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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Today's Survey Question 1-20-16

Do You Think Smoking Pot and Driving 

Should Be Criminal Offense?


Anonymous said...

yep, no diff than drinking and driving

Anonymous said...

yes indeed!

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is and should be illegally. Driving impaired is a hazard and unlawful.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Any chance we can to hand out more outrageous fines and criminal charges while you all cheer it on. It's the American way.

Anonymous said...

If OMalley was still Governor you would be able to buy a permit for this. And, all that money would go to education.

Anonymous said...

If it's good for mind altering alcohol then it's good for Pot.

Anonymous said...

No, Wicomico deputies do it all the time.

Anonymous said...

12:43, I don't think the commenters are worried about taking away "rights". As 12:58 said, pot is mind altering. I certainly don't want to be on the road with people high on this crap.

Anonymous said...

it is unbelievable that we are even having this conversation. what have we become?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Any chance we can to hand out more outrageous fines and criminal charges while you all cheer it on. It's the American way.

January 20, 2016 at 12:43 PM"

Wow. it's a damn shame that you don't even care about your own family members. A damn shame! Do you know how many parents, grandparents, etc have buried small children because of impaired drivers? Do you know you fool! Do you know how many little children are permanently disabled because of impaired drivers. Children once whole now not able to walk, see, hear or even eat normally because someone decided to drive while impaired. Look up Baby Ava a local little girl who due to a drugged up driver is permanently disabled due to an impaired driver. I'm disgusted that anyone would think impaired drivers no matter the substance shouldn't be held criminally responsible for their irresponsible actions.

Anonymous said...

DUI is a big business opened up by MADD. Lawyers, breathalyzer manufacturers, state mandated (but useless) driver improvement classes, lobbyists make a fortune.
There is a big difference between the impairment that alcohol gives you and what you get with Marijuana. There are plenty of people on the road that abuse other drugs and prescription meds and they won't be able to stop any of this without trampling rights. Do you want to get pulled over by a cop and have him say, "blood sample please". Except please doesn't mean please, it means NOW!

Anonymous said...

No they just need a slow lane with bumber cars lol

Maybe a couple of fast food places with drive thru.

Anonymous said...

Of course.

Anonymous said...

Wrong question. The question is "If possession of a small amount of pot is a misdemeanor, why is paraphernalia to smoke pot a felony, if Hogan's veto stands?" Hogan vetoed legislation that would make the penalties the same (misdemeanors). The police want the veto overturned because the cops can arrest you and take your car, take your money, and put you in jail and give you a criminal record for just having a pipe to smoke pot, yet they can only give you a fine for having the pot. And that has nothing to do with whether a person is intoxicated when they are pulled over. That's just stupid. Cops don't want that power and revenue taken away by the override of Hogan's veto. It has nothing to do with smoking and driving.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
yep, no diff than drinking and driving

January 20, 2016 at 12:14 PM

big difference. drunks driving like to speed, be aggressive, can't stay in their lane, fall asleep, etc.

while pot smokers probably shouldn't drive, they don't speed, they usually go slower than everyone around them, they are not aggressive they are hungry, they are jamming to the music and really getting into their driving, and are busy looking for the next 7-11 or mcdonalds.

Anonymous said...

The problem with driving while high on pot is that your reflexes are slowed down and it would be difficult or impossible to be a defensive driver. I know because I have drove while high on pot once and it scared me to death. It is not safe!

Anonymous said...

2:16 sounds experienced.

Anonymous said...

