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Monday, March 22, 2010

Harris Calls Health Bill “Perilous,” Will Work To Repeal

ANNAPOLIS — State Senator Andy Harris, M.D. released the following statement regarding the health care legislation that was voted on by the U.S. House of Representatives last night:

"The Democrat controlled Congress has taken our country in a perilous direction. With last night's health care vote, a signal was sent to the American people that their voice does not matter and that the tax and spend, big government policies of Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama trump the will of the people. If Nancy Pelosi was not elected Speaker of the House by the Democrats, than this so called reform would not have seen the light of day.

As a physician, I am troubled that our elected representatives would vote to turn back the clock on the health care advances we've made over the past 30 years. When elected, I will vote to repeal this legislation so that we can begin work on true health care reform."


Anonymous said...

You know Frank DID vote NO as he promised, but Barbara Mikuslki and Ben Cardin OUT OUT OUT

joealbero said...

anonymous 5:51, OMG, pure proof democrats eat their young. Frank knew if he came anywhere close to saying yes he'd be thrown out of office.

Anonymous said...

Were with you Andy ! It's going to be a straight ticket republican year !

Anonymous said...

If Andy had been in Congress we would not have had to call and travel to Washington to fight this bill. Dr Harris would have made it known from the start that he was opposed to this bill. Kratovil voted no to recommitting this bill which would have stopped the bill or at least slowed it down. Kratovil wanted this bill to pass or he would have voted yes on recommittment.

Orsonwells said...

Kratovil is out on the re-commitment vote. Period. Now we know he had a deal with Nancy, and his vote was not needed to protect a newdem in office.

I don't know that Andy is our man to pull off a repeal, but he does and has shown the right intentions, and contributed to the GOP health plan, which was always called "nothing" by the Democrats in charge.

Anonymous said...

I'm ready to work for Dr. Harris.

Anonymous said...

"Perilous" to his income.