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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rockawalkin Is Wide Open To Rt. 50

I'm not so sure what the big fuss was over Rockawalkin Road because it's NOTHING like Spring Hill Road. Nevertheless, the road is now open and far more clear than most other roads in the County.


Anonymous said...

Hey Joe! They must have just cleared this road because when I was coming down it this morning, it was so bad there was a school bus stuck on it and was getting pulled out! I agree with you tho, Spring Hill is REALLY BAD. Don't they know people live on that road, and need to use it to get home?

Anonymous said...

Just happened yesterday and today.

Anonymous said...

Where are you going ?

Anonymous said...

Joe Rockawalkin was BAD. My friend lives a few houses down off 50 and it was horrible. They had a lot of equipment out there the past few days cleaning it up. The problem seems to be out of sight out of mind when it comes to removing and cleaning up the streets.

joealbero said...

anonymous 3:20, don't get me wrong, I'm sure it was. However, what I said was, Spring Hill Road was far worse and clearly still is.

Anonymous said...

There are quite of few high wage earners on Rockawalkin Road. That should explain some things.

Anonymous said...

Rockawalkin Road has had a CRANE moving snow to the field of the farmer on the side of that road.
It was not cleared this morning at 7;30 for 2 complete lanes of traffic.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:32 AMEN !

Anonymous said...

The section of Rockawalkin Road that was closed is the home to ordinary hard working people, no high paid executives here, many are farmers. The main reason it wasn't cleared is due to two motorists that traveled the road during the state of emergency and left their vehicles in the middle of the road. I am a health care worker and didn't get to sit in a warm home and watch TV. I worked all of my scheduled shifts and stayed overnight to work extra. The residents main complaint was that when the road was closed no real attempt was made to keep people from using it. I watched 6 cars get stuck in front of my house like wildebeasts trying to cross the river and being eaten by alligators. It was poor judgement to try to use a closed road and their actions delayed cleaning of the road. The road was finally cleaned today (Tuesday) and had the snow not been packed down it would have been able to be cleaned earlier. A closed road is exactly that. It is closed for a reason. Only the residents on that road had any reason to be traveling it. I understand there are many roads that are in bad shape but this isn't a competition folks!

Anonymous said...

Check out N. West Rd. It's as bad as Spring Hill.

Anonymous said...

And as you can clearly see from the one photo, snow does blow across the fields and onto the road, which is why Rockwalkin was closed for so many days past the storm.

Anonymous said...

3:32pm...high wage earners? what like 40k a year! it's the lower shore...not the western shore!

Anonymous said...

3:32pm...high wage earners on Rockawalkin??? Where are you getting your info? What a stupid, off topic comment. The section of road being discussed leads to very modest homes (by todays standards) occupied by mostly blue collar workers and farmers. I agree with 5:44 the delay was the result of a few road warriors (or so they thought) trying to travel at a time when they should not have been in vehicles that were not equipped to handle the conditions. Probably heading to the Redbox at Royal Farms because they couldn't find anything good on cable-Get real