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Friday, December 04, 2009

Indoctrination in Wicomico County Public Schools

My children came home from school today saying that in their 4th Grade SCIENCE class they were required to watch the following video. They were given a hand out of the lyrics to take home.

They were then instructed after watching the video to; "write a paragraph on how they could help the world."

My daughter tapped the teacher and privately said; "but I don't like Obama." The teacher then announced to the entire class:

"Hey everybody, this child (her name) said she doesn't like Obama, but that doesn't mean you don't like his speeches."

My daughter said to me later; "That's stupid Mommie. Why would I like his speeches if I don't like him?"

My kid says they then had to turn in the assignment for grading I presume.

My daughters came home and said; "I don't understand why we had to watch the video. Why couldn't we just have been asked what we can do to help the world?"

Smart kid.

The principal at Fruitland Intermediate will be hearing from me Monday.


Anonymous said...

You should knock the hell out of that teacher !

AR-15 said...

What a disgusting piece of propaganda. I couldn't get through the whole thing and had to turn it off near the middle after that guy does the fist salute.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? In a science class?
You are kidding, right?

Anonymous said...

You guys better react on this crap quickly. This might be against the law.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

don't stop at the principle's office go right to the school board, the teacher should be reprimanded for telling the class your daughter didn't like obama! maybe you need to pay the obama lovin teacher a visit to, just to share your thoughts!
and on top of all that remember you are paying for this teacher to do this to your child!

Anonymous said...

Give them hell, RightCoast. I am sick and tired of this kind of time being used needlessly in our Wicomico County School system.

Anonymous said...

What is the Teachers name ?

Anonymous said...

Get over it. This is not just about Obama. It is about change. Get over your high and mighty racist views.

That is what is wrong with you snotty Fruitland parents. You think you can b@tch and moan and cry about everything.

The speech is about change. Maybe your should change your views!

I hope the principal tells you to shove it up your @ss and teach your child a valuable lesson about what is needed in our world!

Anonymous said...

It's embarassing that you would allow your child to disrespect the "office" of the President of the United States. I didn't like Bush but I wouldn't consider telling my child that the history being made by our President should be ignored.

Anonymous said...

Glad she wasn't "indoctrinated" to not like Obama.

FWIW, I don't like him either.

Anonymous said...

Boy... a 4th grader who's made up her mind she "doesn't like Obama" ,and a parent ready to go to war over an inspirational clip of empowerment.

What exactly was it about that diabolical clip that gave you the vapors? Maybe a clip of 'ol GWB all gussied up in flight suit saying "mission accomplished" (with thumbs up natch) would be more to your taste.

I pity the long suffering Principal who has to take the phone call from the idiot racist parent gabbling about Obama.

Jesus... doesn't your own stupid ever wear you down?

Anonymous said...

i would personally go to the teacher and have my child removed.. then I would make it a persoanl vendetta to have that person and person's involved fired. No one will indoctrinate my kids.. (that is why my kids go to Private school)

Private schools here know where the money comes from... and it's not from loser liberals

Anonymous said...

There's going to be another civil war in this country. This time it will be right versus left. Since the lefties don't like guns...........well guess what.

Anonymous said...

I do not need any garden tools anymore. Leave me be.

Anonymous said...

This type of activity has absolutly nothing to do with educating our children and should never be allowed in school. Teachers should be required to teach reading, writing and arithmetic, etc but this type of indoctrination has nothing to do with education and will not help our children at all in any way. The only folks this type of garbage will help is the far left dingbats.

Anonymous said...

Cries of "Racism" are the Last Refuge of Scoundrels

Anonymous said...

Maybe he should accomplish something before we teach kids to worship him ! Or at least see his birth certificate !

Bill D said...

There is a lot of racist comments on this blog. Always has been, always will be.

Anonymous said...

Yet indoctrinating children with religious fairy tales is perfectly fine.

Grow up.

Anonymous said...

How would you folks who are just fine with this feel if this was a propaganda piece about GW Bush? Would that be OK? You think it's fine for government tax paid schools to push political propaganda? Really?

and you have some kind of idiotic nerve to call me a racist because I don't want your political views forced on my children 5:34. Tell me where your children go to school and let's see if we can give them some lessons on conservatism. Is that OK with you? I assume so so you are OK with this, so I expect you to sign your name next time and give me your contact information

Oh and my daughter has freedom of speech regarding government. It's the first amendment and she can say she doesn't like Obama or Bush or whoever else she is astute enough to know who sending this country in the wrong direction in an environment that has no business picking political sides.

