While this massive 33 acre Water Park has been flying under the radar, residents on White Lowe Road are growing more concerned as the Wicomico County P&Z Department is now bringing it to a more public arena. The next step is a public hearing.
Morgan Hazel and Michael Tilghman are the master minds behind the indoor/outdoor center in which we're told there will be 4 Olympic sized swimming pools, a kiddie pool, a rec. center, fitness center, cafe and the whole nine yards.
The property was owned by the State but we have heard, (yet not confirmed) they have purchased the land from the State. The land is zoned A-1 Ag and that code does allow personal/private owned indoor/outdoor Rec. Center but would need a special acception for food, beverage and other amenities.
OK, here's the deal. Since this is a Blog, it is my opinion that IF a piece of property is zoned for a certain usage and the project falls within that zoning, I firmly stand behind the Developer. However, there are property owners very close to this facility that must be considered. Many people purchased their homes and property next to a State Park because they have always been known to forever feel as if nothing will ever be developed there.
Mind you, (I'd have to research the article) I know I wrote an article not that long ago where someone had asked me what I thought would bring the local economic & development back to the Eastern Shore and one of the project I had stated was that this are needed a big Water Park. Looks like some people were listening and listening good.
Neighbors are concerned about roads being made wider, crime and even what might happen to their shallow wells with such a massive draw on the water table. Mind you, my guess would be that their worries should be more focused on what the wells from local farms will do to their supply versus this Water Park. Once they fill up I'm certain they'll recycle whatever they can.
Anyhow, you heard it here first Folks. This is a major project and I'm confident everyone will want to hear your thoughts on such a project coming to our area.
They have to be out of their minds. People are broke around here and the ocean traffic will most likely pass right on bye.
I think that would be wonderful to have this in Salisbury...finally something for the kids in the summer!
People might be broke around here but plenty of them will spend what little they have to entertain the kids.
Can you amagine the ppl who would go there? That place would be dirty as the river.
"probably be operated at a not for profit", thats a big if.
i agree 1:42 i so hope this all goes threw its a great great idea.
Finally something for the kids. This town sucks if you have kids. Nothing to do. Why send the money to OC all of the time.
This is a great idea, hope it happens.
That would be great to have something around here like that.
Wouldn't have to make that trip into OC! Kids would have something to do besides hang around in the malls or go to the movies.
Wow, I can't believe that people are trying to knock this one down! WHAT A GREAT IDEA! A place for kids to go and have fun! More importantly, a place for kids to go to get their fat lazy ass off the couch and get some exercise! Everybody is always trying to give a bullsh!t opinion on something that has way more potential for economic development and recreational activity than it does for harm. Where do most people go to swim now? I sure as hell can afford the expensive membership fees at the YMCA or the Elks Lodge to go to the pool-maybe this extra competition will help drive down membership costs of the other "not for profit" organizations.
Complain all you want folks, I am certain that I will see you there enjoying yourself when it opens up!
I can't swim
urban sprawl, much?! There has to be a better place for such a big project.
There was talk several years ago about a possible theme & water park next door to Arthur Perdue stadium.
Right now unless you want the hassle of driving to OC theres no place to go with little kids except Cocos,Chuck E Cheese or the zoo.If they run the place properly it could be nice.
1:58 there is plenty of things for kids to do around here.... gangs, drugs, graffiti, petty crimes.
I dont live in the proposed area but I think its also a great idea. This area needs something other than retail shopping centers and in reality thats all Salisbury is(and even that isnt very good). I agree with several ppl about there being nothing for kids to do. Ive heard so many others say how great the area is for kids. HOW!?!?!?!? There is nothing here for them? For that matter there isnt much for adults either.
Great idea, but not in this economy. I would never want to live next to a water park like that one. Not for profit? What is their motive?
While a great idea, if something needs a special exception, it needs to be looked at hard. When you put something somewhere that wasn't made for that type of thing, there will be problems. Planning is supposed to prevent those problems. Salisbury has so many problems due to lousy planning years ago.
It's about time Salisbury got something around here to attract people... this needs something... an amusement park.. water park.. whatever it takes to bring people here. Right now all they do is drive threw on their way to OC.
if 6 flags can't survive and it has been around for a while, why will this succeed?
Great idea!!!Something for children
to do.Maybe less crime from kids if they had something to do .
i say place it at the old mall with an outdoor amphitheater.
