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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Is The AFP/Tea Party Petering Out?



According to last night's AFP Meeting at Brew River, yes. Considering the speakers and guests scheduled for last night's meeting, very few people actually attended last night's meeting. I was not present but Salisbury News had people in attendance and all reports came back with around 50 people, then you have to subtract invited guests and their posse. That would make the numbers down to 35 people, or so. I have attended AFP Meetings where they packed two rooms at Brew River and many people had to stand the entire time. Last night's meeting was one room and every one had a seat.

Now let's look at this a few different ways. The Tea Party event at the GOB in 2009 was much larger than the event held in 2010. Why, because many local people did not want to see Obama elected into Office. They gathered and spoke out about how angry they are at our government and Obama was NOT the kind of "Change" this country needs. Moving forward to 2010, the crowd was about 50% less than it was the year before. More radical people got up to speak and a serious fight almost broke out.

So just how angry are these people? Just what is the AFP/Tea Party accomplishing?

I have spoken to several people who have been attending both Tea Parties and AFP Meetings and quite frankly a serious reality struck us in these discussions. Many believe that the democrats are laughing all the way to the bank because NOTHING is really being accomplished. NIGHT MEETINGS? While it is a step in the right direction, I believe Stevie Prettyman's proposal to make it ALL night meetings would have been the right thing to do. The AFP challenges Stevie Prettyman by stating she is against night meetings, (completely untrue) yet Stevie was the one who proposed all night meetings at the last council meeting.

The AFP recognizes their attendance is dwindling and are searching for "NEW TOPICS" to bring up as a sort of Master Plan. But in the end, what are they really accomplishing. Making threats towards a private citizen and or someone in the Press certainly isn't going to help their cause, hence last night's major reduction in attendance. Can you disagree with these groups?

The democrats are also enjoying watching all these people come together and then implode. With the proper leadership, this can be avoided. However, the AFP, (at least locally, anyway) has no interest in reassigning the right people into place to avoid such violence and threats. Therefore many are opting out and I can't blame them.

I have attended meetings where some people there had far too much to drink. Some have complained, (several times) about one of the AFP Co Chair person drinking too much. Some members get a few drinks in them and start interrupting speakers, something very difficult to control. Heck, there have been times when I've gone where some members are at the bar having a few drinks, rather than participating in the meeting. So what do you do about that, you hold the meetings at the Chamber of Commerce or the Library where no alcohol is served. That is, unless you're really trying to just get out of the house one night a month and have a few drinks. Then what's really being accomplished.

Again, managing and strategies is the key to a really good group/movement. I believe, in the end the local AFP will regret making some of the decisions they have chosen to make. As a whole, I see a lot of Americans wanting to make a difference but here's what I'd like every one to rally think hard about. In the last American Revolution, only about 3% of our country actually fought in that war. America has grown quite a bit since then. Even IF today's Americans became so angry that they wanted to actually FIGHT back, do you really believe you'll get 3% of the public to actually gather arms and start fighting this government? Just how far do you believe they'll get against our Armed Forces alone, let alone the other 97% of Americans against their movement.

Yeah, Freedom of Speech it's a great thing. I truly encourage ALL Americans to gather and voice their thoughts and opinions. However, you'd have to be a nut case to believe you're truly going to make a difference and the democrats know that. When Candidates get up and speak and they talk about taking our government back, (local or national) do you really believe you can actually make that happen.

Now, that being said. Yes, you can make a difference at the polls. How's it working for you? You can gather, scream, yell and even threaten people with physical violence and even death threats. However, what's it going to get you in the end. While I support and believe in people gathering for a cause, I also believe proper management and goals, (including rules) need to be set. If someone violates those rules, they're out. Without those rules, all you have are a bunch of angry people getting out and punching brick walls.

The AFP/Tea Party people need to get smarter about how they're doing things. The democrats don't want you to know that. They are enjoying the implosion and when election day comes along you can expect pretty much most Americans will vote the way they were going to vote in the first place, along their party lines. Local elections will be different though, as they should be.
Last night's meeting sent a clear message. One, not many people are interested in Joe Ollinger. Two, MANY people were upset at the physical threats against me personally. Three, without a Master Plan, this movement will fail, at least locally.
Regroup AFP.


Anonymous said...

How this for freedom of speach...You are a coward Albero. You talk like Billy Bad Ass and walk like Trembling Trinka.

What a joke.

Anonymous said...

I was at the meeting last night and it filled two rooms, with many people standing and I would say there were more than 100 people there. I'm not sure why the AFP is being bashed just people there is a personal vendeta against one of the members. At least we are out there learning and voicing our opinions instead of sitting on our couches bitching about what is going on in the world. You have to start somewhere.

Anonymous said...

My assessment of AFP in a nutshell.They have several populist sound bytes that they keep offering up but no real solutions.

