LOCATION: East Wicomico County-Parsonsburg/Pittsville area
CASE NUMBER: 10-54-000555
CRIME: Theft from Motor vehicle
VICTIM: Numerous
Suspect: Unknown
BRIEF RESUME: On 01-19-10 at 0622 hours Tfc. Perdue was distpatched to the area of Brantly Dr. in Salisbury, Wicomico Co., MD for a theft(s) from a motor vehicle. Afterwards the Salisbury BK received numerous calls in reference to approximately 11 additional vehicles that were also broken into. Some vehicles were unlocked, as for the locked vehicles they appeared to be broken into by way of pry tools (lock pick tools). The main items that were taken were portable electronics GPS, DVD players, and a camera. The investigation led troopers as far East to the town of Pittsville. Anyone with additional information is asked to call the Salisbury Barrack @ 410-749-3101.
Oh great, thanks for letting me know of this for i must go remove goods from my car..you'd think i'd learn from the last time my car was broken into
I bet I know who. The punks that stole my car live on that street. Guess who let them back out on the street?
Why do some people continue to leave these types of items in their cars?
Are you really that stupid?
With the crime the way it is, especially the way it is now, you should not be leaving ANY valuables available for a thief!
We need to start cutting their freakin hands off like they still do in Turkey.
1:05 we're not stupid we just forget
People need to wipe off the suction where their GPS was that's a red flag as well
I think that it would be worth investigating the 3 suspects from the "OCPD STOPS BURGLARY IN PROGRESS THANKS TO HELP FROM CITIZEN" post at 12:44 PM. All three of the suspects in that burglary were from the Parsonsburg/Pittsville Area; there may be a correlation between them and these crimes.
Anon: 12:36
Are you kidding or what? Some people never learn. Don't leave valuables in your car, especially where they can be seen. If you do, you are an idiot. An old TV commercial....lock your car, take your keys.
my mistake...it's not Anon 12:36, it's Dani.
it's probably the same thiefs that broke into all of the vehicles on the west side of town: in willow creek development, nanticoke rd, and levin deshields rd. I hope these thiefs get caught in the act and get whats comming to them...
Probably the same men that were caught breaking into a house by OCPD. They are nothing but trouble
Last night in Hebron Woods over a dozen vehicles were broken into. Same m.o. pry tools, and some unlocked vehicles. Gps items stolen, happened sometime between midnite and 5:00 AM
We just think we're safe and get lazy.
bob of hebron
I'm sorry, I can't let some of these comments go by....
"We just think wer're safe and get lazy"?
Really? How long have you been watching this blog? You STILL think you're safe? OMG!
People, you are NOT safe no matter where you are or what you're doing.
Let your guard down and you are the target. Get it?!
"We're not stupid, we just forget".
No, you have it backwards, you forgot because you're stupid!
Wake up people. It' no longer 1980! Crime is UP, not just around here, but everywhere! People are out of work, on drugs (whether they be illegal ones or prescription) and they are DESPERATE!
Lock your car. Lock your house. Remove your valuables from your car.
Close the curtains/blinds on your house when you're not home.
Watch your kids! Hold them by the hand when you go out with them.
Don't leave the kids home alone.
It's simple really if you just take a SECOND and THINK!
If you leave your valuables in your car, you probably deserve it if they get stolen.
Leave your house wide open so thieves can look in and see what you have, big LCD tv maybe? You deserve what you get if they break in when you're not home.
You should also take a second and think about your post before you hit to post it. Does it make you look STUPID? If so, then please, don't bother posting it and showing just how stupid you are.
yeah, and your post was stupid. Nobody deserves to have their cars busted into because they don't carry everything they own inside their home every time they exit a vehicle. Glad you have so much time on your hands and so little value in your car. It doesn't make people stupid that they were victims. Don't be a hater.
Why were people calling Burger King to report this?
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