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Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Further Thoughts On AFP & Tea Party":

This may all be true but there is much more to it. What happens after all the shouting and yelling, and carrying signs does nothing? I'm being serious. What happens when we go to the ballots and we vote and the new people behave the same as the ones we vote out? It means nothing has changed. It means that those who promised to listen to "We the People" won't listen. What happens then? What happens when the next election puts more people in office who usurp our constitution even more?

This is why people are tired of going to tea parties and showing up to AFP meetings. They are tired of all of their efforts being wasted.

You do realize that the yelling and carrying signs at tea parties is not the end, right? But that's where most people stop. This reinforces the will of the Government to continue to ignore the collective voice of the people. People are afraid to stand up to their government to the extent necessary to get things done.

After the next election, when nothing changes, most of those who really want to reinstate our Constitution as the law of the land will give up and go back to their daily grind, while complaining about how bad things are getting.

But a small percentage (what was that figure you gave Joe? 3%?) will continue to prepare for the inevitable. They prepare for the next logical step after elections and diplomacy fails. Some of the 3% will be those who hoped to bring about change by joining tea parties and AFP's across the country. Some will be those who knew that joining those groups would be a lesson in futility. Instead they band together in "different" kind of groups. Groups of patriots who are much the same as the patriots of the American Revolution. Men and women.

Everyday they gather supplies. They budget part of their paychecks for non-perishable foods, ammunition, weapons, vests, helmets, molle gear, and clothing. The train on the weekends. They study the IRA and learn the unique skills they developed. They hone their marksmanship skills and learn to survive with not much more than God gave them. They work with electronics and communications. They learn the soft spots on newer sophisticated armor from other networks across the country made up of current military members who are also members of the "Oath Keepers". They work diligently to continue developing what is being called the "underground" where they can barter and eat and sleep. The underground provides intelligence. The underground is made up of members of every walk of life. There are doctors, medics, military, police, firefighters, bankers - you name it. They are willing to provide a safe haven for those patriots willing to put it all on the line for freedom. Even here in Delaware there are groups who are satisfied with their current abilities and stand at the ready for what we know is inevitable. It is time to choose sides and be ready. Will you be on the side of tyranny? Or will you be on the side of those who will restore the freedoms and liberties that have been systematically taken away?


Anonymous said...

AFP = wingnutz and whiners

Anonymous said...


The whiners and nutcases, are people like you, not the ones trying to do what is right. east to sit back, type a few words and do nothing isn't it!!

Anonymous said...

I hope Joe is enough of a patriot to forward your IP address to the proper authorities, but then the NSA probably already has it. Let's govern by the rule of law, and not kill and over throw everything we don't agree with. What makes your little group right about the world? Right enough to justify murder.

Anonymous said...

Raise chickens, not taxes!

How inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Like I've been saying "nothing will be done"

Anonymous said...

Oh , looks like this post has scared some of you , you should be scared!

Anonymous said...


WTH are you talking about? Are you trying to stop free speech for those who think they are in power?

Anonymous said...

5:08.....try reading something called "The Declarationof Independence". Then try reading our founding document.....The U.S. Constitution". Upon reading it, will see instance upon instance where the government has violated it. Nothing this writer said is aganst the law. If the NSA goes to visit him for what it says, it would be yet another usurpation. A violation of his 1st amendment right.
Let me provide you with a quote from the Declaration of Independence.

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Despotism. For the sake of brevity, I will provide this link:

Should make it easier.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing anyone can do to hide from NSA. Remember the internet was designed by the military. It's good - what this guy said. Most people are ready for what is coming. We are! What's in YOUR wallet? :)

Anonymous said...

5:08 will be one of the first begging for scraps from someone like me when SHTF.

Anonymous said...

