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Monday, March 22, 2010

Tonight America Has Been Irreversibly Changed

It is a sad day in America. Today we took a big step towards becoming the Socialist States of America and towards fiscal bankruptcy. The unaffordable health reform measure will destroy the U.S. economy and the best health care system in the world as well as. The process has been disgustingly corrupt and the bill shreds the constitution. Legislators have chosen to ignore the will of the people.

The President and all of the Democrat leadership have signaled over the last year that this is just the first step towards single payer health insurance (meaning the government). Private insurance is on the way to extinction. We will NOT be able to keep our own insurance because employers will have every incentive to drop coverage and pay the penalty. The private insurance industry is unlikely to exist in five or six years.

Our credit rating is already in jeopardy. Social Security has a $43 trillion unfunded liability. Medicare has a $57 trillion unfunded liability. Yet they pretend that vastly expanding government health insurance is going to reduce the deficit! History proves that this vast expansion of entitlement benefits will result in over-utilization and costs will sky rocket unless care is rationed. This huge expansion of entitlement spending will lead this country into bankruptcy.

Except for the military the government runs nothing effectively or successfully? The Post Office? Fannie Mae? AMTRAK? Social Security? Medicare, Medicaid - all in debt.We can't afford this program or the $560 billion in new taxes that will partly fund it. We can't afford to lose the 1/3 or our doctors that have said they will retire if this bill becomes law.

Health care could have been made more accessible and affordable with some simple free market solutions. The greatest tragedy is that this is not about health care. It is about increasing the power of the federal government and marching the United States down the road to socialism. Our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves at what the new breed of liberals is doing to our Constituition, our economy and our freedoms. America has been irreversibly changed.

Ellen Sauerbrey


Anonymous said...

A sad day indeed!

Anonymous said...

Oh the doctors ain't gonna leave, they love their money too much thats a bunch of BS talk there like most republicans and democrats spit out

Anonymous said...

What is even sadder is that too many Americans fail to see or care about the impossible debt we will leave our children, the shredding of our Constitution, and the loss of freedom for all.

Anonymous said...

What is even sadder is that too many Americans fail to see or care
-that we have imposed mountains of debt on the next generation,
-that we have failed to engage to prevent the shredding of our Constitution, and
-that we have allowed the theft of our freedom by the socialists that now run our country. THEY shall decide what is best for us all.

Did Americans not engage because they have not felt the effect of socialism personally? At the point when reactionary selfishness spurs action, all has already been lost.

I stood side by side with freedom fighters many times this past year. All it took to save freedom was for us to remember what our Founding Fathers taught us. I am so proud of all those who accepted that responsibility and participated.

If only it had been more of you. So sad indeed!

Anonymous said...

Just more fear tactics by the Republicans.
Haven't they realized yet that their fear tactics don't work anymore?

Anonymous said...


#1 cut the "Founding Fathers" crap. They're the same ones who preached liberty at the Continental Congress but went home to make sure their slaves were still busy pickin that cotton.

#2 what you guys don't understand is that if you would use facts instead of fearmongering to bolster your case, you might be able to persuade more people to follow you. Not everyone falls for the Glenn Beck monologues

Anonymous said...

Founding Fathers crap?

Us guys have learned that we often need to work hard to get to the facts.

Like many who choose to disregard or re-shape history you imply that the Founders were racists and should therefore be disregarded.

If they were the strong racists you suggest, then why not specify the right to have slaves in the Constitution? Why not specify ‘we the white people’ in its content? As you noted, “they preached liberty”.

The Constitution clearly documents the divide among founders in Article 1 Section 2. The three-fifths compromise resulted because some wanted slaves counted and others did not. It was clearly an injustice that’s time for resolution sadly had not yet come. However, they had included the most important tool for providing freedom right in the words of the Declaration of Independence.

Dred Scott seemed to see that tool. When he sought to be freed in 1857, he referred to the statement in the Declaration that “all men are created equal”. I believe the founding documents clearly support that he and all slaves should have been freed as a result of his case. Instead the Supreme Court effectively disregarded the wording of the Declaration insisting equality did not apply, as slaves were property and not people.

Could the injustice of slavery have been corrected in 1857 before the start of the civil war? The opportunity was there. If only the Supreme Court had actually followed the Founder’s words.

Self-education is a key to freedom. Although mentors and media are useful, I recently realized that we should not form our beliefs solely on what others say. Real freedom comes by taking the responsibility to find the real truth, get to the facts, and draw our own conclusions.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you support a key Constitution principle.

We would be better governed by the people through a Constitutional Republic then we are by a Government of corrupt politicians.

Enjoyed the opportunity to hear your thoughts.