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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

What Does Tomorrow Look Like?

What does tomorrow look like? What direction is our country headed? Will we all be standing around wondering what happened? Or will we being moving forward, business as usual? Will our flag still be the red white and blue? Will our national anthem still be a peom by Francis Scott Key?

What are we leaving our children? Are we giving them the same country we enjoyed as kids? Will they be free to say what they want? Are they free to work hard and better themselves? Or will they become lazy and dependent on the government? Will our children be able to sing the same national anthem we did, or will it be something in a different language? Will our kids be made to learn the Koran ands discard their Bibles?

Most of us will be in shock. We will wake up and wonder where we went wrong. We won't understand that a simple decision to put a person at the highest level of government could be such a disaster. But our children, our grandchildren, they will be the ones who are going to suffer. They will be the ones who have to once again fight for their freedom, not from an outside opponent, but from within our own country.

This is the nightmare that keeps playing in my head. This is the vision of what could happen if we elect the fellow from Chicago. I've fought for our countries freedom before, and I will fight again until the day I pass.

Please ladies and gentlemen, please don't just vote the party line. Be an American today and vote for the only true patriot who will fight till the death to keep our country free. The only person who glorifies our nation with his life long work to keep America the best country in the world. Please vote for our children's future. Please vote JOHN MCCAIN!


EarlsSister said...

Mardela, I am right there with you brother. We have always fought to keep this country free and will continue to do so.

Wymzie said...

Actually, the sadder thing is that our children won't know.
It is truly we the older generation that will suffer, because we do know.
How can you miss something you have never had?
We will look on in disgust and despair, while our children are lulled into oblivion.

Anonymous said...

So, if you vote for Obama, you are not American?

Anonymous said...

It is our generation that took prayer out of school, we are to blame for that. It is our generation that just put this country through the worst economic times since the depression, we are to blame. Our young adults today have turned out in record numbers to vote and join a movement that our generation did not do. I applaude the young generation of today for standing up and getting involved. They are the ones that will be making the difference. Our generation sat back like fat cats and now we are paying for it.

Anonymous said...

The so-called older generation is to full of fearmongers like yourself.

Always trying to take the credit for things you shouldn't. Your time is up.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:50 you are right on the money with that one. Once we took prayer out of school, morals and such flew right out behind it.

As for Anonymous 9:12, your statement couldn't be more Un-American! Being American gives a person THEIR right to vote for whoever THEY choose. That's what many people died to protect and you want to kick them out because they voted different from you. Communist countries already have YOUR voting system!

Everyone needs to get out and vote! There's nothing more American than casting your vote regardless of who you choose!

Anonymous said...

yo, 11:08. Untie your panties -

My comment earlier (9:12) was directed towards the author of the post, who was urging everyone to vote American (in bold print) and choose McCain.

My question is, what does the author think of those people who are voting for Obama, and then may be un-American as a result.

My previous comment may have been a bit bit vague. Apologies.

Anonymous said...

Yes, anyone who votes for, God damn America, Wright's little buddy, Louis Farrakahn's "Messiah" the one who refuses to pay respect to OUR flag and whose wife has often stated hatred for America, is either a traitor or a FOOL!

Polly Markis

Anonymous said...

"Sqqwaaak, Polly is a cracker."

Anonymous said...

Whenever I read something like this, it just makes me even more sure that it's time for a generational change in politics that will reflect the 21st century.

Anonymous said...

4:10 is a traitor or an idiot!
Polly Markis