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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Call Off The Dogs


UwillTapout said...

A blind man could have seen this coming. Whenever a person of color doesn't get their way, the race card comes out. This clown could be as red as a fire truck,but it wouldn't make a difference in his vision for our country. The fact is, he has a plan that simply can't work. Who cares what he looks like. The dumbing down of America needs to stop now. Give him a chance? Hell no, there is way too much at stake.
Racism does not exist in mainstream America. Alleging Racism is an excuse for failure. Alleging racism is a crutch for a legless movement. Alleging racism will be akin to crying "the sky is falling". It is getting old and the more you cry racism the less effective and shocking it will be. So, keep crying racism, it doesn't mean anything anyway.

Anonymous said...

Racism is racism no matter how you try to dress it up and deflect the facts.

Anonymous said...

8:57AM, You're correct, racism is racism when you're presented with actual instances of racism. Obama's and Cnngress' willing to spend my great grandchildren's money to acheive Marxist goals is not racism. BTW I don't have grandchildren yet, my oldest just turned 18 yrs old. We have to stop spending, stop printing money and let the capitalist markets work. When Wall Street fell, it should have gone down for all its greed exposed, then we can rebuild from there, otherwise we are just prolonging the pain.

Anonymous said...

Racism is nothing more than natural human reaction to a group that is different from their group with a behavior perceived to be detrimental to the survival of their own group.It's part of the human experience deal with it !

Anonymous said...

How can capitalism restore the economy when "Wall Street" is still working the same way? No one will allow the capitalists to be reined in. Therefore, greed will destroy us all. For all of you who think "greed is good," you can kiss my a$$. Racism is NOT dead in America. For goodness sake, I see it everyday in many forms.

Anonymous said...

1:42 what point are you trying to make here ? If government would get out of the way of capitalism the economy would recover or better yet would have never crashed . The bad part is Obama wants capitalism to fail so he can quickly install his brand of communism . Who cares about racism ? only people who try and benefit from it that's who !

Anonymous said...

It really pisses me off that everytime someone disagrees with Obama or didn't vote for him that they are accused of being racist. This country is already bankrupt yet he keeps spending more and more money. Stimulus packages help nobody if you don't have a job and can't afford to buy anything!!! Democrats are weak and try to use anything to make themselves look better. If we had a black republican president I guarentee the republican party would not be cryin and pulling the "race card"

Anonymous said...

The accusation of racism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.