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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Going...Going....GONE! SOLD to the Taxpayer!

Today in a predictable yet unbelievable move, the Wicomico County Council voted to approve the purchase of parking space for the Wicomico County Civic Center. The land is located across the street from the Civic Center on Glenn Avenue and is widely known as the "old mall". In the worse economy in 80 years, the council approved the purchase of the over-assessed, condemned property at $300,000 per acre for a total of 1.5 million dollars for 5 acres. This does not include the actual parking lot.

County Executive, Rick Pollictt's plan to use state funding to purchase this land proved to be successful for his agenda today, but will it be successful for the tax payers pocketbooks in the future? It certainly doesn't seem to be a fiscally wise move for our county. The purchase, which many consider to be a largely political move, may not pay dividends to those who voted for it.

John Cannon broke from the republicans and voted yes for the purchase, breaking the 3 to 4 vote, while Prettyman, Holloway, and Bartkovich voted against it due to the high price tag. The democrats and Cannon felt it was a good investment, especially since it was funded through Maryland's "Open Space" grants, which is of course "free" money.

So, the Civic Center will soon own a new piece of land that we the tax payers, will have to figure out how to pay for turning it into a function parking lot for a dog show. That is, unless the state decides to take the funding back due to deep holes in the state budget.

Is it just me..... or does any of this make sense to you?


Anonymous said...

Someone promissed someone they would pay ten times the money for the property, then later some Goverment official after he resigns from office will get a big piece of the pie.

Happens all the time in Salisbury, the only reason most of them are in there is to make money for their buddies and set themselves up for later to be fat and happy...

Anonymous said...

How much will Paul Wilber make on changing the TIF land requirement documents? And we get to pay him for that. This place sucks.

Reconciled1 said...

The civic center will just add more "fees" and sur-charges to the people that hold events there....ask me how I know.

Anonymous said...

It makes perfect sense to me. It is needed for the future of the Civic Center, and we can get State funding for it. The cost may be high in today's market, but in 10 years it will be a deal. I am glad that the blog of "NO" did not get their way. However, I am sure you will not go quietly into the good night.

Anonymous said...

They need the parking the price just was too much! But what do you expect from Wicomico County? As for the Council who in their right mind would want that job! Open Space money has done alot of good things for the county and the Civic Center has gotten much better lately other than no BEER!

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see Pollictt spending his days posting on the blogs.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you post this article at election time.......

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Rick, enjoy the money you just made. And please don't keep in touch. You will not be missed.

Anonymous said...

1:15...since you made an accusation, I challenge you to back it up with proof.., won't, of course, because you are just shooting off at the mouth with no facts at all.

Justin Case said...

What does this mean to the average citizen in Wicomico County? It means these five acres will be taken off the tax rolls. So, really who ends up paying for this?

Anonymous said...

wow just wow. we can waste $1.5M on this but can't put blades on the roads to clear them for safe passage for busses.

Anonymous said...

1:38 I am not 1:15 but it sure does look like SOMEBODY is on the take.

Anonymous said...

Rick Pollitt is only looking out for his childhood friend, Barrie Tilghman and buddies.

Vote all of these bas$#@ds out in November. Did you expect anything less from Sample Hughes, MacLeod, Cannon or McCain? They all feel entitled to spend taxpayers dollars any way they see fit, even if it is dead wrong and this is dead wrong. DUMBOCRATS!!!

Pollitt is a huge disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Rick already knows he is done as Executive and that is why he plans to return to Fruitland after November. Thanks but no thanks, Rick. Fruitland has had enough of you.

pitmaster said...

Let's hope this VALUABLE piece of County-owned property doesn't need to be plowed next snow; or need any potholes fixed, because if it needs county funds, OOPS! Sorry, there's no money for that!
maybe some good-natured farmers will offer to clear the snow for free!

Anonymous said...

This time next year Pollitt & pals (McCain, Cannon Hughes & McLeod) will be history.

The election can't come too soon.

Anonymous said...

Yea lets pay 1.5 Mil for a field and let the deputies who place their life on the line EVERY day go WITHOUT any medical retirement. This makes great sense to me

Anonymous said...

