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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Maryland State Trooper Accident In Vienna, Maryland Update

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Anonymous said...

I think its time to slow down there buddy . . . .

Anonymous said...

The report is that Meyers had gotten someone with his radar which he had gone after when a passenger vehicle driven by an older gentleman hit him. Thats a dangerous area. If the sun is in the right spot this man may not of seen the oncoming can when he hit him.

Naturally the officier was the one people blamed. Maybe next time you'll consider both sides of the story? Naturally you won't if a cop is involved. You'll certainly want those cops when you call 9-1-1 since you don't trust the driving skills, why bother calling them?

Naturally it's easier to sit behind your desk and type whatever since no one will ever know who you are. You have no idea how your words hurt some during low times in their lives.

Anonymous said...

oh my..That looks nasty!
Hope everyone involved is ok.

doug wilkerson said...

Thats a heck of a hit, I hope everyone comes through it.

Unknown said...

"I think its time to slow down there buddy . . . ."

That's what I keep saying. EVERYONE should slow down. Let's use the technology the State already has to raise revenue to truly make our highways safer. A speed camera can capture a trooper speeding just as easily as a "civilian". Apply the technology and enforce safety. I don't care if you're 75 or 17. Having a trooper overtake you on 50 at the speeds they travel these days is challenging to say the least.

Anonymous said...

It's a very well known speed trap and a big favorite for the County police. I got dinged there myself coming off one of the exits and speeding up to get ahead of oncoming traffic. It's like shooting fish in a barrel for the police.

The problem is that if a policeman has to chase someone in that area there are people constantly coming in from the exits onto the main drag.

It really is not a very safe place to have a speed trap, but it's not going to chamge. It's a big money maker.

Anonymous said...

how police can justify speeding to 120 to catch you doing 75 in 55 is ridiculous.

doug wilkerson said...

Dont speed then, problem solved.

TDP said...

Confused - was it two or three cars involved ?

Anonymous said...

Last year someone was killed in Vienna and the tropper was involed. It is not right that cops speed all time, last year there was no reason why the trooper needed to speed and it caused the life of someone else. I hope everyone is ok.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. If someone is speeding, a cop has to speed to stop them. What if it was a car hijacking and a child was inside? Would you prefer the police not chase and hope the child lives or chase and apprehend? We have no way of knowing yet if the Trooper was even speeding, everyone is making assumptions. I know that if everyone obeyed the speed limit alot more people would be safer on the road and law enforcement would not have to endanger anyone or themselves by chasing down the speeder. To blame it on the Trooper who was doing his job, which happens to be to speed to catch a speeder, is wrong. Last I knew if someone pulls out in front of you they take away your right of way and they are at fault. If it wasn't a cop that was involved you better believe me that is what everyone would be saying. Personally I think speeders should be able to speed and kill themselves or others and let law enforcement do criminal investigations only. And, when driving the highway or roads I would love to see all law enforcement go the speed limit and really tick off the public who like to speed. If they pass them and they are going the speed limit, then ticket them!

Anonymous said...

Anon 735,
Speed cameras work great. In Montgomery County they were catching the police speeding. The county wanted the officers to pay for the speeding tickets. Problem is the police officers and there union leaders said the officer should not have to pay the tickets because they are not the owner of the car Montgomery County is the owner. Just goes to show you the police are above the law.

Anonymous said...

As I am sure all of you have experienced, police officers drive way above the reasonable speed limit. Many times, I have been driving along and out of nowhere hear a swish as a police car speeds past, no lights, no siren, no emergency. I can tell you personally, I have the opportunity to listen to many a story from the officers of their adventures on the road. How important was this chase that it may take the lives of several people? How sad! Someone needs to come down on the speed that these police officers are allowed to drive!

Anonymous said...

Anon. 8:18

Last year the Trooper that was involved in the crash on the bridge was responding to a MULTIPLE VEHICLE ACCIDENT. Get you facts before you run your mouth, jackass.

Mardela said...

If everyone drove the speed limit, we'd still be in the dark ages.

Anonymous said...

There's a time and a place to speed.

If there are a ton of high speed pursuits in an area where police are choosing to lie in wait because it's a section of road where people are constantly coming off exits and accelerating to get ahead of high speed oncoming traffic, that is a dangerous scenario which has been created by the desire to write as many tickets as possible.

The police are making a business decision to be there because it's an area where lots of people tend to exceed the speed limit temporarily before they can blend with traffic.

