It's another Salisbury News first. Frank Kratovil stood in front of a crowd of locals while Wayne Gilchrest stood there in the background like a lost puppy looking for his Mother!
Honest to God, this guy looked like someone had a gun to his head and within seconds local Republicans were furious that Gilchrest had the nerve to do this to the Eastern Shore.
I ran into a few local attorneys along the way to and from and let me assure you, they're pissed. Well, who knows. Maybe it's like going to Confession for once for Gilchrest as he's finally shown his true colors. Now when you look up RINO you'll see Wayne Gilcrest's photo next to the word.
I don't really want to vote for that ass Harris, but looking at those three giant assholes in the last picture may make me think twice.
What's so breaking about this? They had it in today's daily times he was going to do it. You did not have it in your blog until later. Yes, yes, I know you "predicted" it was going to happen. I have a prediction, Harris will, unfortunately, be elected because it seems the general population of the 1st district has dumbed down quite a bit. You will not have the guts to slam Harris when he dissapoints you, which I don't predict, I guarantee he will.
I forgot to mention, is Comegys on the clock AGAIN? It was around 2:30 PM when this all started!!!!!!
I'm a registered republican as well and must say I have not decided on Harris or Kratovil.
There are 8 Congressional seats in Maryland and I'm not sure which candidate will best represent the Eastern Shore. In my opinion, the problem I have with Harris is the fact he was given large donations by Exxon and does not have a clear plan for alternative energy. The problem I have with Kratovil is the fact that he believes in socialized medicine. I suggest to everyone to do a little research before casting your vote.
Yo mama - Barrie needs some red shoes to go with her red jacket. Bubba and Day would really feel hot next to her then.
Thanks but no thanks. Not interested in a loser endorsing me for a darn thing.
Picture #3, fat old white ladies wearing white after labor day. A definite no no.
i dont think it makes a damn bit of difference. politicians will say and do anything until their elected.
"Yo mama - Barrie needs some red shoes to go with her red jacket."
Don't forget Mike Days Pic N Pay sneakers bought for him by his grandmother, just like his house.
Boy is that disappointing to see Mike Day supporting him....MIKE YOUR AN IDIOT!!!
They don't look very happy, more like a bunch of angry radicals to me.
Is that a pix of Gary Kommie-ges?
If so can anybody pleeease explain how this jerk earns his living. I mean has anybody questioned ths SHA on how this worthless idiot attends all the different political functions on company time. What if he's elected mayor? Is he going to quit or retire. I know the mayors position pays sooo well, like 25 grand a year. hows gary gonna pay his child support with a pay cut like that
Kratovil was endorsed by O'Mally in the primary and Now the Rino Wayne in the general. I think he will say or do anything to get elected.
Wayne is a liablity. It's unfortunate but anymore his name has become synonymous with resentful, vendictive, sore looser. He certainly discredited himself.
Don't listen to what they say. Watch what they do! KRATOVIL TOOK DONATIONS AND ENDORSMENTS FROM O'MALLEY AND PELOSI.
...who probably knows how to use an apostrophe.
I will be so glad when the SOB is out-of-there.
For all of the listening folks, I sent him a letter including an attachment that included all of the industries that have left our area. (50 reknown businesses)
He sent me a nasty reply and didn't even have the courage to acknowledge their existence. When I received it I telephoned his office and informed them that I would personally drive Mr. Gilchrest to each and every one of the extinct businesses locations.
All I can say is that I'll be glad when the SOB is gone. AND I'M A REPUBLICAN.
When in the hell does Comegy work?
Someone needs to confront this gentlemen before his bosses.
I'm sending a letter to O'Malley tonight.
I encourage everyone out there to do the same. What a manifest waste of taxpayers dollars.
Kratovil doesn't have a clue, but Gilchrest's endorsement is surely to be a death blow.
He - (Gilchrest) - has never been well received from the 1st Congressional District. He always won the previous elections by default, if you know what I mean.
Was Wayne here is Salisbury today? Why wasn't he at the convention?
They probably didn't invite Wayne to the convention.
Gilcrest has always been a closet democrat. Now he has proven it. If you are liberal vote for cracktovil, if you are a conservative and believe in lower taxes and less government spending vote for Harris.
I did look up RINO, actually...
