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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

More Land Theft Talk Before County Council Today

As the Daily Times reports this morning, the Wicomico County Council will have a short meeting followed by a long work session. One of the key items to be discussed today is the plan to steal farmers' land to benefit both developers and the enviro left.

This unholy alliance is tailor-made for the man leading the socialist charge - at-large councilman Bill McCain. McCain gets to appease his developer clients while kow-towing to the fringe element of his own party. It's a match made in heaven.

Wait! How can a plan to "preserve our rural heritage" help developers? Simple - local developers who own land within the Salisbury metro core will see the value of their land, and projects, rise dramatically as land outside of the metro core is taken out of development play.

What amazes me most about this scheme is that a council, and county executive, who don't have the political courage to force developers to pay their share for infrastructure improvements seem to have no compunction stealing from local farmers. I guess we see who swings the stick in the local Democrat party - developers along with SU faculty and WCBOE employees (who seem to dominate the local enviro fringe).

As usual, this will fall squarely on the shoulders of council members John Cannon and Gail Bartkovich. Will they stand for principle, or buckle to special interests?

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings


Anonymous said...

Let's hope the farmers/landowners don't take this abuse sitting down. They should mount a force and just say NO. The land was downzoned several years ago and the cluster was offered as a goodwill offering to help with the value issue. Now there is a push to take that away and that won't satisfy the enviro crazies either. They will then push to take all development potential away. All of those who want to take the development potential away should pool their funds and buy all the land with the development potential and then let the downzoning happen. They will then know how the landowners feel.

Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to say G.A. that you seem to be slinging alot of "right wing retoric".Using words "socialist""fringe element" Democratic Party
all wraped up in a hollow complaint about the county council trying to deal fairly and honorably with the growth issues of farming/farm value/growth/equity or parity in land values...
You seem to be taking out your obvious frustration with your own party and blaming it on any democrat you can blame. Not like you at all.

This subject is a tough one, lets get it out in the open, and talk about fair ways to solve the problem. Maybe the comprehensive plan will be a better document because of the discussion.

Anonymous said...

how can Bill McCain sit in on these disscssions???

Anonymous said...

RE: 7:51 Posting

Look folks, the Poultry industry has left our county engulfed in abandoned chicken houses that are deplorable. Look at the hordes. . and I mean hordes of chicken houses abandoned and are falling down. They are everywhere. Rotting, decaying, eyesores.

The chicken companies have got their money and left the chicken farmers with antiquities. These structures are also safety hazards.

When in the hell is this County going to wake-up. They've eatten chicken so long they have forgot what steak tastes like.

I say go back to the old regulations the way they were when we had real people in office. (1) house per 1/2 acre is plenty where you can get it. As a bonus (1) house per (1) acre is better. Forget all of the subsidy - taking from party A to appoint to party B.

Anonymous said...

A simple lesson in economics is in order. When supply is decreased and demand remains constant or increases, the price for the object in demand rises.
Restrictive zoning increases the value of land, not the other way around. Check out Worcester County's land values in the unincorporated areas vs. Wicomico's and you'll see what I mean.

Anonymous said...

How can Gail Bartkovich sit in on these discussions since she is Blair Rinnier's mother-in-law? Could that be the reason she even ran for County Council in the first place, to influence zoning and other legislation favorable to developers? Her vote will depend on whether or not the Rinniers want to develop outside city limits.

Anonymous said...

What the hell? they better not come and take my farm. I hope some one will realize that I don't want to lose my land. This farm has been my family since the late 1700's. Its important to my family also because its a source of income.