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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ehrlich Aide Investigates Mystery Campaign Supporter

The Bob Ehrlich campaign is attempting to discover the identity of a mystery supporter whose commitment to Bob Ehrlich could be a “game changer” in the race for Governor of Maryland.

Ehrlich Press Secretary Andy Barth used reporting skills from his earlier career as a TV reporter in an effort to discover who met with Ehrlich in a secret meeting last week.

A video showing Barth’s effort to learn the supporter’s identity can be seen today by clicking here.

The identity of the supporter isn’t yet nailed down to the high standards demanded by the Ehrlich campaign. However, another video with Bob Ehrlich and his supporter is expected to surface soon


Anonymous said...

Why don't they just ask Ehrlich? This makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

its jesus! yayyyy!


Anonymous said...

this is just a video to peak your interest in BOB. cool idea. but not worth much time. publicity act.

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand this at all. It makes NO sense!

Concerned Retiree said...

Anon 2:39 calling it a publicity act not worth much time. What is O'Malley doing, disquising, with his now do good legislation and other BS he is suddenly doing since he started his campaign for re-election. Before that all he has done is nothing for the middle class but tax tax tax spend spend spend.The same goes for our County Politians.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, Concerned Retiree. Stop repeating falsehoods and look at the facts. O'Malley has cut the budget, not increased it. He cut more money from the budget than any other Governor in the last 40 years. Ehrlich, when he was governor, increased spending by 33%. The only other governor who beat Ehrlich at spending was Glendening. When real conservatives have the actual facts right, they see that O'Malley is their candidate. Not Bob "spend baby, spend" Ehrlich.