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Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Bill Spurs Assassination Calls On Twitter

The Secret Service is investigating two Twitter users who, apparently angered by the passage of the health care reform bill, took to the Internet Sunday to call for the assassination of President Obama.

"ASSASSINATION! America, we survived the Assassinations and Lincoln & Kennedy. We'll surely get over a bullet to Barrack Obama's head," wrote one Twitter user, who goes by the handle Solly Forell, and identifies himself as a conservative blogger and "'authentic' African American."

Soon after the first post, Forell tweeted another message actively encouraging someone with a "clear shot" to kill the president.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Gives us one more holiday, and a few Highways, Airports named after him....

Seems like a win win.... LOL!

Anonymous said...

Not in any way endorsing murder of course, but hell Obama is killing America and nothing is being done to stop his path of destruction.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be better for the country if he did die . Along with Pelosi !

Anonymous said...

Wow, he must be the most hated President in AMerica. Not even Bill Clinton got responses like this. Well way to go Obama, you will be remembered as the biggest a$$hole president. Maybe you and Jimmy Carter can share this title.

When the hell will people wake up stop letting the minority out way what everyone feels.

Anonymous said...

I would be more satisfied seeing Obama ,Pelosi and Reed in handcuffs headed to a military tribunal . I hope our military comes to our rescue !

Anonymous said...

I have never condoned assassinations, and think that after seeing the treason just committed (or about to) do believe in proper punishment for such a crime... which I believe includes death.

Anonymous said...

I hope they find these treasonous "patriots" and hang them from the highest tree. In the America of the past, that is how we dealt with threats to our President.

Now, with the anonymity of the Internet, thousands assemble blather on about impeachment, secession, drawing blood, assassination - all in good fun, I guess.

Anonymous said...

I like the Holiday, we get an extra federal holiday.... I would hate going to Obama Blvd, or Obama National Airport though....

Anonymous said...

just goes to show how conservatives were full of so much $hit when they claimed anyone even speaking out against the Iraq war was a traitor. It's a shame the secret service will have to waste so much time searching out the numerous fat-@$$ nerds sitting behind their computers spouting hate because of their anger over their own miserable lives.

love my pres. said...

Again that's why this country is the way it is, but I do respect that. In other countries if you were to speak against the president the way some of you do you just might be dead but guess what you are in the minority because guess what he won the presidency and it is time for a change. You know whats funny the reason why we are in this position is because of Bush, butno one is saying that. You should read and watch a little more than fox news and listening to just Glen Beck and Rush.

Anonymous said...

10:52, the democrats have had control of Congress for nearly 4 years, so stop blaming bush, just 4 a change...

Anonymous said...

I'm not 10:52, but I will point out something conservatives seem to always forget, especially the "don't blame bush" crowd.

7:17am, so many of you say Dems F-ed it all up as soon as they took control 3 years ago. Well we know that the current economic problems were long in the making. And Reps. had control of Congress for 8 years prior as well as the presidency for 6 years prior.

Now I'm not a "blame bush" guy, but if you're argument is that Dems. did it, they had power for 3 years, well hell, you need to recall the numbers I outlined in the previous paragraph.

Anonymous said...

what you folks fail to realize is that no matter who you put in there, they are all the same!
Ask yourslef why nothing ever changes, no matter which party is in control! it's just a question of who's friends get to line their pockets at whatever moment in time we are in!