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Friday, September 03, 2010

U.S. Court Backs 'Ladies Night' Promotions

Rejects claim that nightclubs should be barred from offering special deals for women

NEW YORK — A federal court has ruled that “Ladies Night” is all right.

The Manhattan-based Second Court of Appeals rejected a claim by Den Hollander, a self-proclaimed "Men's Rights" lawyer, who insisted that “Ladies Night” promotions such as half-price drinks and cheaper admission were unconstitutional, a result of “40 years of lobbying and intimidation, [by] the special interest group called ‘Feminism.’ "

Hollander insisted that because nightclubs are licensed by the state, the special deals required them to adhere to the equal protection clause of the Constitution. Without court intervention, Hollander claimed “none other than what’s left of the Wall Street moguls” will be able to afford to attend nightclubs.

The court wasn’t impressed by Hollander's lawsuit against a handful of New York clubs. It said nightclubs weren’t “state actors,” and dismissed the action.

GO HERE to read more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What queer dudes brought up this suit in the first place and why didn't their friends kick their butt before they could even call a lawyer?