Aside from that she's smarter than those of you who think public elementary school is the place for politics.

Anonymous said...

who cares...its no different that all the other bullsh** songs you have to learn in school like "my country tis of thee" "america" and all the other political based bs songs!!

Anonymous said...

This was in Mrs. Richardson's class. Mrs. Richardson was not there, as she was attending meetings today. Her assistant Mrs. Tindal, apparently planned this "lesson plan" on her own.

Anonymous said...

So, basically, you're complaining about a video that a substitute teacher showed to your child's class.

Anonymous said...

Guys you are missing the point teacher need to help our kids learn how to think not what to think. Teaching children what to think will bring an end to our democracy.

Anonymous said...

5:56 Private schools don't indoctrinate!?!? That's freakin' hilarious! I had a roommate in college who's private school convinced him the earth was only 6000 years old and that dinosaur bones were God's joke. They just indoctrinate their own crap, for which you pay thousands. Who's the fool?

Mike said...

You all are ridiculous. I didn't vote for Obama and certainly consider myself a Republican and I see absolutely no problem with this video. This is the President of the United States talking about coming together as a people and as AMERICANS. I read the entire lyrics and really tried to figure out where you all conclude that this is political propaganda??? There is no mention of democrats or republicans, conservatives or liberals. It actually is a pretty inspiring and peaceful message. I don't particularly care for the guy saying it (Obama) but I will respect the fact that he is MY PRESIDENT.

All Republicans cried foul when Democrats hated on Bush for every single thing he did or said but now I see my fellow Republicans hated on Obama for every single thing that he says or does.

I would have no problem with my child watching a video which includes a speech from the President and being asked what they can do the help the world.

Anonymous said...

can you imagine the liberal outrage if this teacher showed a video of children singing the praises of Bush. They would be baying at the moon like rabid dogs! The media would have it on nonstop and Hoolywood types would write it into a script on a tv crime drama showing that its not what should be done.

Tom said...

Correct me if I am wrong but i thought our kids went to school to learn reading writing and math. I dont want any teacher or school official or anyone for that matter pushing their political agenda on my kid EVER... Oh and by the way i was beaming with pride when Bush landed on that carrier but i didnt send my kid to school the next day to go on an on about it.Liberals for years have been pushing their agenda on the american people and you know what its time to push back....

Anonymous said...

You can tell the Propaganda Delmarva guys have been commenting. I remember Chris saying the yes we can video brought tears to his eyes. What a bunch of crap.

Anonymous said...

"It's embarassing that you would allow your child to disrespect the "office" of the President of the United States. I didn't like Bush but I wouldn't consider telling my child that the history being made by our President should be ignored."

What history? How the first black president distroyed capitalism, the free market, and the United States?

Don't worry, no child should ignore that.

Anonymous said...

5:34 PM Change??? It's about change? Can you give us some detail?

Anonymous said...

Honestly... you retards that start sweating cartoon bullets because you think President Obama is somehow going to infect your little snowflake's brain with rationality after you finish turning it to oatmeal with creationism and whatever other magical nonsense you pull from your rear ends.

It's obvious you are simply moral cowards who can't face the fact that you were foolhardly enough to vote (twice) for the most grotesquely inept President in the history of the United States who managed to wind us into an utterly useless war, and crash and burn the economy. "Mission accomplished" indeed!

As Dr. Phil says "How'd that work out for you?" It's no wonder the Republican Party is a national (heck... make it worldwide) joke at this point. Now Obama, the "adult" President, has to wipe your dirty asses after the mess you made of everything. You're like children.

Anonymous said...

the best thing that could help the world is get rid of Obama and allow God back in schools! He is the devil!

Anonymous said...

I am a public school teacher and I used this video last year when teaching about the 2008 Presidential Election. I also used a John McCain video. We discussed the role of the media in the election. The message of the speech is that the people of the U.S. can change the world. I didn't vote for Obama, but I did fairly and equally present both sides. I don't see anything wrong with the intent of the lesson; however the teacher should not have spoken to your daughter in that way.

Finally, the pricipal is in charge. Principles are what we teach our children.

Anonymous said...

I am a history teacher in the county. I've always discussed current events, elections, had local politicians speak to my classes, encouraged my students to respectfully express opinions and learn to support them with facts. This is the first year in 25 I've veered away from these discussions. The climate of ignorance and disrespect towards the office of the president is profound. I'm going to require my students to watch the State of the Union address this January, for at least 15 I do every year. I suspect this will be ther first time I have a complaint.If so..Come explain to ME...not the principal, the Board, this blog...why our students shouldn't be aware of all events, so they can form opinions that help them become active and productive citizens. Sad times in our country...and not just financially.