Joe, nyou kind of missed the point of all of this, it is not a water fun park, it is an aquatics center, much like crown, but for swimming. and personaly as someone who has been involved with local swimming thinks it would be a wonderfull idea, Swimming is a Great activity for all people and all ages, and A Wonderfull sport,
If Morgan Hazel is involved you can be assured that it is above board. He and his family have been giving back to this county for years.
Sounds great! At least someone in Salisbury is trying to think about activities for kids - 1st the skate park and now this! I say bring it on!
this would be great for the community - i hope the local gov't helps to fund this project!
Build a fence for the neighbors and build the park for the kids. Very simple.
Those homes are already next to a Royal Farms open 24 hours. Whats the big deal about a water park if it is screened?
State run or private????
Hope it's private so we can have some jobs open up.
If the state runs it, it will be a minimum deal.
Kings Dominion style!!!
anonymous 3:00, with all due respect, did you read the article at all? I gave BOTH names of the owners and also stated it had to be privately owned.
Until they want to sell it back to the county down the road.
An aquatics center in salisbury would bring in large amounts of people, spending the week or weekends for swim meets - a perfect way to stimulate the local economy!
Are you sure that property was "state park" or state owned? State owns a lot of property for "right of way" for future projects.
Who pays for the insurance?
Really they probably will use minimum water. A facility this size will certainly not try to fill up with a garden hose from a well :) They will purchase water by the tanker full for intial fill and probably not need a ton of extra water after that. Traditonal farms and sod farms would use a lot more water.
anonymous 3:15, (insurance) you're an Idiot.
anonymous 3:15, while I agree with some of your statement, they'll pull the water from their own well. 4 Olympic sized swimming pools won't use garden hoses either.
anonymous 3:14, I wouldn't have said the property is/was owned by the state if it wasn't.
anonymous 3:06, if you'll look at the names, they're not going to fail and the County has absolutely NOTHING to do with it.
Im not an idiot, Im a Lunatic, what is their a waiver.
I think it should be placed at the old mall!!!! or at least part something there for the kids!!! we need more to do in this town and maybe there wouldnt be so much gangs drugs or crimes...
Isnt that sitting on top of the Paleo,(spl) water supply?
Guess I should have made that clearer. You said in the article that "Many people purchased their homes and property next to a STATE PARK......" What I am saying is, are you sure it was zoned as a 'state park' or just 'right of way' property owned by the state for possible future projects.
I think it's a great idea. I don't think I would be thrilled if it was in my back yard. By the stadium would seem to be a better location to me.
Will they be serving Pepsi or Coke?
OK, let's try this again. The land is/was owned by the State. The State has agreed to sell it and or it has been sold. I said people are usually under the impression if they buy land next to a state park and or simply state owned, they have the comfort of believing the State will always own it. Sadly this is no longer a reality. There's no law agaionst the State selling land.
anonymous 3:29, yes, it sits right on it.
As for the other suggestions next to the stadium or the old mall, HEAR ME LOUD AND CLEAR, those properties have been sold and are owned by developers. Do you people think just because you want it somewhere else, that's where it's going to go? You either get in the race or sit in the stands. Unless you're an investor, you're sitting in the stands and you cannot tell the driver what to do.
It's an outgrowth of the Coastal Aquatics swim team. There was a nasty, nasty split between the Tilghmans and the YMCA staff over their son not getting special treatment, and they left and personally funded a competing team, all the while attempting to poach the best swimmers off the YMCA team.
I'm glad there will finally be a public pool in Wicomico County, but the history of this split is nasty, nasty stuff, and it's sports parenting at its worst. The only saving grace is that Morgan Hazel is involved and more kids will get to swim.
All of you nay sayers need some cheese to go with your whining. First you whine cause your children have nothing to do in this county and you are exactly right. As soon as something like this gets proposed then you squeal like little pigs, not in my back yard. If Morgan Hazel has anything to do with it than I am all for it. The Hazel Family has given so much back to this community the record should speak for itself. I for one am glad to see someone cares enough to do this and say go for it and get it done.
Now we got the scoop.
anonymous 3:41, AMEN!
Someone should make sure Morgan and his good name know who he is involved with and how this whole thing came to be. Lots of unsavory stuff in the soup...
Please use all American legal workers during the construction, we need it.
I hope they offer the affected home owners a buy out plan for their homes. They will be worthless if this park is built.
Why there? Wal-Mart coming to Hebron, dont let the cat out of the bag.
THIS WOULD BE AWESOME. Finally something to do in this town other then eat fast food and drink.
Looks to me like it's going to be more of a section 8 cost burden that a free enterprise water park private business that could expand to rides, roller coasters, concessions and such that would bring jobs and tax base TO the county instead of the other way around.
