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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kratovil’s Pork’n Baloney

In Rep. Frank Kratovil’s recent press release, he boasts that he has introduced the “Earmark Performance and Accountability Act,” a bill requiring independent audits for earmark projects. Fat chance that Congress’ fairy dust will bring that to the House floor for a vote.

A more appropriate title would be “Congress’ Underperforming Unaccountable and Arrogance Act.” It doesn’t take an audit to reveal Washington’s appetite for spending with a $14.5 trillion deficit and counting. Need we remind taxpayers that Kratovil requested $36 million in pork earmarks in the end-of-year spending bill. He talks out of both sides of his mouth and must think the people of the First District just fell off the turnip truck.

In case Kratovil has been locked behind one of the closed-door secret meetings, he may be unaware that taxpayers have sent a clear message to the pickpocket politicians of Washington via New Jersey, Virginia, and Massachusetts: stop the spending, keep your hands off of our healthcare, and deport the illegal immigrants.

A suggestion for Kratovil. Focus on jobs, tax cuts for businesses and working Americans, and eliminating socialist programs that make people dependent upon the government. If he is serious about reforming pork earmarks, why hasn’t he introduced a bill to remove Speaker Pelosi’s “Pork’em Plane” and her multimillion dollar trips to San Francisco each week, funded by taxpayers? Mr. Kratovil, along with Baltimore City Babs Mikulski and their fellow porkers of Congress, should stop drinking the Progressive Kool-Aid and start working on something needed in November, their job resumes.

Maureen Harper (Cambridge, MD)


Anonymous said...

When should we tell Social Security to stop sending payments to Mrs. Harper's family?

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Harper has paid fully into the system. Charges of hypocrisy from someone who lives off the sweat of their wife and government subsidy rings hollow.

Anonymous said...

Rumor is that Frankie is going to replace Babs when she announces her retirement from the Senate. They are making the transition as we speak.

Anonymous said...

Why would you be against accountability for ear marks? Kratovil is doing the right thing, here.