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Monday, February 22, 2010

Democrats Trying To Kill The Tea Party Movement

Want to know how to really astroturf a movement? Just ask Democrat money men Craig Varoga and George Rakis

Remember all those accusations last summer from the Obama White House and Democratic congressional leaders like Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that the Tea Party movement was nothing more than an astroturfed mirage paid for by a few rich Repubican donors?

Well, nobody outside the newsrooms of places like The New York Times and the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee who had actually attended a Tea Party rally took such accusations seriously because of their transparently nonsensical basis.

But that doesn't mean folks on the left don't know how to do real astroturfing. In fact, there are experts at it like Craig Varoga and George Rakis, the guys behind the new effort to discredit the Tea Party movement. Check this out from Democracy21:

"Democrats have created another 'astroturf' group to kill the Tea Party Movement. A new website appeared recently called 'The Tea Party Is Over. Their mission is: 'To prevent the Tea Party's dangerous ideas from gaining legislative traction.' Initially, the website targets three Republican candidates for destruction.

"The website is paid for by the 'American Public Policy Committee,' which is nothing more than a domain name registered to Craig Varoga. Varoga, along with his partner, George Rakis, in a consulting firm called Independent Strategies, are listed on IRS documents as the people responsible for several other astroturf organizations, which include:

* The American Public Policy Committee Donations IRS forms
* Patriot Majority Donations IRS forms
* Citizens for Progress Donations IRS forms
* Oklahoma Freedom Fund Donations IRS forms
* Mid Atlantic Leadership Fund Donations IRS forms
* Public Security Now Donations IRS forms
* Pioneer Majority Donations IRS forms
* Bluegrass Freedom Fund Donations IRS forms

"Each of these so-called organizations list their address at 300 M Street SE, Suite 1102, Washington DC. Neither Varoga nor Rakis occupy this office. It is, however, occupied by Joseph Sandler who is an attorney for the Democratic National Committee."

Read more at the Washington Examiner:


Anonymous said...

They don't want to mess with the tea party people. These people are fed up with the obama admin. and will stop at nothing , if that is what it's take to save this country. Wake up people , we have a communist white house.

Anonymous said...

Counter information is not an attempt to "kill" the tea party movement. More a fact checker and opposition information mechanism.

Anonymous said...

"Communist" in the White House 9:19? Give me a break. You must have no clue what a "communist" is. Why not get informed and while you're at it turn off the Faux Noise and talk radio propoganda.

Anonymous said...


Maybe your boy Obama isn't a communist, however if you remember he had Van Jones in his White House, until he was outed as an self admitted communist. He had Anita Hill until she was jettisoned after she admitted she was a fan of Mao. I would think that if not a communist now, he is at least exploring the possibilites give the people he surrounds himself with.

Anonymous said...

I think 9:37 needs to get informed and quit watching keefy overbite. This is a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black (no racial pun intended)! He (or she) obviously has no clue what communism is and only knows what the MSM has told them-that hussien is going to save the world. Wake up!

Anonymous said...

11:48, that has to be the dumbest response to a legitimate comment of all time. Your head is either stuck in the Eastern Shore sand or up your A$$.

Anonymous said...

Only the died hard radical left still believe in the Obama propaganda machine. Their out of touch views are really funny, especially their naming calling when they have no rational arguement.

Anonymous said...

The left is scared to death. They are desparate to do whatever they can to put America back to sleep, but it is too late. They have been overstepping their boundries for a long time now and the (working) people have had enough. I will give king hussien credit for one thing-he has inspired Americans to fight for what is left of their country. They can't stop us now. Long live The Resistance!