The American way to build things and make money is to use the cheapest labor available. Sorry.
This is a great idea for families around here!! I would also love to see another skating rink open up with the snack bar and games, not Mitchell's where, in the few times I've been there, you get hassled by employee's to sign your children up in their martial arts program. I don't know how it would be now but I know when I was a teenager it kept me and my friends out of trouble on the weekends and we got a ton of exercise and had a lot of fun at the same time.
Wouldnt the word "Aquatic" denote it is a water park?
anonymous 4:11, please keep in mind they only have 33 acres of land to work with. I highly doubt you're going to see much more than swimming pools and parking.
No peeing in the pool people.
Morgan Hazel's Family is the former owners of the Pepsi plant, money not an issue...
Anon 2:31 Motive, how about a good place for kids? This family has always given back,
As for why 6 flags failing and this not.. Most likely it isnt going to cost 40 bucks a person to get in.
I say go for it Morgan.
Mitchell's is a joke! They harass you while you're waiting for your kids to finish their class: sign up for this and sign up for that, a big money making scam.
$40.00 a person, the first commentor was right. This must be for the rich people.
Don't be fooled by the picture that is posted here, it is more like a nicer YMCA. However I wish it was a water park, this area is hurting and we need something to bring more tourists here. I know, I know all you "been heres" do not want any more "come heres" but a true water park would bring people that go home. We have so many businesses leave and nothing to replace it, we need to get something her. I hope that they would add something outside for the kids to do in the summer, some water slides etc.
Thanks Mr Hazel and Mr Tilghman for providing something for this community again.
I could never afford to pay $40 to go swimming. Or is that $40 a WEEK? Even that is a lot. What about us poor people?
Sounds Awesome! I hope it happens.
the county will tax the hell out of it and chase it away
We definitely need an aquatics facility around here. Unless you get up before the crack of dawn, or you are able to swim during lunch hours, good luck trying to find lap swim time at the Y. The swim team has squeezed paying members out of the pool with their ambitious program. We need a place where people can swim laps at all hours, while providing a fun and safe outlet for everyone. As for the "feud," it's nice to see another quality year round swim program. Chalk up one for free enterprise.
are we going to have to charge the same amount for sewer as for water usage? obviously it's not all going down the drain, but I'm curious to see just how that is handled?
pool vs. beer ??
We could really a facility like this around here.
I sure hope they're not run out of town.
I would happily drive to Delmar if need be...
If only it was a RiteAid, CVS or Walgreens, we'd have one on every corner with no questions asked.
Hey maybe one of the drug companies can sponser it with an Rx marquee ???
& We'll have it by September...
But then again,
we do live in the SelfDestructive zoning of SBY/WIC
Great idea but it needs to be in the middle of town...maybe in the park or close to it so it is accessible to all kids.
It might even keep some of them from joining gangs and just let them be kids :-)
Joe, with all due respect; all businesses need to crawl before they walk. I'm just making a distinction here. The water park up by dover at the state park is a great thing, but will never grow with profit because the purpose is a finite non profit deal.
There 2 ways to build a water park. Suck off the taxpayers for section 8 money, or grab yourself by the balls and start up a private business in an area that allows for future expansion and actually try to make an eastern shore attraction that counts.
They could start off small, but not go in as a non profit. Make a stand. "We want to bring a new industry to Delmarva, and this is where we would like to do it".
That's all I want to hear. Not more section 8 bill I have to pay from my tax money.
I think it would be better to place it between OC and Salisbury. I can see problems already. Parents just letting their kids walk to the place so they can baby sit them instead of them actually having to take them and watch them. I like the idea of a water park with slides and rides not just a pool.
I am leasing part of this area for my new semi -pro skatepark. Money is no object for me.
This is a great idea but the area stinks.
Millions were spent on a bypass and now someone wants to build the thing OUTSIDE of it.
Would planning and zoning actually sign off on this one?
So fine, let's say this thing gets built, then comes increased traffic, then accidents, then the need for ANOTHER stop light on route 50 neccesitating ANOTHER bypass and increased infrastructure development costing the taxpayers more money.
All of the idle real estate in the core of this city and Mike wants to put it OUTSIDE the bypass?
Do we need a place like this in Salisbury, sure, good luck and I wish you well, more jobs, more income, but putting this thing OUTSIDE the bypass will only end up costing the taxpayers more.
A much better location would be the Old Mall, or any of the other myriad empty locations in town, just so long as it's built inside the bypass.