OK,maybe I'm missing something. What do you mean "this does not include the actual parking lot"? Isn't that the acreage they just bought? What did these nit wits do? Buy the parking rights?

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to vote for the first time!!!

Anonymous said...

1:15...since you made an accusation, I challenge you to back it up with proof.., won't, of course, because you are just shooting off at the mouth with no facts at all.

I dont have to prove it, you look it up. Find out who was on council before bypass was put in adn who bought farmland for nothing then sold it to state to make a killing... Just one example.

It is the way government works now, they are not in their to help the poor, be fair or anything else. Who gets elected, the rich, who can afford to be elected the wealthy. Who do they look out for themselves, everywhere you look it happens.

SO NO, I dont have to defend myself, you know its true and it has happened in the past in all levels of government... That is our problem, it is not for the people anymore, but for the rich...

"Bite Me"

Anonymous said...

Rick is finished in politics. This is not going to bode well for the taxpayers. What a ridiculous move in light of our economy.

And you can take these words to the bank . . .it will have severe ramifications.

Anonymous said...

3:28 Doubt that!

Anonymous said...

Mr. 1:15, ask yourself this question. Why would anyone stand on his head for so long supporting the purchace of obviously over priced property? Unless there was a little something there for himself.

Anonymous said...

Shame UMES or Salisbury University couldn't purchase the Civic Center.
They seem to get funds for everything.

joealbero said...

anonymous 3:44, then no one would collect any taxes. Doesn't make any sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Here is the deal. I know for a fact that part of the developmental requirement is for the proposed old mall development to install the retention ponds first. The estimated cost for this is 1 million dollars. I know because I was at the P&Z hearing this past July.

In other words they have to expend 1 million initially to install the ponds.

Now what Wicomico just did was a bailout of the Developer. Plain and simple the County has just appropriated more than enough money to subsidize the installation of the retention ponds.

Great job Councilmen, you have really looked out for the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Seems like everywhere you turn in this County the average '
Joe Blow' just keeps getting screwed. Doesn't the Council know that it will eventually consume itself with all of these massive government land grabs. Just look at how many lands the Government has consumed in the past few years.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen the current parking lot filled to capacity and they bought more land at a rediculous price. Way to spend my tax dollars. You lost my vote next election.

Anonymous said...

Pollitt is a huge disappointment.

But with diet and exercise, perhaps he can be a regular-sized or even a skinny disappointment.

Anonymous said...

What gets me is the way they - (Council) - went about it.

A land grab of this magnitude certainly deserved a public hearing to be held at night.

I hope everyone of our citizens remember what occurred today.

Anonymous said...

That's too bad the county spent this kind of money on property only worth about $10,000 an acre!!!!What a disgrace Rick Pollitt and John Cannon!! Next elections U R Soooooooooo Done!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The more important question is can the County now sell alcohol on those 5 acres? LOL YOu know, let's have a "picnic pavillion" across the street with grilled food and plenty of cold BEER. Now you're talking. That will help recover the cost of the sale in no time. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey I got a bridge I want to sell!!! Any takers??

Anonymous said...

5:15...I can tell that you know absolutely nothing about commercial real estate values...$10,000 and acre for commercial property in the heart of Salisbury?
Find a commerical corner that has sold for less than $300,000 an acre in the past five years.

When you do,post the sale information....good luck with that pal.

Anonymous said...

Hey I got a bridge I want to sell!!! Any takers??

Anonymous said...

Response to 5:33

I'll take you to task. Here is 1.51 Acres of commercial land that Tom Ruark sold for $70,000.

Here is the link:

Anonymous said...

Let's do (3) seperate appraisals and see what the final tally is!!! Oh! I forgot what appraisal?$?$?$ Hearing?? Notice in the paper?? SHHHH!!!! Nobody will know just push it through!!

Anonymous said...

5:33 either way; the county purchases the land for more than quadruple what it is worth (probably much more) deleted the tax base, and increased our local taxes to actually turn it into and maintain it as a parking lot. What's the ROI and to whom?

Anonymous said...

Well Well Well. I guess the fat man has sung. Slick Rick and the
Seven Dwarfs have done it again.