"The term implies that, despite party affiliation, RINO politicians are not "authentic" Republicans. The label is usually acquired because a politician's political actions, policies, position on certain issues or voting records are considered to be at variance with core Republican beliefs.
The term is only used by conservatives. They believe the party's core beliefs are conservative and therefore politicians are not true Republicans unless they adhere to conservative beliefs.
The targets of the term argue that there is no litmus test for being a Republican, but rather a commitment to the party organization, especially support for party candidates.
The targets argue that conservatives from outside the party who use the term are not true Republicans because they do not support the whole ticket." (
... and I came to a conclusion:
It's not about the party, it's about the individual. I'm not voting for a donkey, or an elephant, or a convention hall full of people with the same five talking points, or a yellow sign vs. a I'm voting to elect a PERSON who can think for his or herself.
Maryland is called "The Free State" because its residents were famous for telling the world they were free to make their own unaffiliated decisions. Let us not forget that wonderful heritage.
- signed, A Free Thinker
Can't wait to see the bald headed S.O.B. out of office somebody should smack the no count liar silly. I had reason to send him a letter 2 or 3 times and every time he would come up with lame excuses when answering and every time it was a form letter. He kept very few of his campaign promises and needed to be booted out years ago. Its no surprise to see him endorsing a democrat he is a SORE LOSER!
He was at Obama's Convention, where he belongs.
Huh Duh? Didn't we already vote Gilly out? So who really gives a crap what he thinks, just some sour grapes because Andy Harris smoked him like a cheap cigar.
If enough people wanted to even hear what he thinks, he may have gotten re-elected once again, just didn't happen.
Kratovil sure does take a bad pic! You took several pics and each one has his mouth wide open.
Comegys was working hard..holding up the sign. How can I get a job like his where I can do what I want without having to work.
If I were campaining I sure wouldn't want those three holding my sign. They sure don't look happy about being there.
You know in Sussex County Delaware I heard on the radio where legislation was sponsored that prohibits a Delaware State worker from holding public office. The grounds for sponsoring the legislation was because of falsification of times for, both, the Office holder, and the State Employee.
One would think Maryland could learn a thing or two about double dipping. Gary really needs to resign.
Well, that should kill Mr. Kratovil's chances at becoming a congressman. That's not too smart, getting a loosing congressman to endorse your bid for election.
A. Goetz
I cannot remember the last time I saw so many losers in one picture!
Does everyone forget the work Mr. Ghilcrest did for this penninsula and the people that work and live on it for so many years? Is it all about party and not about the people?
Joe Lieberman speaks at the RNC, and everyone praises his ability "to look beyone party lines" and related praise. Ghilcrest does what he is legally and morally allowed to do (and teh same thing as Lieberman has done on a national stage) and you all are ready to crucify him and leave his remains to the dogs.
Mr. Ghilcrest lost and will be leaving in due time. Get over it.
If Andy Harris wins, and then all of our lives in this god-forsaken place are imeediately fixed as he prves to be the messiah he is procalimed to be, then we will all learn how poorly we were served by Wayne.
Until then, relax and move on.
Boy he's got a whole 17 supporters there.
half of those people were probably the few Gilchrest supporters left
"They don't look very happy, more like a bunch of angry radicals to me."
The only "angry radicals" I see here are the people posting such hate filled rants towards Kratovil and Gilchrest.
The arrogance and entitlement of the Republican party is why you will be losing so many more seats in November.
America is getting fed up with Republican Arrogance.
Wow... I haven't seen so many bitter and angry people in one forum in a LONG time.
When did we all become so crass that it became acceptable to throw around insults and smears?
Do I expect too much from Republicans, or are you all really this petty?
Either way, I applaud Gilchrest for endorsing Kratovil. Gilchrest has always been a man of principle, as has Frank Kratovil.
I am dismayed at the amount of corporate money that Andy Harris accepts. It should make ALL OF YOU question where his priorities lie... and to whom he will REALLY serve if he becomes our next Congressman. I don't serve on a Corporate Board, and I make a middle class wage. How can I get my voice heard when I have to compete with Exxon to get Andy Harris' attention?
Now, let's see if you can respond to me without insulting me or calling anyone names. Can you?
Chuck Cook
Wicomico County For Obama
Response to Chuck Cook:
I to am voten for Obama. When I ax myself what is McCain have to offer me = 0 nothin.
Obama is my man.
Obama + mo children = mo money.
So I'm sticken to my man Obama.
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