama has never told a lie in his life is another story. West became a hero when he called out Bush. Wilson will fall one way or another. The sad part is both men just stated what many feel.
When Black Americans (I refuse to call them African ) Born on this soil you are a F**cking American Period. Start taking responsibilty for thier actions, get over the fact that you great great great Grand Mother was enslaved. I say never forget it, it is what makes you who you are today, just get over it and work to build a better country.
Black Dope dealers start ratting out the white dope dealers. Trust they are ratting you out. Better yet do us all a favor and kill eachother. Sorry just the way I see it.
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