I received my first ticket in 15 years there last year. It's a wide open road and the temptation is huge to gun it coming off the exits to get in front of oncoming traffic which is coming at you at around 65 miles + per hour. Sure, you could wait a few minutes for a big break in traffic and merge at lower speeds, but it's so open that many people choose to simply gun it coming off the exit, and that's when they pop you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Last year someone was killed in Vienna and the tropper was involed. It is not right that cops speed all time, last year there was no reason why the trooper needed to speed and it caused the life of someone else. I hope everyone is ok.

8:18 PM

Mr. Albero please allow me to make this one statement.

F#$K You Motor Mouth, I am well aware of this incident the trooper involved. He was responding his normal response when he hit a sheet of ice while performing his duty. That officer got out of his crashed vehicle and tried to save the lady all while he was injured himself. That officer is still in pain today over those events so instead of criticizing why not try praying.

If you weren't such a cop hater and a law abiding citizen you may not get arrested and get some many tickets.

Anonymous said...

I have one thing to say....there is one person who has the right to judge. The rest of you just like to hear yourself talk! I appreciate all of law enforcement even when I get stopped for speeding. BECAUSE I was speeding I caused the cop to increase his speed and endanger others because I choose to ignore a posted safe speed limit!!

Judgment Day for a Police Officer

The policeman stood and faced his God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining.
Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, Policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To my Church have you been true?"
The policeman squared his shoulders and said,
"No, Lord I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry badges
Can't always be a Saint.
I've had to work most Sundays,
And at times my work was rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
Because the streets are awfully tough.
But I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep,
I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills just got too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place
among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fear.

If you've a place for me here, Lord
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand."

There was silence all around the Throne
Where the Saints had often trod.
As the policeman waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, policeman,
You've borne your burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,

You've done your time in Hell."

Anonymous said...

i was just a few minutes from there when it happened.... very sad but hope no one else was in any kind of accident because every cop on the eastern shore was there.. everyone will pull through our prays are with you

Anonymous said...

10:33 you must be a cop and by the way nice job copying that from the marine corps.

Mike said...

It's really weird, I've never heard anyone say, "I called the police the other day and they got here too quickly, they shold really slow down..."

Anonymous said...

The laws are for the sheeple not for the cops.
I would love to hand out speeding tickets to these cops that pass you like your standing still.

Anonymous said...

"10:33 you must be a cop and by the way nice job copying that from the marine corps.

11:29 PM"

Actually I am a minister who cares deeply about all involved, law enforcement and military. In the book of the bible there is no difference. Sorry if I offended you. My 3 sons were all Marines of which two were also State Troopers in another state who were killed by drunk drivers while on duty.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Looks like one hell of a crash.

As a retired cop...I will not even begin to engage in the cop bashing thing going on here.

Anonymous said...

well was it worth it, to generate a ticket for a couple hundred bucks? everyone knows the msp have a ticket writing quota. generate the revenue. that's what it's all about. the hell with solving real crime!
Not a very good judgement on the part of this officer, but then again from what i've seen it is par for the course!

Anonymous said...

Tell me now, who of us knows where the police officers are going when they pass us at high speeds? Don't assume they are breaking/abusing the law. As someone that was married to a police officer I know there is such a thing as a "silent run". That is when you try to get somewhere on the double with no lights and no siren so as to not let the criminal know you are coming. So don't always think officers are just racing home for supper or to the super market, etc.

If you are on the road you should always be aware of your surroundings and get the H-E-double hockey sticks out of the way when rescue/police/ambulance comes by. End of story.

I hope everyone involved in the accident is ok. Joe is there an update on their condition?

Anonymous said...

1:25 there is no silent run accross three counties! I've tagged them the whole way and watched them! maybe it's time for a dvr!

Anonymous said...

Amazing how far the majority here can hurl rocks from their glass houses.

Its OK for them to "gun it" to "blend" with traffic traveling 65+ mph (at least 10 over the limit, btw) - as opposed to waiting to safely merge behind the speeding pack; but its not OK to exceed the speed limit to take enforcement action. WOW!!

If police officers failed to take action against violators traveling 30+ (as it was in this case) over the speed limit, and someone died in a resultant crash, they'd be condemned as lazy and indifferent.

Believe me, no officer wants to hurt anyone in the conduct of their sworn duties. They risk everything, everyday for a bunch of unappreciative, anti-authoritarians who would rather dedicate monuments to, and name streets/university halls after, domestic terrorists than recognize their sacrifices daily.

You could have their jobs - if you were morally and ethically qualified - and now we know why you don't.

Anonymous said...

