With temperatures reaching over 100 degrees today, hundreds of City and County Employees working in the Government Office Building, (GOB) are suffering in extremely hot inside temperatures because the A/C Unit has broken down again.
This time they aren't so sure they can fix the problem without having to replace the system and guess what, the County doesn't have the funding, they can't afford it.
While the basement might be a workable environment, the third floor is just unbelievably hot! There are two rooms on that floor that have independent A/C systems, room 300 & 302. Today's work session will be held in one of those rooms, so you know.
On the good side, at least taxpayers are saving big bucks on their electric bill. One can only hope they're running the fans, (at least) as this would be a very unhealthy environment to work in without circulating fresh air. Some would call that, "Sick Building Syndrome".
In the mean time, what does the County think it would cost the taxpayers to send every Employee home for ONE DAY versus REPLACING the entire system.
Furlough ALL of them! Including the administrators, NOW!
Stuff breaks. This is not unusual. Hell barely any classrooms in this county have air conditioning. Suck it up.
How many kids go to school w/out air...what makes them anymore special.
This is from a City just named All American City. The hub of the government and it does not even have AC. Just close the doors and go home if you cant provide the basics. When the workers start falling out and lawyer up then maybe you'll find the money Rick.
Sell a fire truck or send all of those employees to work at the new fire house i bet the a/c works there,,,,,,
The G.O.B. has a live band playing?
Where is thier office located?
How much are those city/county workers getting payed to play?
just couldn't help myself...
now...for those that are going to send negative comments back about this, remember one thing....
this is what you call humor...
laugh , laugh , chuckle , chuckle
Stop the whinning , we don't want to hear it!
$85.00 an hour.
I can fix it.
Who works on it, in house or do they allow competitive companies to compete for the work? Minimum of a journeyman on the jobsite, at least according to state law. Since when has that made any differance around here.
That picture is from the 3rd Friday thing last week. Does anyone know who the sludge metal/psychadelic doom band in the picture is?
Well I just left the HR Department and its baking in the basement as well those poor two girls in HR
Maybe they could open the windows? Oh yea, unlike the schools none of the windows are designed to open; a brilliant plan from the beginning
If they would have been spending the money on preventive maintenence instead of giving it away to pet projects this probably would not have occured. That would be considered responsible spending. Something Government Leaders know nothing about. They just spend spend spend with a look at what I did attitude. Not look at how I am being responsible a fisically responsible Administrtor. What about telling the Unions NO for a change.
They dont have a chiller do they?
I was in room 103 yesterday trying to pay a parking ticket within the hour (only $1 until July) and it was DARK in there. Folks working by the light of their computer screens. I asked the nice lady who took my buck if she needed a bit more to pay the electric bill ;-)
There is very little productivity when it is so hot in that building! The employees cannot even focus. It is a waste to keep them there. I betcha sick time will be on overload in the next few weeks. A great breeding ground for bacteria.
After complaints of so many sick people in the finance department a few years ago, the maintenance department cleaned all the vents. The vents had never been cleaned in the twenty plus years that they were installed. There was mold and dust three inches thick inside.
Don't feel too bad for them, we have plenty of students in Wicomico County who attend unair-conditioned schools every spring and fall - just how hot do you think it is in some of those classrooms? Well over 90 in mine. We are told over and over about how 'we did without' so let them do without now.
The Bible says homosexuality is an abomination! No wonder the Sodom I mean Salisbury city building that welcomes abominations as leadership is hot as Hell!
12:29, what unions? And to all you idiots that say the schools don't have air, atleast they can open their windows for fresh air. And to the first idiot that commented, we already have furloughs. This year and next year. What else would you like? What do you do for a living? Maybe you should have a furlough day you pompous a$$. What is such the gripe with county workers. Do you really think we make that much money? Sorry, we don't. (at least the ones actually doing the work don't make much)
A grant is supposed to come through to fix the A/C. I wonder which state organization that is gonna flow through?
The big difference between students and these workers are easy to figure out:
1 Due to all of the electrical equipment used in the GOB naturally this building would be much hotter.
2 There are more floors to this building in case you haven't noticed, heat rises!
3 Today we broke a record.
4 The kids aren't in school.
Well if the kids can 'suck it up' then so can the adults. The kids deal with hot rooms for many days at a time for long periods in classes full of hot, sweaty, stinky students.
Funny how it is sooo much worse when it is you.
put a room unit in each room. SAVE some money, for a change.
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