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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Further Thoughts On AFP & Tea Party

They want to have it both ways. They want their Social Programs and Smaller government, major cuts, but not what effects them, which is a little like having your cake and eating it too.

If they really want to reduce the size of government, that means cutting in areas that will effect
them. If their not willing to do that, what you get is BIG TALK & NO ACTION, which is ultimately a recipe for ANGER.

"Sound bytes" mostly used by them:
Government is:
full of corruption
too big
not listening to people
taking freedoms from us
not responsive to us, "We the People"

Their "Battle cry" is:
Kick all the incumbents out, or kick the bums out
Term limits
Limited taxes
Elected School Board
Wasteful & recklessly spending (profligate spending)

Stoking voter anger is easy, putting that raw emotion to more constructive uses is harder.

Finally, where's the beer.


Anonymous said...

If you are so worried about the AFP & Tea Party, why didn't you MAN up & attend? Looks like they did just great without you.

Anonymous said...

Careful Joe, with beer muscles and keyboard muscles you might hurt yourself.

Anonymous said...

I really hope that this anger and childish play, will make you reconsider these right wing loons.
I hope it will make you realize that these tactics will not win elections in 2012.
Having republican vs. democrat debate on issues is great, but crazies like these are what taints the majority of hardworking people dem and republican.

Alex said...

As a democrat, I can tell you that this was expected and I enjoy this. Tea Party does not have an agenda. Tea party/AFP does not equal republican party. You will note that most prominent republicans try to distance themselves from the tea party.
If you really want to have a stronger republican party, do away with the tea party and radical slogans.

Tea party to republicans is like al-Qaida to islam. If you don't understand that now, you will in a few years.

Anonymous said...

The arguing does sound kind of childish accept that this post really brings us to the crux of the matter. Are all of you "small government, cut spending" folks willing to give up/drastically cut social security, medicade, and medicare? These programs suck up alot more dollars than food stamps, public housing, or any of the other programs for the poor that you guys like to bang on. As a young independent voter, I would be willing to give up social security and medicare if it meant lower taxes for me now. I will take care of myself when I'm a senior citizen.

Anonymous said...

i agree with ya 146pm.

cut everything let folks fend for themselves. survival of the fittest eh?

Anonymous said...

The republican establishment dislikes AFP and the tea parties because those people are anti-corruption, no matter which party it comes from. The corrupt republican establishment has as much to lose as the corrupt democrats do.
You can't buy them, Joe. That's the real thorn in your side, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Really 1:33. Since obviously you are so intellectually blessed why don't you explian to us dummies how the Tea Party people are like al-Qaida. Try to enlighten us.

Anonymous said...

Lets roll back the unfunded medicare drug plan. No new programs without taxs to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

lets say a train was out of control, speeding down the tracks. thousands of people on board screaming. our 'lord n savior' has come in to open the throttle to make the train go faster. how exactly is this going to help? other than maybe putting these people out of their misery a little quicker?
this is exactly what obummer is doing. the economy is out of control. blame bush all you want, but stripping people of all their money and spending it even faster isnt helping. its making things worse...ALOT worse.

Anonymous said...


You must have no understanding of who the Tea party represents. The Tea party and AFP are seperate.

Anonymous said...

AFP is so much better now that it is Albero-free. Sometimes I used to not go to meetings because the sight of that creep would make me nausous.

Anonymous said...

This may all be true but there is much more to it. What happens after all the shouting and yelling, and carrying signs does nothing? I'm being serious. What happens when we go to the ballots and we vote and the new people behave the same as the ones we vote out? It means nothing has changed. It means that those who promised to listen to "We the People" won't listen. What happens then? What happens when the next election puts more people in office who usurp our constitution even more?

This is why people are tired of going to tea parties and showing up to AFP meetings. They are tired of all of their efforts being wasted.

You do realize that the yelling and carrying signs at tea parties is not the end, right? But that's where most people stop. This reinforces the will of the Government to continue to ignore the collective voice of the people. People are afraid to stand up to their government to the extent necessary to get things done.

After the next election, when nothing changes, most of those who really want to reinstate our Constitution as the law of the land will give up and go back to their daily grind, while complaining about how bad things are getting.

But a small percentage (what was that figure you gave Joe? 3%?) will continue to prepare for the inevitable. They prepare for the next logical step after elections and diplomacy fails. Some of the 3% will be those who hoped to bring about change by joining tea parties and AFP's across the country. Some will be those who knew that joining those groups would be a lesson in futility. Instead they band together in "different" kind of groups. Groups of patriots who are much the same as the patriots of the American Revolution. Men and women.

Everyday they gather supplies. They budget part of their paychecks for non-perishable foods, ammunition, weapons, vests, helmets, molle gear, and clothing. The train on the weekends. They study the IRA and learn the unique skills they developed. They hone their marksmanship skills and learn to survive with not much more than God gave them. They work with electronics and communications. They learn the soft spots on newer sophisticated armor from other networks across the country made up of current military members who are also members of the "Oath Keepers". They work diligently to continue developing what is being called the "underground" where they can barter and eat and sleep. The underground provides intelligence. The underground is made up of members of every walk of life. There are doctors, medics, military, police, firefighters, bankers - you name it. They are willing to provide a safe haven for those patriots willing to put it all on the line for freedom. Even here in Delaware there are groups who are satisfied with their current abilities and stand at the ready for what we know is inevitable. It is time to choose sides and be ready. Will you be on the side of tyranny? Or will you be on the side of those who will restore the freedoms and liberties that have been systematically taken away?

Mardela said...

I believe that the liberal loons are trying to hijack the tea party and afp movements. They are wolves in sheeps clothing, pretending to be conservitive, liberty seeking individuals, but their real purpose is to be a cancer and stir up trouble until the organization is weakened, if not broken apart.

Real Americans, wanting the conservative way of smaller government, don't need boisterous yelling and attention grabbing. We are quiet and go about our business without attention and instead focus our energies on reigning in the socialist left agenda.

What the left really doesn't realize is that capitalism is what made our country the wealthiest in the world, and has given them the oppertunities to get paid to do things that makes them "feel " good.

Could you imagine if the actors in hollywood had to really work for a living? Our forefathers had to work hard, manual labor to build this country. The majority of Americans are soft and can't imagine having to live without A/C, they can't imagine having to walk places to get things. I could go on and on, but it's work that built this country, and unless we get in the trenches and work to save it, the republic will be gone.

Anonymous said...

Who wants it both ways?

Cut the stupid overbloated social programs! Cut them to the bone!

Cut the Federal Budget by no less than 50%!

Cut the stupid regulations that kill jobs!

Cut the Federal employee ranks by 50%

That's what I'm talking about

Anonymous said...

referring to 2:37pm-- see, there's that corrupt word they like to use...and "establishment republican"...find some new words, please. By November I, along with others, will be sick to death of hearing those same old words.

Anonymous said...

It's good you finally came out against the patriot-capitalist wacko movement Joe. Welcome to this century.

Anonymous said...

I never saw anything where Joe came out against the whacko liberals in this post.

Anonymous said...

5:26 Cut the fedral employees by 50%, but not the ones who issue the SS checks, right?

Anonymous said...

5:35 - the "powers that be" are "crooked".
Happy now?
Either way you say it, it's the truth and we are sick of it!

Anonymous said...

5:35 - Who are the "powers that be" and how can you say "crooked" ..why don't you finish your sentence instead of leaving "crooked" just hanging there?