Incident: Possession of Crack Cocaine
Date of Incident: 15 September 2009
Location: Ed Taylor Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Carl B. Cox, 65, Centreville, MD
Narrative: On 15 September 2009 at 1500hrs, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office checked on a suspicious vehicle parked at the dead end of Ed Taylor Rd in Salisbury. While speaking with the three occupants of the vehicle, the deputy became alert to possible criminal activity. A WCSO K9 team arrived and the K9 scanned the vehicle for the presence of the odor of illegal drugs. During the scan, the K9 alerted positively to that odor. Based on the alert the deputy searched the vehicle and discovered a smoking device, a spoon and a straw, all with the remnants of crack cocaine present. During the ensuing investigation, Carl Cox claimed ownership of these items.
The deputy placed Carl Cox under arrest and transported Cox to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Cox was released by the Commissioner on Personal Recognizance.
Possession of Crack Cocaine
Possession of Drug paraphernalia
Incident: Malicious Destruction of Property
Date of Incident: 15 September 2009
Location: 6500 block of Sixty Foot Road, Pittsville, MD
Suspect: Female Juvenile, 17, Pittsville, MD
Narrative: On 15 September 2009 at 4:40 PM, a deputy responded to a residence in the 6500 block of Sixty Foot Road in Pittsville in reference to an out of control juvenile. Upon arrival, the deputy learned that a 17 YOA female who lived there damaged two windows inside the residence. Additionally, the juvenile was also discovered to be in possession of drug paraphernalia.
The deputy placed the juvenile under arrest and transported her to the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office where the deputy contacted the Department of Juvenile Services. The deputy then completed a juvenile referral and released the juvenile to a parent pending formal court action by the Department of Juvenile Services.
Malicious Destruction of Property
Possession of Drug paraphernalia
Incident: Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute
Date of Incident: 15 September 2009
Location: Powellville Road, Willards, MD
Suspect: Christopher A. Stevenson, 24, Willards, MD
Narrative: On 15 September 2009 at 10:16 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s office stopped a vehicle for speeding on Powellville Road, just south of Willards, MD. While speaking with the two occupants, the deputy detected that both appeared overly nervous. That, coupled with the other indicators of criminal activity, led the deputy to request a WCSO drug K9 team respond. Upon the arrival of the K9, a scan was conducted for the presence of the odor of illegal drugs. During the scan, the K9 alerted positively to that odor. Based on the alert, the deputy who stopped the vehicle searched the vehicle. During the search, the deputy located individually wrapped baggies of marijuana and a digital scale. Based on the manner of packaging and the presence of the scale, it indicated that the bags were destined for distribution. The passenger in the vehicle, Christopher A. Stevenson, claimed responsibility and ownership of the drugs and was subsequently placed under arrest.
The deputy transported Stevenson to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken before the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Stevenson was detained by the Commissioner in the Detention Center in lieu of $50,000.00 bond
Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute
Possession of Marijuana
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
65 and smokin crack, what is the world coming too.
4:23 I was just thinking the same thing. What a shame.
Ok count me in with 4:23 and 6:11. That was my first thought. My second though was why in the world they they release they 17 yr old back to her parents after she had already broken windows in the house!
if they were a little bit smarter, they wouldn't be criminals!
Isnt Christopher Stevenson the son of Chris Stevenson who works at WCDC and recently got caught DUI? I guess like father, like son!
can a cop go out with someone he arrested for drugs ????
I just think it is wrong.
They tried to hide it but everyone knows about it.
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