5:08pm, Let me make something perfectly clear. I'm not the poster nor have I commented on here for weeks. But I must comment here. It's folks like you {naive and hypocritical} that are destroying this Country. You want to rule by law but not when it disagrees with you? Your quick to have a commenter's IP address report that they might be imprisoned.....for what? Tell me exactly whats said there thats against the law? Many in our government have been leading the Country away from the rule of law and our Constitution......THATS exactly what the problem IS. The government, the socialist progressive tyrannical administration is overthrowing the Constitution and throwing We the People under the bus. It is pure ignorance by those like yourself that continue to assist them {we're talk about America here....not a world issue} I truly believe this next election is the very last civil chance we have of turning our Country away from the destructive course it is currently on. Noone wants chaos and bloodshed. The so-called murder you speak of....will not be murder, it will be an act of war. A declaration of war will be issued to the tyrannical government and those supporting and assisting them will pay the ultimate price for what they believe in, as are willing, the true Patriots of this Country. Pray and work diligently to have this election rid our Country of the destroyers and their tyrannical powers.

Anonymous said...

Despotism=Wicomico County

Anonymous said...

"Not on our watch"

Anonymous said...

So if you don't get the results you want, at the next election, you advocate violence? Is that what the libs did when the corrupt government of Bush took over?

Anonymous said...

Well said , ignorance will be the enemy and they won't even know it.
Asleep at the wheel!

Anonymous said...

Oh , let's not stir things up , I got a job and food and friends , what more could you ask for. So what if we all make the same amount of money and are rationed food , and we don't have the right to have children , and the right to worship and speak in public. What do you want , amigo ?

Anonymous said...

6:10......sorry you feel that way. But it seems that you have chosen. I hope you're prepared to live with it.

Yes...let's hope that this last chance to restore our constitution works. I shutter to think of what will happen if we can't turns this train around.

Anonymous said...

Whose watch is that?

Fruitland Generic Citizen said...

Lose one election and y'all lose your damn minds! So, if you disagree with an elected official, instead of supporting a different candidate, the answer is to grab a rifle? That's not patriotic, that's cowardly.

Anonymous said...

Here's something for those interested.

Get a group of friends who you trust and start your own unit. This is a leaderless site for information sharing. And guess what? It's totally legal and protected under the 1st amendment. That is until Obama and the FCC reclassify the internet and by-pass the federal court decision stating that they cannot regulate it since it is currently classified as an informational network. Once they re-classify it....well who knows what.

Anonymous said...

this country was founded on war. our forefathers fought excess taxes and tyranny. it can happen again. thanks sjd

Anonymous said...

6:50-meaning-government will not take our rights away....

Anonymous said...

Government doesn't listen to reason. Chaos is the only alternative. You are either with us or against us. There is no in between.

lmclain said...

Talk of revolution and independence festered in the colonies for 30 yrs or more before the actual events...and even during the American Revolution, there were thousands and thousands of people who stood on the sidelines and did nothing, either out of fear or of ambivalence (why should I fight?? I am happy...)...there were many others who secretly aided the Crown, because these "lawless hooligans" were upsetting the status quo. these same kind of people exist today (as evident by some of these posts. Intellingent, well-educated, and highly placed (in government, economics, and the military) are advocating either revolution or a military coup...its just not a bunch of people "dissatisfied with the last election"----they see a government no longer responsive to the people's will....the "public masters and not public SERVANTS" issue. I personally have posted before "If Thomas Jefferson were alive today, we would already be in another revolution" is an historical inevitability...only the blind, the stupid, the comfortable, and the naive fail to see that....

A True Patriot said...

Sedition is the crime of revolting or inciting revolt against government. However, because of the broad protection of free speech under the First Amendment, prosecutions for sedition are rare. Nevertheless, sedition remains a crime in the United States under 18 U.S.C.A. § 2384 (2000), a federal statute that punishes seditious conspiracy, and 18 U.S.C.A. § 2385 (2000), which outlaws advocating the overthrow of the federal government by force. Generally, a person may be punished for sedition only when he or she makes statements that create a Clear and Present Danger to rights that the government may lawfully protect.

Anonymous said...

I think I saw this Movie it had John Wayne, Charlton Heston, and Mel Gibson. I need to get me some of that SSI disability money and meds so I can have paranoid delusions.

Anonymous said...

