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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wicomico County Schools 2 Hours Late Tomorrow

Wicomico County Schools will open their doors after a two hour delay again tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

After several buses getting stuck today and putting the lives of our children at risk. They still didn't learn and are going to open 2 hrs. late. It amazes me at what the wboe will do are they not seeing the same thing as everyone else.

Anonymous said...

It isn't posted anywhere else, even on wcboe. How can we verify this?

joealbero said...

That's because Salisbury News IS delmarva's News Leader.

Anonymous said...

BOE called our house at 6:21 p.m. minutes ago

Anonymous said...

The BOE called our house at 6:21 p.m.

Anonymous said...

Phone calls have started going out to parents.....I got one at 6:22.

I am still waiting to see what Delmar does, since I live on the DE side, and if they cancel we won't have buses again. Lets hope that they are smarter than wcboe again & don't put my kids lives at risk.

Anonymous said...

School Board was in contact with roads today to relay any trouble spots so they could be worked on. Also, roads helped with the bus stuck on Rockawalkin (because it backed over a drift). Sounds like good coordination, and the sky didn't fall. It is not like there is going to be someone killed if the bus is going slow and happens to get stuck. You people b!tch when the schools are closed, and b!tch when they are not. The only bus accident I heard of was in Indian river. (delaware, go figure)

Anonymous said...

I just had an incredably stupid idea.Do you suppose that the same prisoners that pick up trash during the nice warm summer could operate a snow shovel during the cold cold winter.Maybe doing sidewalks and mailboxes that the State and County covered up, now they can't do it all but it might help.

Anonymous said...

BOE called. The funny thing is, usually they say it in english and then spanish. They have only said it in english the past 2 days when they have called.

Anonymous said...

they need to close the schools, not delay them.

Anonymous said...

WOW, another delay Thanks WCBOE

Anonymous said...

The ParentLink phone system was a great purchase for the BOE. I appreciate their efforts in trying to get ALL children to school on time and in a safe manner today. Now, if some of those teachers and staff members that are complaining about having to go to work today would just TEACH and PLAN meaningful lessons for tomorrow, then our students will FINISH ON TOP!

Justin Case said...

Will they never learn????? Where is the common sense?

Anonymous said...

why is 2 hours going to make a difference? It's getting ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

if school starts 2hr late what studies are the childern deprived of? it would be in the childs best interest if school stayed open till 5pm on the late starting days.

Anonymous said...

i think if the buses cannot get to all the students in the county than school should be closed. Wicomico county provides a bus service to the children in public schools. it should not be the parents responsibility to get the kids to school because the bus can't get down the road they live on. and not to mention all the children that stood out in the cold and in the snow in ice for lord knows how long waiting for a bus that never came.

Anonymous said...

I am just curious as to what the protocol is for closing schools due to road conditions. Looking at the pictures Joe took today you would think that the roads are still unsafe for the school buses, however schools were only scheduled two hours late this morning. Now, thinking back to the day before the children's Christmas vacation started, schools were closed due to inclement weather but from what I remember, the roads were completely clear. So does anyone know exactly what the protocol is for closing schools, because it's not making a lot of sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Willards Elementary was not touched....yet they were open today!

Anonymous said...

Does it say in the law that all children are entrles o
to a free education AND TRANSPORTATION? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

My thinking is that if you are that worried about your childrens safety on the busses, don't send them to school, or, take them yourself. The school busses are a privilege. The road conditions around here are not as bad as a lot of places in the country that are still in school.

Anonymous said...

anon 928. if they offer it than they should do it. IMHO. if they are not going to provide the service like it is meant to be than don't offer it. when a child is out standing on snow drifts and on ice waiting for a bus then it should show up when expected. if it can't do for all then keep school closed until they can. Fredrickson or what ever his name is should have gone out monday and personally driven or been driven thru all the routes the buses would have to take the next school day. than maybe "just maybe" is mind would have been changed.

Anonymous said...

9:07 Keep school open two hours longer on a two hour delay? Did you even consider all the decisions/changes that would have to be implemented for that to happen? It affects bus drivers - who may have other jobs, day care providers who are likely starting their day at their normal time but now have kids coming back to them after they closed for the day, children with after school activities that parents have already paid for - or maybe all the marital arts places will just refund the money? (Just one example) The custodians clean the building AFTER students leave - so now they will have to start and end later - too bad for their families I guess. Students not arriving home until 7:00 because of long bus rides? Too bad for the students who had lunch at 11:00 and nothing to eat since then I guees.