Imagine what would happen at that light in 5 years during Ocean City Trafic in the summer, and what that would do to slow down beach traffic.
More short term thinking, making money for a few, for awhile, and then when the place goes bust, the taxpayers are left holding the bag.
I wonder who owns the land right now where this is being built????
So BIG question....WHO owns the land?? HHMMM???
What a strange location for such a thing.
I have a few acers in Pittsville that could be ideal for such a project. Anyone? Anyone?
incredulous that we are just hearing about this. gotta PUSH it through, i'm sure.
"time is of the essence", in these troubled economic times.
An aquatic park for the area would be a good idea, but this location isn't appropriate. Those who purchased houses on White Lowe Road did so long before there was any suggestions of a water park or even a 24 hour convenience store. For those of us who live in the area and get our water from the Paleo Channel, an aquatic park would only pollute the channel and add even more traffic nightmares for the intersection of White Lowe Road and Route 50. Anyone tried to travel in the area on the weekends when OC traffic is at its worst. So, I agree there needs to be more areas for kids near Salisbury, but this is not the right location.
wake up people we already have a water park. hasn't anyone driven by the city park and seen all the whales in the city fountain.
I heard that Mike has already bought the land. Paid for with the profit from your kids $5000orthodontics.
The old mall was sold, didn't know that, there has to be somewhere else that this place can go that would be good for the kids.
Here's another thought for all of you to consider. What do you think the TAXES would be for a park like this IF it was located within the City Limits?
No one would ever be that stupid to build within the City Limits.
If you build it they will come!
I think it is a foolish Idea, tourists will not come to Salisbury to visit a water park, and the locals wont support it enough to survive. Those of you that cry about nothing for kids to do in the summer are too lazy to find stuff to do. There are many activities going on in Salisbury all summer long you just have to get off your a$$ and do the research
This won't fail. I know Morgan - he's gone to God first. That's why it won't fail. Have faith my fellow people of Salisbury!
Nothing the Hazel family does for this county has failed. They ask God for his guidance. So I ask all of you, pray for this - either way it goes - if it happens or not - it up to God!
So close your eyes and pray-
God we leave this in your hands not the government not people - but in your hands. Guide us Lord to see what you want - what is best for us - for this county. Lord we ask you bless the people that are involved and guide them dear Lord. Bless us all dear Lord that will enter that water park. It's in your name we pray Amen.
free? i think not. someone will find a way to milk the bucks, as usual.
we've read one in hebron, one in willards, now this one? 3 altogether?
Is that correct?
Uhhh....Ginny...the Council will still have to approve it and the last time I checked nobody on Council was anywhere close to being God...
Sometimes people take religion waaaaay too far...
Sorry if I offended you or anyone else. Just saying how I feel. Have a nice day! :~) Ginny
Obviously, the photo is a stock image - is it basically a YMCA?
As for the person who was concrned that people would dump their kids and use it as a babysitting service - I taught kid's classes in Salisbury, and that happens EVERYWHERE - crappy parents will always find somewhere to do that. Whther it happens there will depend 100% on the staff and management - if they turn the kids back aorund and send them home when they arrive without adults, and call the cops right from day 1 when kids are out of control, they won't have a probem.
My concerns are this:
1 - There is already a Salvation Army recreation facility that is poorly maintained. ANOTHER poorly maintained facility, pool or not, is not going to improve the neighborhoods surrounding it.
2 - Why NOT a major amusement park/entertainment facility? I do think it would make money here. Many vacationers stay in hotels in Salisbury to save money - it's A LOT cheaper than OC, and they can drive in and then get out of the crazy fray at night. Some BIG things to do in Salisbury might really help to turn the city around.
3 - I feel for the people in the area where it is being built, but that's the gamble when you buy a house. Like the people yesterday complaining about townhouses, and like myself - I like where they just opened up Beaglin Park, and the direction the neighborhood swings will depend on what Palmer Gillis puts in the strip malls he is now building in my yard. But what can you do? Get involved and hope for the best, that's really all.
you only post generic comments, very disappointing.
anonymous 1:38, what the hell are you talking about?
I hope they realize the area isn't all that. I know closer to Ocean City there was land for sale where the old drive in used to be. I always wished I had the money to buy that and open a aquatic movie theater. Float on tubes and watch movies. I thought that would go pretty good around here. Oh well I will go check it out once it is built.
Why do people have to bash other people just because they have been sucessful in their chosen careers and now want to invest in something for families? The Tilghman family is a wonderfully generous family as is Mr. Hazel - so what if they had a falling out with the YMCA, they wouldn't be the first. I hope this park is seen through to completion and is a great success!