When is the parking an issue when the Poodle Club comes to town. Other than that I rarely see the over flow ??

I guess one could say it was a great investment. The question is for who?? Who will make the inside cut on this one.

The land will be lost to tax rolls. We pay for it one way or the other.

Joe H. how much did the pen cost to sign that contract. I know you did not vote for it before you go on a rant. Just asking.

We should just purchase the whole tract. I guess you could just double the furlough days you gave your county employees and make up the differance. I know they would all be willing to give up a little more to see that the developer who sold it, purchased it back makes out o.k. Damn, I mean he has to be hurting. County employees can afford another couple of thousand to see him make it. Poor guy he has to be down to at least 15 million in liquid assets and 20 million in realestate. I just hate to see rich people suffer.

I understand the reasoning, it just was not the time for this move.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great picture on the post Joe. I blew it up and when my kid starts crying I just show her the clowns and she starts laughing. I guess they are good for something afterall.

Thanks Buddy

Anonymous said...

Anon.5:33, Are you on the take too???

Anonymous said...

Let's make this simple:THROW THE "RASCLES" OUT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Deal should have been the County swapping "even Steven" the existing Civic Center for ALL the land of the old mall. Let the developers deal with the defunct Civic Center (tear down and build housing) and the County build a new facility on the much larger mall property. There would be land left over for a hotel/office complex and perhaps some ball fields. Best of all, they would have the alcohol sales capability.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Re-Elect no one!

ranger3325 said...

anon 5;33 its a parking lot !

Anonymous said...

Apparently the dog show is the only one getting any benefit from this... why not just ask them to buy it????

Anonymous said...

I didn't think I was the lone soilder in this thought process. It so disheartening that they held these meetings in the middle of a work day and most of the people that showed up had their hand in the cookie jar.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad a decision was made.
Next time I go to the Civic Center I should be able to park.

Justin Case said...

6:02 You are off base. If you had seen the meeting on PAC 14 or if you had shown up at the meeting you would realize not all council members voted for this project. You need to get with it. The phrase "the seven dwarfs" belongs to the Phil Tilghman council, not this council. A better phrase for this council is "dumocrates and little Johnnie."

Anonymous said...

With the fees the civic center charges - who can afford to attend an event.

1. A vendor cannot provide a private caterer.

2. They are siphoning off by charging ticket surcharges.

3. They factor in security and charge for this.

4. They charge for paramedic.

5. They charge set-up fees for even chairs.

6. Factor in hotel room tax.

I pose the question . . . what is left?

Anonymous said...

I never have understood how John Cannon got in there. I do realize McCaine talked a good lie but now we know. Please folks just go to the polls and get these As* H**** out of there next election. They are very careless with our money. And as for you Pollitt, you were a joke when you were's just you didn't have any competition so to were the lessor of 2 evils. Just hope next election you have a decent person running against you and you will surely be gone. All politians are crooked but Cannon, McCain and Pollitt really take the cake!!!!

Anonymous said...

Qui Bono?

Who benefits? The receiver of funds is the NEWS. Tell us WHO will recieve the money.

Then, the conspiracy will be revealed. Someone is lining the pockets of a land owner with our great, great grandchildren's money.

Anonymous said...

Whatever Mackes wants, Mackes gets, one way or the other!

Anonymous said...

Rick, Rick, Rick.
I told you what would happen. But you Just Wouldn't Listen. I guess it's just time to get a whole new batch of elected public servants to take over. You've all been doing it to long and have forgotten, You Work For Us.
I guess something good did come out of this. We realized that not only our state reps don't care what we think, our locals don't either. All of you start planning your next Career, because your out of buisness Here.
Tom Sawyer

Anonymous said...

"Whatever Mackes wants, Mackes gets, one way or the other!"

9:24 AM
be very careful with that name, man that will get you in big trouble... I would not bring that name up again, you may take a hit...

Anonymous said...

Good-bye Mr Cannon, don't show up in Willards at election time unless you REALLY want to here what I have to say. You will not receive my vote at the next election.

Anonymous said...

Cause Macky porks Matty.