Did you notice who I didn't mention? Teachers. Do you know why? Well, I am a teacher and frankly while I wouldn't be thrilled to stay until 5:00 teaching I would do it because come March 9th my students will be taking the MSA and frankly they are missing too much time from my classroom now. But, since students would be staying until 5 under your plan I guess after school tutoring would be out. Oh well...

Anonymous said...

to 10:37pm
i see your point. but theres nothing about school thats a cake walk. the most important part is education. school delays disrupt everything from the top on down the food chain. the childs education should come first and formost. yes, some teachers go that extra mile. but catch the flack of the slackers and theres a lot of them only concerned about the money. one only has to walk down the hallway during class time and you can hear. even the kids can tell who the jokers are. good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

9:28, The Supreme Court has consistently ruled that a "Free and Appropriate Education" cannot be attained without proper transportation methods to and from the place of learning. That's why some students ride a bus, while others are walkers. Students with access to a bus live too far for it to be "appropriate" for them to get to school on their own. If you believe there is a Constitutional issue there, then perhaps you should take that up with the Court charged with making those decisions.

Anonymous said...

Our children should be in school more days and longer days altogether. Our education levels are so much lower than most other countries. It saddens me to see the dumbing down of our nation. If we do not start teaching our children about hard work now, how will they ever thrive in life ??

Anonymous said...

Worcester County no delay today (Wednesday) and I have so many concerns about the buses running in the dark. How odd that we are the only school with out a DELAY... Pray for the safety of our children....

Anonymous said...

You are right Mr. Cannon, maybe we should cut transportation out of the budget. People want to save money, that would do it. But then the ACLU would be complaining because the "underprivilaged" kids would have no way to get to school. Personally, I think we should put a "fee" on education. Parents can get it back on taxes if the student performs at a certain level and has good attendence w/ no office referrals. I bet you these deadbeat parents would be interested in their child's education then!

Anonymous said...

My kids went to school today and watched a movie in one of her classes. Guess all those days off the teacher could not find time to plan a lesson. And no it was not an educational film or anything related to the subject. I am sick and tired of no accountability fo some of these teachers!

Anonymous said...

Joe, can you look into why kids are having to stand outside of Parkside near the bus ramp. They only open their doors at a certain time even if the buses are early. Teachers don't want to cover I guess and they can only go inside if they have free breakfast.

Anonymous said...

Well 11:30, maybe I will. If I thought the supreme court would look at and interpret the constitution as it was written then it might be a worthy cause. Heck, there would be a lot of worthy causes to have them evaluate if they were going to take the constitution as it was written. Show me in the document where it says the government is responsible for getting the kids to school.

Anonymous said...

I still would like to hear from the bus drivers. You parents can speculate 'till the cows come home, but to me the true story would come from the vus drivers. Either they have been ok with bussing the kids or Koe is censoring their comments

Anonymous said...

7:37 - The teachers contract says teachers "will work no longer than a 7.5 consecutive hour day, including a duty-free lunch period." Plus, they "will receive 290 minutes of planning time per 6 day cycle, with 270 of those minutes during the instructional day."

When you calculate all of this, teachers cannot be required to oversee kids in the buildings before the high school bell rings at 7:50 AM, leaving early arrivals to stand in the cold. Many teachers would be happy to let them in and watch over them, especially in cold weather, however the "union" won't allow it.

Anonymous said...

Let's not sugarcoat facts about our education standards and educational standing throughout the world. WE are fine IF we stop allowing the immigrants to bring down our scores, grades and rankings. We just didn't all of a sudden become stupid compared to other countries but we did open ourselves up to lower scores due to all the people who are now being counted as one of us.

Face it people, it may not be politically correct but it's the absolute truth.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it is not the immigrants who are bringing down the scores. If the immigrants are Asian, they're bringing them up. The lowest scores are from kids who are born here.

Anonymous said...

stop whining the busses will be fine if they take there time. If you don't want your kid on the bus take them yourself or keep them home. You will be the same people complaining when your kids have to go to school in July because of make up days. Act like adults and not babies.

Anonymous said...

Worcester County people need to get out a bit. I'm currently between Worcester and Delmar De. Juggling 2 households. Due to the location of Worcester the snowfall here was considerably less and plow response much more reasonable. Today I went to my house in Delmar and I can't believe it. One lane road and banks of snow well over 4 ft on either side. I had the misfortune of meeting a trash truck and it became an inquiry, Who was going to back up? LOL in good nature they stopped backed up until I could literally squeeze by. I gave a shout out of thanks.
I'm thinking that this is a tough call for our school administrators and respect their hesitancy. Glad to not be the one making these decisions as I would be the 'hated one' to say no busing at all until all roads are safely passable. We simply aren't equipped for this and as such must revisit our plan for the future instances but as of now in Wicomico and Delmar I would call it off.