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Friday, September 03, 2010

Are You Guys Really Paying This Much For A Pack Of Cigarettes


Anonymous said...

Crazy aint it.

Anonymous said...

Its an addiction like all the rest.

Anonymous said...

no actually more....had to stop to get a co worker a pack of marlboro and was I blown away when they said 7.25.....i guess i know now why I dont smoke.

Anonymous said...

In NY State, cigarettes run anywhere from 8 to 11 dollars a pack. Indian outlets are cheaper, but that might not hold for long.

Mardela said...

I think thats per

I understand smoking is unhealthy, but what ever happened to America the free? Why does the government have the right to tax things out of existence "for your own good"?

I have never been a smoker, but whats next, taxing my Big Mac because its "bad" for me?

Anonymous said...

Used to. I finally quit. BTW - Sam's has their generic nicotine patches @ $30 for 3 weeks. If nothing else, using those saves you a ton of money.

Anonymous said...

Yes, some people ARE paying that much! Why they buy them by the pack when they know they're going to have to buy another pack tomorrow I don't know.
I personally buy mine by the carton for much cheaper than these prices. I learned several years ago to stop smoking the "popular" brands too, which are quite a bit higher in cost!

Anonymous said...

yessir. go to delmar theyre cheaper

Anonymous said...

I go to virginia

Cory said...

Just proves that smokers are stupid

Anonymous said...

Yeah they should tax big-macs and other unhealthy foods. You eat it get fat, get diabetes, heart disease and increase healthcare costs.

Anonymous said...

And people complain about taxes around to NY(one of the highest taxed states) you'll pay $10 a pack!

Anonymous said...

Dope for the average person at a reasonable rate. 1 pack aday = 175.00 a month = lease a new truck
2 packs a day = 350.00 a month lease or buy any new car.
3 packs a day =buy what ever you want. Die very soon!!!

Anonymous said...

I smoked for for 52 years , I'm almost in the grave. I would love to smoke right now , I'm hooked and almost dead. I'm crying as I write this. Don't do it!!

lmclain said...

The same drug addicts smoking cigarettes are often the same ones advocating jail time for other cracks me up to see people talking about where they buy these drugs (cigarettes) THAT makes them a smarter person...LOL!! A smart idiot is STILL an IDIOT.

cl said...

@ 541...i replaced my cigs. with a motorcycle payment...nice

Anonymous said...

Just found out this week that PRMC smokers are going to be paying more for their health insurance next year......

Anonymous said...

Increase in healthcare benefits because I smoke, yet the lard butt who can't even get out of her chair without gasping doesn't have to pay a thing extra for her 5 x's a month drs visits! Apparently the chunks are not a risk!! Yeah ok.

Anonymous said...

yep PRMC employees who smoke will pay more. Can't say I disagree. Why shouldn't health insurance be priced by risk the same way life insurance is? It is a well known fact that smokers and obese people require more health care. Also some smokers continue to buy cigs instead of their prescribed medicines. They say that they cannot afford the drugs. I really do pity anyone addicted to nicotine because it is powerful. People who show up in the emergency department to get their prescription drugs cost all of us money. They also cost the public many millions when they have a stroke because cigs took precedence over blood pressure medicine. It happens all of the time!

Anonymous said...

The St of MD touts how much they been able to cut smoking because cig tax revenues are down so far in spite of increased rates. They don't point out that VA's is up dramatically and DE and other surrounding states have seen a disproportionate rise in revenues. Folks talk about NY but don't give the van loads of thousands of cartons flowing there from other jurisdictions. Those cigs reduce the effective cost while lining pockets of crooks.

Our gov'ts will never learn you can't legislate other people to adhere to their values.