Rev. James Bailey said...

Praise the Lord. Let the race civil war begin my white brothers and sisters. The tables are now turned. We, black Americans, now have federal control, the police, national guard, FBI, Fereral Marshals, etc. We must not forget our president who will see that equal rights prevail. The white race , many who think they are better than the great black race have a great awakening. Change is here. Change will change the status of the black race. Black America will lead the country out of poor economic times. Black America will lead the world. Now I pray that the white race understands how it feels to be looked upon as second class citizens. Dr. Martin Luther King said we would reach the mountain top and we are almost there. His vision has inspired us and given us a bright,black and articulate orator who will mesmerize all peoples as president. History will remember Mr. Obama as one of the greats, standing tall with Washington and Lincoln. Thank God, our day has come. Let us hear no more of this ugly and racist talk. Let your Christian values flow from your mouths and be seen in your actions.Some of us will be at Fruitland School on Monday to see that Mrs. Tynall is not alone and receives fair treatment and credit in trying to make a positive change in prejudice children. Thank you. Amen.

Anonymous said...

First and foremost what does this type of video have to do with science? nothing...should have been a history class if shown at all...I agree that our kids aren't allowed to pray, aren't allowed to say christmas so politics should be kept out as well..parents need to keep their eyes open and be seen and heard...

Anonymous said...

7:45 Obviously the ladies children aren't going to be influenced by the effort to sway their little minds in the public schools, dispite all the efforts by evidence of the childs reaction. Clearly the kid thinks. It you the kool aid drinkers that think every one should think like you do and that politic policy should be ingrained by the state. Sad and disturbing.

Anonymous said...

This is such BULL your kid isn't smart enough to have said what you claim. I know you and your kid. My kid was in the same class today. And you have everything all messed up.
By the way informed parent,
Ms. Tindall was a sub. Not an assistant.
Your Daughter lied to you according to my son. We are Republican too and this is about one thing. Getting you some face time on this blog to help yours.

Mr. Bill said...

8:16 what grade did you do this in? 4th grade?? Why would you show a piece of "entertainment" in a classroom? This was a put together piece by "artists", not a news piece or even just footage of a historic event. I don't get the historic reference to a song.

Anonymous said...

8:20 Then state your name and man up if you dispute me.

Anonymous said...

You white fruitland snobs are racist, prejudice and stupid to think that you are going to keep the schools, the curriculum and everything else the same. The word is change. The country's mood is change. Change is good. Good for the Black people. I am proud to be Black and now when I walk down fruitland street, all you look up to me. You smile and say good morning Mr. Harmon. I will get respect when I go to post ofice and cash my check at the bank. Let it be said and let it be done.

Anonymous said...

8:16 What grade do you teach?

E. Hastings said...

Rev. James Bailey; I also have a kid in that class and RC is absolutely right, after I checked with my child, I found the same to be true. Mrs. Tydal is an aid, not a substitute and she is white by the way.

I'm discusted.

Anonymous said...

8:25 I don't live in Fruitland. Try again.

Anonymous said...

7:54 - Some people don't like the "N word", well I don't like the "R word". The use of the word Retard is extremely disrespectful to the handicapped. This is another term that has been used for years in a derogatory manner. Everyone complains about people being racist, but you think this is an acceptable term. It shouldn't be tollerated either. I have a child who is handicapped and I find this offensive and narrow minded.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if RC would be so upset if a teacher went 'rogue' and taught creationism?

Anonymous said...

How does a 4th grader even form an opinion about whether or not to like Obama? Kids this age pick up on everything they hear at home. If a uneducated parent is at home saying "Obama is an evil black muslim who is trying to destroy America", the kid is going to believe it. There are pros and cons to every Presidential administration and people have the right to form their own opinions, but filling kids' heads with hate and negativity will only breed more of the same. Its a shame.

Donna said...

yea, 9:00 that might be the point as to why this type of material is shown in the classroom.


Anonymous said...

8:52 I don't think religion should be taught in the classroom, nor do I believe unproven theories should be either. i.e: global warming, as they are.

Anonymous said...

To Rev Bailey So sick to think that you are glad that the BLACKS have control over the government... SO MANY BLACKS PROMOTE RACISM and I feel so sorry that they always use this as an excuse for everything wrong that comes their way. I thought Blacks wanted freedom .... the way I see it you will have no freedom ... government control,high taxes, no health choices... Maybe promoting racism is more important than American Freedom!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned that Obama is a mesmerizing speaker Adolf Hitler was tooooo!!!!!!!!!