What will night council meetings accomplish when we have a strong executive form of government?...the executives office is where the real decisions that impact our lives are made.

The "raise chickens not taxes" mantra.It's not the county that is making life hard on poultry growers..take that message to Annapolis.

Eliminate the at large council positions....and accomplish what exactly other than to reduce citizen representation.

No answers from these folks.

Anonymous said...

I am not so sure how many were upset over alleged phyiscal threats to you vs not wanting to place themselves in a position of allegedly being involved if the evening turned ugly.

Without you attending the AFP meeting and knowing you are now retaliating I do not place much faith in your report of the AFP event last night. I also have spoken with people in attendance and their numbers are much different than yours.

Anonymous said...

Joe Collins called Julie his better half , that's scary !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Those threats to joe I would assume are from a source to keep the AFP and joe divided.

Anonymous said...

politics and drinking are no good unless your platform is hysteria and your recruiting beer hall brown shirts

Anonymous said...

Still think the Tea Party nuts are liberal infiltraters?

J.Albero said...

anonymous 10:14, you're a liar.

10:22, you're the same person.

Folks, do take note how all but one person actually addressed the article as a whole.

Looks like I'm spot on with this Post.

Anonymous said...

The reality of this movement is that it was made up of people pissed off their candidate lost.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you decided to take the high road and not go last night. When a group of losers has threatened bodily harm repeatedly against you and you family, it's not worth taking the risk. Plus when someone has such hatred for you and you add alcohol, boom instant a$$holes. I'm not saying that intimidation should stop you; however, this group sounds more and more like the "I hate Joe Albero" club than they do the AFP. Nobody wants to be associated with losers like that. You obviously have pissed them off by stating the truth and they can't stand it. Stay safe. Beth

Anonymous said...

Relying on ideas borrowed from psychology, I've come to the conclusion some right-wingers have displaced their personal anger into politics. Just call them the
"Party for Me" -- Out-of-Touch angry people.

J.Albero said...

There are TWO 10:22 comments.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least you're finally being honest about this being the AFP vs. Democrats. They're not bipartisan, and no amount of party switching by their most extreme members like Mike Brewington is going to make anyone believe they're anything more than shills for the Republican party.

Robin Maurer said...

Missed you last night blow hard. Can't take the heat?

Anonymous said...

I've read several of these articles / comments and I have come to this conclusion. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

From what I've gathered, you went to the AFP with information proving Julie was inaccurate about information she was providing on her blog towards Councilwoman Prettyman. You and Julie started having a bit of a blog war because you exposed some of this and she in turn stated you had a foot fetish and a kind of thing for her personally. Oh, she altered a picture of yours to make it look that way.

It seems to me you gave them time to talk with Julie but you were not satisfied with the end results so you continued to expose this information. Now you're getting threats against you and you're fed up.

If I'm correct, you have every right to share that information with us and I for one appreciate what you do. I am not pleased at all in the way these people have chosen to deal with this situation. As I recall from earlier articles you showed Julie befriending Mr. Taylor and Mr. Macguire. That should have been enough for the AFP to ask Julie to step down.

I'm sorry you didn't make the meeting last night. There may have been a few more people then you mentioned but I agree with what you said, many of them came with the candidates. I will not be returning to any more of these meetings. This is not the atmosphere I choose to participate in. Mr. Collins calling Julie his better half was over the top for me too.

I don't agree with you all the time but I too appreciate the service you provide.

J.Albero said...

anonymous 1:30, That's a pretty accurate assessment of what's going on. The timing may be a little off but it's pretty accurate.

I am not pleased with the way the AFP has handled Julie Brewington. They know she flat out lied. They know she altered the photo and they should have told her flat out, either you publicly apologize or you're out.

I didn't pick this war, nor would I call it a war. I'd say its more about truth vs. lies.

If the AFP wants to continue handling themselves in an agressive manor, I'll continue to expose it. I should add, I had plenty of people who offered to come to last night's meeting to have my back. I chose not to burden them and some were Police Officers.

There was no reason to create any kind of scene. While some may have wanted that, I wasn't going to become one of them.

I also think plenty of people saw the light yesterday through comments and I know for a fact that many chose not to go because of their behavior. That's a FACT.

Ian runkles said...

I thought you never backed down from a fight. There goes any credibility you had, tough guy.

Anonymous said...

Omg you nasty negative commenters. Grow up. As Joe as said before, if you hate his site so much, why bother? Make better use of your time.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I do give you credit that you have put comments up that have called you out on this one for not showing up. good or bad, thats impressive

Anonymous said...

"I was not present", oh after all your bullshit that you would be there no matter what, someone "dare threatened you", well, as always you pussied out you piece of shit!

Anonymous said...

I attended the meeting last night and Joe's head count is accurate. There was 4 tables in the main room with no more than 6 or 7 people at each =28. Then the people standing in overflow room was all the invited candidate's. So at most no more then 40 or 45 people.