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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

he's probably not a natural born citizen


Anonymous said...

Americans are largely uneducated on the issues, naive and mislead by the liberal media. Maybe Barry Obama is exactly the wake up call that this country needs. The military is going to suffer if he is the next Pres. Sure hope there is truth in the allegations of him being born in Kenya -- making him inelligible to be president.

Chimera said...

Watch out Grandad-they will be on here with comments calling you a racist!LOL
At this point anyone crazy enough to vote for him doesnt care if he is a citizen or not!If we are going to allow non-citizens to be elected then I want to be the first to nominate Arnold Schwartzenegger-Governator today,President tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

This just in: Grand Dad not a natural born citizen! I have the evidence!

Anonymous said...

President Obama!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He's not my president. I do not, will not take orders from any terrorist allied foreigner.

Anonymous said...

ANon 11:23

He is your president. It is timeto move on.

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:23, guess what? He IS your President, dummy. Go ahead and die, racist and alone.

At this point, who cares if he was born on Jupiter?! He's going to do a fine job, and I hope nobody guns him down.

Anonymous said...

He is a native born American, and to perpetuate this lie is to bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Joe, if you mean what you say in your conciliatory comments, then please stop perpetuating lies like this, like the one about him being Muslim, as if it should matter in our country where freedom of religion was one of the bases for our founding.

On this historic day in America, I'm embarrassed by the hate and lies put forth here, even as the American people have spoken.

Thank you,
Alana (more a reader than a poster)

Anonymous said...

These comments and questions are what forced me not to vote for Obama. You call me a Racist because I ask questions proves to me who is a Racist. If you are so perfect to call someone a Racist you answer why Obama and the Democrats always wanted proof of McCains birth certificate. they can not produce a legitimate Obama birth certificate which would contradict his family comments. Appears you are one of those who wants handouts instead of work for what you get. Answer all of my questions, not just the ones in this comment, with the same proof Obama and the Democrats required about McCain and I will be convinced. Until then you have no right to call anybody a Racist because they do not agree with your opinions. A person needs to ask questions and think for themselves not led like a puppet.

Anonymous said...

If he was born here in the US, why are the people in Kenya celebrating so much. The truth unfortunately will never come out but all his so called relatives are celebrating and worshipping him right now in Africa. It scares me that we now have a Muslim in the White House. I know I will not be watching him sworn into office in January. Certainly will be a dark day in history!

Anonymous said...

Get over it! American has spoken, and by a significant margin choose Obama. He is president of all of the United States, of every one of us. I am very proud of our country, and it is time to set aside the partisan crap. Pull together, as one America, and we can restore our greatness.

Anonymous said...

A historic day?? Why?? A man won the presidency, so what, it's happened for over 200 years right? Oh, that's right, a BLACK man won so that makes it historic. Blacks can say how proud they are about it but if a white man says he's proud a white man wins anything he's a racist. Strange how that works out!

Blacks have been given everything for years so why not give them the White House too? Why are they given everything? Easy, because they're the whiniest ethinicity in the entire world. Whoa is me...the white man held me people can't get ahead...I got 8 kids, no job and need that welfare...on and on and on! Wah, wah, wah!

Funny thing is, do you morons honestly think BHO gives a shit about either one of you? He's a con man out to tell you what you want to hear to get your vote, nothing more. You're just a bunch of weak minded followers so unhappy with your sad existence you need a cult leader to follow.

I can't wait until he f***s up, like we all know he will, and the ones with brains get to say 'we told you so!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:49 Am

Your hate is what has destroyed this country in the past.

"Blacks have been given everything for years..". I guess that's why we own everything in this country, huh.

Check you history and your facts. Then check that racisn at the door.

Anonymous said...

200+ years of having old white men as President has accomplished much, including running our economy into the ditch.
As a country, we have so much opportunity to heal and move forward, if we can get past the hateful rhetoric and onto a plan.
If you want to continue on the other path, doubters, then do so.
You'll be happy in your misery, while the rest of us are basking in successes.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:49. Hate to state the obvious but;
1- huh denotes a question therefore it should have a question mark after it.
2- you country?? it's written 'your country'
3- racisn?? do you mean 'racism'?

Writing like that I'm sure you voted for Hussein! I don't hate anyone for the color of their skin but I do have a serious problem with racists, terrorists, swindlers, liars, stupid people(who can't spell) and anyone looking for handouts. Sorry that includes you and Hussein!!

Anonymous said...

Now we will have the CHANGE that Obamba promised us. If he is not American, then we will CHANGE the constitution and make him legal. Obamba will help spread the muslim faith and give us CHANGE from the emphasis on christianity. We elected Obamba for change. Our laws will be changed. Drug use will be legal and one of choice. Obamba is the promised Anti-Christ that so many have waited for. Our day has come.This is the new beginning of a new day for the black man. The white man has run this county into economic ruin and loss of respect from other countries.Out of respect we should salute Obamba in person and even when passing by a photo of him.

Anonymous said...

Annon 11:49 where was your brain when you voted for George idiot! I told you so

Anonymous said...

if the big "o" is not a natural born citizen then I say " impeach the lying bastered " but if he is then I say " impeach the lying bastered ". Their point has been made and he was elected now we can put that b.s. aside and place the right man for the job in his duely position. LONG LIVE McCAIN....

Anonymous said...

I hoped for McCain the entire time, however he did lose. From how I see it, if Obama has falsified his documents about his origins, he needs to be put out. But if he can provide documents showing he is a natural born citizen of the U.S. I am willing to see what he can do. If nothing else, its only 4 to 8 years which is just a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things.