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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Republicans Kill Senate Jobless Aid Measure

Defeat is blow for Obama; bill would have added over $30 billion to deficit

WASHINGTON - Republicans on Thursday defeated Democrats' showcase election-year jobs bill, including an extension of weekly unemployment benefits for millions of people out of work more than six months.

The 57-41 vote fell three votes short of the 60 required to crack a GOP filibuster, delivering a major blow to President Barack Obama and Democrats facing big losses of House and Senate seats in the fall election.

The rejected bill would have provided $16 billion in new aid to states, preserving the jobs of thousands of state and local government workers and providing what White House officials called an insurance policy against a double-dip recession. It included dozens of tax breaks sought by business lobbyists and tax increases on domestically produced oil and on investment fund managers.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Good, maybe they have finally realized the country doesn't want more spending. Cut spending, don't spend more when we are in 14 trillion dollars debt now.

Anonymous said...

Gee, and the Dumbocrats keep telling us that the $1,000,000,000,000 stimulis they've spent so far has worked.

What a bunch of crap!

Anonymous said...

I'm a republican , I disagree with this action .
Many people will suffer , crime will sky-rocket , and finally the GOP will suffer in November.

How stupid can you be!

Anonymous said...

Nice to kick people when they are down. Where was all the worry about the deficit when the republicans passed an unfunded medicare drug plan?

Anonymous said...

Thank God someone finally stopped some of the spending ! But now Obama will blame everything including the oil leak on them because this didn't pass .

Anonymous said...

"preserving the jobs of thousands of state and local government workers"
Working for the government is for people who can't make it in the private sector. That is why our government sucks to begin with.

Anonymous said...

6:37a is right. Consumer spending is the only thing keeping the economy afloat. Headed for a double dip if spending bill is not passed.

Anonymous said...

Just how much do we pay for that medicare drug program? How much does it contribute to the deficit?

Anonymous said...

Lower taxes and shrink government will be the way out . Democrats will suffer in November .

Anonymous said...

people are hiring. just most of these looking for the latest hand out wont accept anything.
my company has been hiring for AT LEAST 5 positions over the past 4 years. very small base plus commissions, and people get freaked out by seeing commissions anywhere in the job description. check any sales related job. they ARE hiring. car sales, insurance sales, etc...

Anonymous said...

Fact is unemployment benefits are longer then any time in our history(72-99 weeks depending on the state you live in). That's almost 2 years in a lot of cases. Quit crying. Pandering to the broke only wins you so many votes!

Anonymous said...

Good job rethuglicans. now you get to be the one out there saying you made the recession worse. you can't cut spending in a recession or we never get out of it. history is pretty clear on that.

Mark said...

Get off your as**s and get out and look for a job, any job, instead of holding your hands out looking for money stolen from the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

I am pleased,they have been sitting on their asses long enough and taking any handout they can get, get off your ass and get to work the dumbocrats cant support your lazy asses forever put down your 40 long enough to work 8 hours

Anonymous said...

Oh yea, 11:05;
Dumbocrats have had control of congress for 4 years now. (with almost 2 of those being a fillibuster-proof majority) Control of the exec branch for almost 2 years, and the recession is still the fault of the Redumblicans?
We are BROKE! We don't have any more money to give out to those who refuse to work. That's the problem with your socialist policies, sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money.