While WMDT, WBOC, The Daily Times and others frequently come to Salisbury News to see what's going on, this will make them flip out because they could only dream of capturing such an image from their Sites.
Growth is all about these search engines and I challenge any one of them to publish an image like this one. I'll save them the time, they can't. That goes to any other Blogger out there as well.
People are searching us out with great interest because we tell the real news. I watched WBOC at 5:00 on Channel 21 and for the second day in a row they were telling stories put on Salisbury News two days ago. Go watch it at 6:00 PM and you'll see what I mean. The funny thing is, they said when Dennis comes back on they'll tell you how many days it will be before we see rain again. NOW THAT'S FUNNY!
UPDATE: Just in case someone questions the visitors coming to Salisbury News, there's 100 per view. I thought I'd take another image shot at around 6:10 PM showing the lower half of a page. When it says The Baltimore Sun, this means they were on their Website and clicked on a link from there to get to Salisbury News.
Maybe one of those visitors can explain to you the difference in "to" "Too" and "two". Just a thought.
"OR" the difference between
"REAL" and "REEL"
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