Everyone seems to think that there is a big problem in the making, but for the Marijuana smokers, we know how many people actually do it. There are people all over the road drunk, high on Marijuana and some stuff much worse.
Everyone who is claiming impaired driving and citing the case of little baby Eva don't seem to realize two important facts:
#1. You are pointing at cases of people who got into accidents because of alcohol impairment and claiming that should cover any impairment, real or perceived. If there were cases of people causing accidents because of marijuana impairment MADD would make sure you heard about all of them, but they don't because it doesn't exist.
#2. Like a previous commenter noted the state will take your car, freedom and money for a DUI (alcohol), but look how many people are on the DUI report published regularly on this website. Obviously the deterents aren't working. Rarely are these DUIs recieved as the result of an accident, more are from checkpoints.
No one here would read an article about a child finding their parents gun and accidentally shooting themselves and say, "We need more gun restrictions". You would say, "That was an irresponsible parent and a tragic accident, but the societal price you pay for the right to bear arms, which is more important."
We have a right to travel freely, but because of people like the ones commenting on here we are now subject to warrentless stops and searches.
Many of the good Christian "could do no wrong" folks that I know have turned up on the DUI reports on this very site.

LastMohican said...

Anonymous said...
2:16 sounds experienced.

January 20, 2016 at 2:48 PM

No, not at all. Just common sense facts and use of statistics. I try to avoid rumors and emotions when I discuss something. Pot is not the big evil monster that gov't and the drug companies want you to believe it is. Pot has many great life-saving qualities, hence medical marijuana.

So do LSD and magic mushrooms. They are starting to get back into researching them after it was stopped years ago. Nature provides cures for every disease. Where do you think most medicines originated?

But the medicines they produce mostly only TREAT diseases, not cure them. No money to be made in a cure. I don't smoke pot but I see nothing wrong with it, and neither do the MILLIONS of people who do smoke it.

If you people would do your own research and think for yourselves you might come to a different mindset than what you have been taught and brainwashed into believing.

And then you have hemp. Another natural plant that was outlawed because it could replace a lot of the petroleum based and toxic materials we are forced to utilize.

But please, don't take my word for it. Do a little internet searching and reading.

Anonymous said...

Eventually cars will be driver-less so you can drink and smoke all you want!

Anonymous said...

No I do it all the time and have a perfect driving record .... And so does a handful of other people close to BIG BUSINESS in salisbury... Effects of drinking are different. And I seen people take pict driving down the road .. And smoking that's dangerous . Stay off rt 54

Anonymous said...

how about we test for intelligence? driving and being stupid will kill more people then these items combined. ya know not everyone in europe or asia has or gets a drivers license! just sayin!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Absolutely, with a mandatory two year jail sentence along with a three year revocation of your license for the first offense. The second offense should result with a five year prison sentence and a permanent revocation of your license. Why should others be a victim because of you bad choices??

Anonymous said...


LastMohican said...

I knew it would fall on deaf ears to do your own research.

The effect of marijuana use on drivers just became a little less hazy – and not in the way legislators or medical experts might expect.

A new study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that consuming marijuana does not elevate the crash risk of the driver, a result that’s leaving road safety decision-makers wanting more information.

The study looked at more than 3,000 drivers involved in crashes over a 20-month period in Virginia Beach, Va., measuring which substances — if any — were in their systems at the time of the accident. The study also included 6,000 control drivers in the same area over the same time period who were not involved in any accidents.

“It was the most closely controlled study of its kind that has ever been conducted,” Trowbridge says.

Unsurprisingly, the results showed that drivers with alcohol in their systems were far more likely to crash. Adjusted for age and gender, the study found a driver with a blood alcohol content of .08, the legal limit, is four times as likely to crash as a driver with no alcohol in his or her body. When BAC hits .15, drivers are 12 times as likely to get into an accident.

What’s more unexpected, the odds — adjusted for age and gender — of a driver with THC in his or her system crashing are only 5% higher than those of a sober driver.

Tennant says that Pullman police tend to find drivers under the influence of marijuana only after they’ve been pulled over for a different traffic violation.

“It’s only after that that we detect there’s any intoxication problem,” Tennant says, adding that there’s no particular pattern to the road mistakes these drivers make.

Anonymous said...

No different than drinking and driving, so YES.

Anonymous said...

There are already laws on the books dealing with impaired driving. This one is just to get a little more money in the gov't pot (pun intended.)

Anonymous said...

yo, what was the question again dude

Anonymous said...

It already is illegal, driving under the influence includes drugs.