Landsmom said...

The only racist comments I'm reading are from the African Americans. Interesting that instead of embracing equality, they are happy to see white people being, what is it, second class citizens. Reverend Bailey, I did not own slaves nor did my family, we have for hundreds of years worked side by side with all races. My children are color blind and we don't refer to people by race. We make our judgments individually. As far as showing an entertainment piece made on behalf of the Obama campaign...well call me crazy but it doesn't sound very scientific to me. I learned about the environment and other science based projects. Seriously I've known right coast for the better part of 25 years and although you claim she is a Fruitland snob, check her out a 5 a.m. when she's mucking stalls and helping her cat birth kittens. I am not an Obama fan but I will tell you his credentials and socialistic policies are what concern me not his color. He's also half Caucasian which seems to never be mentioned by the African American community. And those that are wooping it up that we whites need to be held accountable for days of slavery, good luck with that when the country is owned by China. And I too will be at Fruitland Intermediate to support Right Coast. BTW the person dogging the spelling of principal...well you spelled it wrong too, so back to the old saying about throwing stones at glass houses...hmmm. I am not hiding my identity and feel free to call me out because my friends are of all races and I'm sure that many times we have agreed to disagree but not one time has the "race card" been drawn. Its about being respectful, not trying to bully those that don't agree with you. Its okay to disagree but its not okay to bring politics to the classroom, the idea of current events and opinions is appropriate in civics or social studies class. But no child should be penalized for their opinion. And a 9 year old child is able to make there own opinion and it may reflect their parents ideals, are you too not teaching your children your beliefs and ideals? Seriously.

Anonymous said...

All these commenters and no answers when questioned. So telling. PD

Anonymous said...

Landsmom <3 <3

Anonymous said...

And you point is???

I'm not a fan of Obama either...but that's lousy arguing; and, as is so common in the comments here, evidence of why the Eastern Shore is thought of as a backwards place.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I am a history teacher in the county. I've always discussed current events, elections, had local politicians speak to my classes, encouraged my students to respectfully express opinions and learn to support them with facts. This is the first year in 25 I've veered away from these discussions. The climate of ignorance and disrespect towards the office of the president is profound. I'm going to require my students to watch the State of the Union address this January, for at least 15 I do every year. I suspect this will be ther first time I have a complaint.If so..Come explain to ME...not the principal, the Board, this blog...why our students shouldn't be aware of all events, so they can form opinions that help them become active and productive citizens. Sad times in our country...and not just financially.

8:16 PM

You have the right to show this video in your class because you are a history teacher. I think that anyone who complains about having to watch the State of the Union is being ridiculous. I also applaud you for teaching a fair and balanced view of the election process. I may not agree with the President, but I respect the office, and BTW, I think that SCIENCE class is an entirely inappropriate venue to show a video like this.

Rev. James Bailey said...
Praise the Lord. Let the race civil war begin my white brothers and sisters. The tables are now turned. We, black Americans, now have federal control, the police, national guard, FBI, Fereral Marshals, etc. We must not forget our president who will see that equal rights prevail. The white race , many who think they are better than the great black race have a great awakening. Change is here. Change will change the status of the black race. Black America will lead the country out of poor economic times. Black America will lead the world. Now I pray that the white race understands how it feels to be looked upon as second class citizens. Dr. Martin Luther King said we would reach the mountain top and we are almost there. His vision has inspired us and given us a bright,black and articulate orator who will mesmerize all peoples as president. History will remember Mr. Obama as one of the greats, standing tall with Washington and Lincoln. Thank God, our day has come. Let us hear no more of this ugly and racist talk. Let your Christian values flow from your mouths and be seen in your actions.Some of us will be at Fruitland School on Monday to see that Mrs. Tynall is not alone and receives fair treatment and credit in trying to make a positive change in prejudice children. Thank you. Amen.

8:17 PM

"Rev Baily," stick to the pulpit and preach the Word of God, instead of the word of your messiah. I don't like Obama because he is a liberal and I can't stand his policies. It doesn't matter if he was black, orange, yellow, or rainbow striped. I would still not like his policies.

Just to finish up, I think that you are the same mold as Jeremiah Wright and you use your pulpit to down anyone but your race. You are the true source of racism in this country, not the "white devils" you rant and rave about.

K. Groves

Anonymous said...

K. Grove, you won't get a response. Don't waste your breath.

Anonymous said...

