This is a photo of my neighbors house (college students) This was put out 7 days ago on the sidewalk. I have put in 1 call to housing inspector and 2 to the mayors office and its still there. Why is this house getting a pass?? Why did I get a ticket when my bumper was crossing onto the sidewalk parked in my own driveway yet this can sit for 7 days blocking the sidewalk? Obiviously even the mayors office does not have the pull or does not care.
Help is on the way...
Thanks, Mare.
I wonder what council member/department head owns that rental? Like the trash on the front porch too!
Craig Theobald
Strike a match.
Its still there and now they have added a broken table to the display!
Looks like someone did not pay rent and land lord put them out! May not have a place to go!
What street is this?
Over here they sleep on the couch on the curb. For real.
Its on Hazel st if it bothers you so much call someone and pay to have it removed otherwise quit complaining the city does not remove furniture items at the curb .....it is the property owners responsibility
Same thing Washington/Vine St area a print sofa was left by the curb about 2 mos ago corner of Vine & Jackson, then it got left on porch of 313 Washington where the Vine St people dumped it rather than getting city to move it. Items have remained around here on curbs and front porches for months with nothing being done. The city of Salisbury is a dump, businesses look as bad as residences.
If that is Hazel Avenue, then the place is owned by East Coast R&R LLC.
Property #13-049068
Anyone can find this information by a real property search on the Dept of Assessments and Taxation website.
The City should intervene when a property owner or tenant allows this to happen.
Debby, Terry & Timmy can pass a new ordinance that lets the city pick up the items, dump them or give them to a re-seller and assess a minimum fine of $500 on the property owner or tennant.
I know they won't do it. But it would be great to see them do something progressive for a change,
Normally the city does not pick up unless they are called...? Most renters dont know who to call or if they should call...so it just sits there. Code and complinace will wrte the renter up for having inside furniture on the outside of the house..but then it sits on the curb not on the porch.? When renters are put our the landlord normally removes this trash but only after so many days have passed.
Call NSCC and the Mayor to complain. If he gets enough phone calls he will do something about it.
Jim Ireton
Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance
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