Then there is GOD's law which stand above all others:

The Angels Pour Out Their Bowls on the Earth
Seven angels are given golden bowls containing of the wrath of God.
First Bowl: A "foul and loathsome sore" afflicts the followers of the beast.
Second Bowl: The sea turns to blood and everything within it dies.
Third Bowl: All fresh water turns to blood.
Fourth Bowl: The sun scorches the Earth with intense heat.
Fifth Bowl: There is total darkness and great pain.
Sixth Bowl: Preparations are made for the final battle between the forces of good and evil.
Seventh Bowl: A great earthquake: "every island fled away and the mountains were not found."

Anonymous said...

Government cannot save you.

The descendants of the people who killed our Lord Jesus Christ are in power now all across the world.

They await their savior. A political and military leader. They soon will rule over all the nations of the earth and the U.S. soldiers will be their army.

Educate yourself about the afterlife. Live a spiritual life. The physical world is Satan's domaine.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

You all lose an election and freak out! Here's an idea: save your money and do the thing that really matters--vote! Or run for office. Or, you can go out and practice shooting at targets all day long, because you think that will help you win a traitorous war. You've got guns, our military has a budget of $700 billion this year alone. Good luck agianst missiles and drones.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like little more than homegrown terror to me from a minority that is pissed that democracy did not go in there favor. Bring your crap over here to my neighborhood and we'll see what kind of "patriot's" welcome you get.

Anonymous said...

No body wants a bloody revolution. They want their Constitution restored. They want a nation run by a government of the people and by the people not in the face of the people in spite of the people. If the tune doesn't change after the next election I fear we will be in very troubled times.

lmclain said...

People said the very same things about Washington, Adams, Jefferson, etc. (why don't you petition the king for a redress? Radical minorities like yourselves will cause us all great actually think you can fight the worlds greatest military power and win?!? Rabble rousers and malcontents!!)...and if you read some history and see the cause of the revolution, you'd look around and ask what are we waiting for?? Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Washington, Madison and the rest didn't have half the greivances of today's population. READ THE PATRIOT ACT and tell me that stuff would be ok with our founding fathers!! Warrantless searches, secret trials, surveillance beyond anything most people would even believe and thats only a SMALL portion of that despicable law that would make aforementioned men throw up....our situation goes much further than any sour grapes over an election --- it's MUCH bigger than that...and it not a small minority of "kooks", but an ever growing segment of people across the spectrum of the socio-economic-political strata...there's trouble in paradise...

Anonymous said...

Because it was never a movement in the first place. it was just angry white people who didn't like the idea of a black president and now they've figured out that they better get used to it because he's got at least 3 more years. they have no ideas and they have no solutions. when they carry signs that say keep the government out of medicare and legalize the constitution, you know they don't know their a$$ from a hole in the ground.

Anonymous said...

11:08 it wasn't mentioned because it is a non-issue. The color of the man's skin is only an issue to those who try to discredit anyone who disagrees with Obama.

lmclain said...

Angry white people??? lol!! the African-American middle class is swinging towards conservative (republican) politics in a big way...and that statement about angry white people not liking the idea of a black president is so racist it ain't funny....WHITE people elected him and thats a fact you can't spin....Do you think blacks have the numbers to put anyone in office??? 12% of the population can't elect ANYBODY...what people of EVERY color resent and dislike is someone with no experience in governing is hell bent on taking everything he can from those who work and risk things (think self employed, entrepenuers, small business owners) and giving it to those who don't, including MILLIONS of people who shouldn't even be in this country...Obama is borrowing money we have no chance in hell --- ZERO!!! --- of ever paying back....our debt right now (he ain't finished yet, either) is so staggering that many countries are looking at us in shock and amazement. Look at Greece...they did what Obama is doing now and it ain't turning out so well, is it?? Other European countries are reigning in their spending in VERY painful ways because their liberal politicians promised the world to their people BEFORE they thought about where the money was coming from (same--SAME-- thing Obama is doing now), their unemployment is raging, their economies are in ruins, and civil unrest is growing. What makes you think we can do the same things WITH DIFFERENT RESULTS??? People of all colors know this can't go on....not just "angry white people"...

Anonymous said...

its not black or white nobody cares about who thinks they deserve what being alone issues you no rights in a democracy you earn your say