
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Monday, March 22, 2010

Nightly News At 6 PM


Anonymous said...

Joe: The people came out in the millions against the Vietnam war and neither party in power Democrats with Kennedy and Johnson nor the Republicans with Nixon listened.

Anonymous said...

This is even bigger than that, with all due respect. This will cost each and every working American because Democrats only know one thing, how can we get a free ride off those more successful than us. i know, let's make everyone pay for it and make it universal.

I'll give the democrats this. They have FINALLY realized that their not smarter than republicans, (until now). Now they have realized that if you shove it down every one's throat, heck, they don't even have to work for anything any more.

Maybe if those democrats actually went out and found jobs not involving the federal government they'd feel like they were worthy a sh!t for once in their life. Oh, that's right, they either ALL work for the government or thei company they work for does work for the government, I forgot.

Anonymous said...

If after this fiasco....if we do not bring accountability {revolution}to those in congress and abroad {progressives} then with every vote there will bring a new and bigger crook, more ignorant, self serving extreme liberal idiot than BEFORE. IF we can bring accountability then government will purge itself! The righteous will come forward to run this Country!

Anonymous said...

Joe, Thank you for explaining it! BTW I like the casual look very NICE !!

Orsonwells said...

Joe, Nice broadcast, but I really hate that tie. And do away with the straw hat!

Anonymous said...

Joe looks good in anything or nothing.

joealbero said...

Hey, I resemble that remark. LOL

Anonymous said...

Joe I love your big hands.

Anonymous said...

Man there sure are some horn doggets that watch you Joe!!!

Anonymous said...

Talk about the secret societies who are controlling our elected officials.

Anonymous said...

I respectfully disagree. We cannot win back Amerika with our votes.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong this time. Where were you in the 60's and 70's when we were out protesting Viet Nam? People nation wide came together by the millions and that war continued for 30 years. Don't say it has never happened before when it clearly has people did come together and screamed loudly their disdain for our countries involvement in Viet Nam.