The Old Mall property would be the perfect place for that.
Morgan doesn't talk out of his butt either, his family has always tried to make Salisbury a nice place to live.
Ok People, I know you all are excited about this project, but do you all NOT care about the traffic pile ups especailly during the summer months, we wait 5-10 just to cross over now. What if your friend or family member was killed at the intersection. Would you change your thinking? You can't put a light there, then traffic would be backed up to the MALL.
PLUS, BIG BIG BIG DEAL...the Paleo Channel aquifer supplies the CITY OF Salisbury their water. This area is blessed with rich water supply why take Chances. For those of you saying Well, Royal Farms is there (they have above ground tanks plus they will not produce tons of gallons of waste water & sewage). Have you tried crossing the intersection since it's been built? Sit at the corner one day a watch the number of cars going by. Sunday morning especially when they are traveling back home 85% are going 69MPH a study was conducted just last month on the avg. speed. 3 lanes to a screaming hault. YOU all are only thinking of yourselves. What about the Land it was a working Farm 20yrs ago now the State owns it. They purchased it to put in the BY PASS to MOVE traffic not to stop it. THE LOCATION IS WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! If the Hazels and Tilghmans and Porter familiis are Christians then by God why didn't they "Love their Neighbors" as God COMMANDS by coming to us first on this idea and not behind our backs. I thank Mr.Augustine for letting us know. It's a money maker and people are going to get killed on the highway. I can see it now those kids riding their bikes or walking to it. This should be place where no homes will be effected, home values dropped and the water source for surrounding home owners and the city will not be compromised. Will they pay for new wells to be dug if theirs goes dry, will they pay to widen White Lowe Rd(no $ in the County's budget), will they guarantee the safety of the roadways. I can see it now the ducks and geese will have fun playing in the pools. YOU ALL need to really look at the BIG PICTURE & not just what you would like. PUT IT ON YOUR PROPERTY! HAZEL's certianly can. Hebron has their own problems with water and sewage, and so will we if pass. Support the PROJECT TO GO TO ANOTHER SITE!!!! God will not honor this project if you go against your brothers/sisters in the LORD> AMEN!
I took the challenge and did a survey. I sat at the Royal Farms and in just 5 mins 6:15pm tonight 28 vehicles passed in/out the intersection most of them went into the RF store.
12x28=336 in 1Hour this is going to be 100x worse with the center on this site!
I hope it happens, it is great for the community. to have a swim center. i would enjoy it. also great for all ages.
I believe Joe was incorrect when he wrote, “The land is zoned A-1 Ag and that code does allow personal/private owned indoor/outdoor Rec. Center ….. ”. The code allows only outdoor facilities, not indoor facilities, in A-1 Ag. The application says, “The current Zoning Code permits ‘privately-owned outdoor recreational facilities not constructed as part of a residential development’ ….. . Our request is that the text be amended to permit indoor recreational facilities as well as outdoor recreational facilities …. ” Additionally, the staff report says that the applicant is requesting a Text Amendment (i.e., change in the zoning codes). “Mr. Jeff Badger has submitted an application ….. to amend the Table of Permitted Uses, Section 225-67, in the Wicomico County Code- The applicants propose an amendment to include privately-owned indoor as well as outdoor recreational facilities by Special Exception in the A-1 Agricultural-Rural District.”
Bring it on! My only dismay is that its not being proposed as a full water themed slide park! modifiy the design and model it after Water Country in Williamsburg, VA! this area is screaming for a waterpark away from the beaches!!
The only other location I can see as a good fit would be the old Maxum boat plant on Nailer Mill & Northwood - but probably not such a good view for the outdoor attractions.
seriously I cannot afford to put in my own pool and keep it fit. This would be a great alternative and is right at the end of my street and I don't have to truck across town to a YMCA that is full of gym crazy sports. I hope it is built, I'll be the first to sign up.
TO J said @ 1:02pm who are you that lives on White Lowe Rd, because we have spoken to everyon on this road and EVeryOne is against it as well as farmers becuase it would change the code to A1 to allow an indoor facility, unless you are a renter,then we didn't bother. Your owner has then be contacted.
A great place would be next to the Shorebirds Stadium or out near Pittsville where traffic can flow and it's not over the PALEO Channel. Visiblity is great there too. Or even next to the Civic Ctr or would that be competition to the YMCA. They haven't even bought the property yet it's under contract. Don't get your hopes up yet. Consider others and not just yourself.
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