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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Apparent Suicide Shows Oil Spill's Emotional Toll

'We're helping cover up the lie. We're burying ourselves,' fisherman says

Allen Kruse had been a charter fishing boat captain for more than two decades — long enough that people called him by his boat's name, Rookie, as if they were one and the same. But then, two months ago, the leaking BP oil well began pouring crude into the waters where he took families fishing for snapper and amberjack.

Two weeks and two days ago, with his fishing grounds closed, Kruse, 55, took a job working for BP's cleanup crew. For the very people who'd caused the mess.

Other boat captains said Kruse, like them, found the effort confusing, overly bureaucratic and frustrating. He told them to keep their heads down, not to worry about the hassles. But those close to him saw he was losing weight.

GO HERE to read more from The Washington Post.


Anonymous said...

horse crap !

lmclain said...

11:52 Horse crap?? what? his death? the description of the conditions? Personally, I believe this eco-disaster's full effect is being downplayed as much as possible to prevent full blown riots and revolt...thousands of square miles of the gulf waters are now just poisoned oil plumes where nothing can live...and it's spreading every day, with at least (BEST case senario!!) 2 more months of gushing oil. Miles upon miles of beaches, bayou, marsh and swamps are spoiled and desolate, in many cases beyond any repair. NO fishing for fun or food. No aninmals to support the food chain. Ecosystems crashing by the day with no possible hope of recovery in any meaningful time span. Real estate prices are already dropping everywhere in the area. The economic effect is rippling across the region like a tsunami and there isn't enough money to compensate all those affected. What do all these people do? Where do they go? And the banks STILL WANT THEIR CAR NOTE PAYMENTS, MORTGAGE PAYMENTS, BOAT PAYMENTS, there won't be any let-up on THAT! And we have yet to get a 15-20 foot storm surge from a soon to come hurricane, which will compound this disater like gasoline on a small fire. Horse crap? Put yourself in their shoes --- despair, anger, and violence are on the menu and dinner is served. I predict the National Guard in the streets, but even they won't be able to control the population...remember how bad that area was with Katrina?? This is gonna last for YEARS and YEARS and will make Katrina look like a summer thunderstorm by comparison. But the government, especially with our extremely competent problem solving miracle of a President, doesn't want to face it or warn of the coming meltdown...THATS the horse crap I hope you are referring to....