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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Now Obama Discovers GOP Health Care Proposals?

Oh, the President must be really desperate.

After repeating for months that Republicans have no solutions when it comes to health care reform, he now wants to discuss the very ideas he denied existed and has invited Republican leaders to the White House to find a “bipartisan” health care solution. How gracious of him.

You’ll have to excuse us for questioning the sincerity of the President’s newfound desire to work together. As Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, virtually every week in 2009, we requested to meet with the President to discuss health care and other central issues. Each time, a polite “thank you” email from the White House was the extent of our bipartisan discussions. It’s interesting that only now – once his big-government dream is on political life support – does the President see a use for Republicans. And it appears that use may be more political than rooted in policy goals.

In fact, the President’s invite to Republicans has come pre-packaged with some pretty audacious spin. For starters, this week the President has aggressively tried to frame Republicans as the obstructers to health care passage, unwilling to participate in the process. That’s a pretty tough sell for a President with a 77-seat majority in the House and 59 Democrat Senators in the other chamber. And before taking that line, the President might want to check with his partisan partner, Speaker Pelosi, who famously told House Democrats they would be shut out themselves if they attempted to work with Republicans on health care.

More From Dr. Tom Price


Anonymous said...

Newsflash! There are many GOP proposals in the CURRENT bill. Get informed with FACTS!

Anonymous said...

9:43 There is little GOP in this bill. The Republicans have been EXCLUDED from most discussions. This si just a gimmick to make the GOP as GUILTY for it's passing as the dimocraps. Obammmma is a marxist as are all of his policies.