Wish there would have been some cops in Vienna during the accident investigation to give all the jerk offs that kept flying past my house while my children were outside attempting to enjoy the nice weather. You see people like me move to areas like this simply for the peace and slow pace, yet yesterday people were driving like idiots through a residential 25mph area at upwards of 40 mph not knowing a dang thing about curves in the roads or anything..but no one seemed to care.

lastword said...

You could have their jobs - if you were morally and ethically qualified - and now we know why you don't


lastword said...

I think you mean silent approach. When they get close, then they turn off lights and siren. No?

Anonymous said...

It's nice where jackholes can run their mouths and hide behind a computer screen. From most of the bashing posts that I read, sounds to me like some of you have one hell of a driving record. First off, I take it you are the first ones to bitch and complain. "Where the hell is a cop when you need one." When you see something happen on the highway. Next you same crowd that calls for some kind of police service and the first thing out of your mouth is, "Took you long enough to get here." And finally when a officer goes past you on the highway, of course you have no clue where he is going, "why the hell can he speed and I can't". Wonder why when I retired, I don't care to be around any jackholes anymore. I hope this young man and these ladies are ok. It's unfortunate, but what people fail to realize is this. People don't pay attention anymore when driving. I see them talking and texting on phones, oblivious to anything around them. I see fools reading books, newspapers and magazines while driving. How the hell do you do that? There's no law for being STUPID! Unfortunately. People, pay attention and just drive. A good majority of the collisions would not occur if people paid attention.

Anonymous said...

im sorry that these people were hurt on both sides but no a police officer should not be able to go more than the posted limit just like the rest of us and as far as chasing someone for speeding that needs to be done away with and if a cop does engage in a chase and causes an accident by causing the suspect to crash due to high speed said officer should be responsible in every way including financial losses to the person or property that was lost or destroyed due to a chase ... no i do not hate cops i just hate the fact that they are not more personally liable and all high speed pursuits need to be outlawed period.

Anonymous said...

bought a gun, protect my own family. never gonna get a cop when you need one. ask all those in salisbury who been victums of crime! and please, morally and ethically qualified, i think you mean one must have a napolean complex!

Anonymous said...

State troopers have always put to much emphasis on speeding tickets. They DO fly up and down the road when not responding to any calls and will turn around and give you a speeding ticket. It is called hypocrisy. Here is a thought, since all they do is run radar and the occasional accident make troopers ride by child sex offender’s homes and places of work and let them know they are being watched. I find that more productive. Or cut back on the troopers and put that money into municipal police where real crime is fought. You could set up cameras with radar and almost do what a trooper does in a day’s time. So what someone is driving 65 in a 55. Who drives 55 anymore? And yes I used to be a cop. I averaged one ticket book for every 3 years of service. I felt there were more important things I should be doing. Ask a trooper why they no longer walk out onto the roadway in orange vest and motion you over. One of them got hit. Some things are just not worth it and running hell bent for election because someone was driving 10 mph over the limit is one of them. We live in a fast paced world right now and everyone is in a hurry. It is a way of life for some and it just may have to be accepted. Why do you think you see these same troopers flying up and down 50 passing you like your standing still, they must be in a hurry to get somewhere, right. Or maybe it’s because they know they can do it and get away with it. I am not saying let people get reckless but let thing just flow. Go get the idiots but let people be if they are just driving and not causing any harm.

Anonymous said...

It was a Howard County officer struck and killed on RT 32 flagging cars, and they stopped flagging cars for a year but can still do it now. If I understand correctly, half of you think no trooper should stop a car for speeding. Interesting. Then I guess you would start a new blog about how all they people on the road pass you like you are standing still and why don't police stop them.

Anonymous said...

i have seen first hand the damage that STATE TROOPERS CAUSE when speeding and its not pretty at all.. I respect the hell out of cops but I dont respect the fact that they are sworn in to protect and serve and to get others to follow the law when they them selves ABUSE the law "WHEN IT COMES TO SPEEDING" I have and cant count how many times I have seen a cop car wizz by me with no light on no nothing just bc they can..I had an OFF DUTY officer pull me over for speeding last summer. he was not rude or disrespectful in anyway and infact gave me less of a fine then what i should of had.. he said that he was following me going 76mph while i was going 79mph. I didnt make a fuss with him I said okay.. he gave me a ticket and moved on. my point is why was he paceing me at 76mph when he had his TWO CHILDREN in the car and was in fact off duty. Why is it okay that the same men who try to protect the roads and the drivers on it drive at a GREAT SPEED and KILL with out consiquence? You never see in papaers that its ever the officers fault..