Point taken - I had a typo. The principal is in charge, not principle. (8:12)

Anonymous said...

That video is propaganda - those 'famous people' were a tool to sell Obama during the Presidential campaign. The only appropriate application of it would be during a Social Studies unit on Political Science - period - certainly not a SCIENCE class. If the intent was to inspire the students, a better option would have been the "Send It On" music video and follow-up shorts from the stars of the Disney channel - Friends for Change.

As a parent and future educator, I would NEVER show this video in my classroom. If the words were supposed to be the focus then give them the transcript from the speech on paper. Let them read and interpret it themselves. God forbid they have to put forth an effort, practice their language and reading skills and be forced to THINK and PROBLEM-SOLVE instead of having someone TELL them who, what, where, when and why.

With that said, the 'assistant' should be taken to task for her inappropriate behavior towards that student in the classroom. Her announcement of that student's comment could have put the student in a very dangerous situation if the classroom community is as polarized about this as our community is. That is a very good possibility - our children are like sponges.

The teacher, too, needs to be taken to task for not having appropriate sub lessons prepared for her classroom, especially if she knew she would be absent from the classroom for a meeting.

It doesn't matter if the orator is black or white, it's politically-slanted and Obama was NOT our President at the time this video was produced.

Anonymous said...

Reverend I'll be there to your racist accusations will be met straight on in your face !!!!

Anonymous said...

RightCoast said...

8:25 I don't live in Fruitland. Try again.

Send your kid to the right school then

Anonymous said...

The racist reverend should lose his tax exempt status !

Anonymous said...

RightCoast said...

8:25 I don't live in Fruitland. Try again.

Send your kid to the right school then

10:13 PM
Are you being purposefully ignorant?

David T said...

Its sad to say this 4th grade child will grow up to be like her parent disrespectful, ignorant, inconsiderate. No matter how you feel if it was a lesson then there is nothing this parent can say she needs to stay home and either shut up or put her child in private school

Anonymous said...

10:24 were your born ignorant !

Anonymous said...

Blacks are more racist than whites.

It would be beneficial for those gloating about Obama, the most incompetant President in U.S. history, to read another post on this site by Patrick Buchanan, titled "Buchanan to Obama".

On this blog called "Finally someone said it" or similar wording.

Enjoy, Reverand, and lift that angry cloud from your heart.

I must warn those hateful black hearts, the truth may be difficult to bear, but it is the truth.

Walter from Allen said...

I hope they have sheriff's deputies at Fruitland School on Monday morning. I am going to knock Rev. James Bailey out and shut his big racist mouth once and for all. I am a redneck and you don't mess with us or our clan. Don't make no difference if there are blacks there hiding behind their bibles. It is time us white people take a stand. If enough white parents show up, I bet the blacks will chicken out and sit in their cars and be afraid to come in. Maybe they will have a police escort. Nothing would surprise me.

Rev. James Bailey said...

It amazes me how so many racist come out of the cracks when they fail to understand change. Why do they resist the president's polices. He was elected by some of you who are critical and ignorant of how this nation must move all races forward. President Obama realizes that all monies need to be redistributed. This is being done by increasing the tax base on the wealthy and closing loop-holes to avoid paying your fair tax. We do not need wealthy or poo people. All of God's people are equal and all deserve the same opportunities and equal salaries for the work they do. The garbage man is just as important as a doctor. Both make a great contribution to society. Both are needed. Thus,each and every American citizen must pray and help Obama achieve his goals based on his visions, intellect and full understanding of America and the universe. He will bring all religions together so we worship one God and be united. Thus, we all live in peace and harmony. I do not let my critics deter my mission nor do I argue with ignorant statements whether by low-mentality or racist-sickness bloggers. Time is on Obama's side. Hungry people will seek to follow the spirit created by our chosen one , our president. Obama is our only salvation. Support him. Love him. Pray for his success. THank you my Christian brothers and sisters.

Washington employee in the THink Tank said...

Our children are innocent and will be manipulated like pawns. The trend is to teach children what to think.Hitler did the same thing.Parents who spoke against the government were punished or just plain disappeared. The government will have a total control of their education, sports events and wearing the government uniform will make all children feel equal and be treated as such. Thus, it is imperative for parents who want to survive and be a part of their country's children's lives to cooperate and change.Change will be made to be primary in our new culture or you will lose control of your children. The state will be the guidance and inspiration for all children. Hitler proved that it can be done. With the new health care system in place soon, only those government supporters will be give preferential treatment by the established medical board. Others may have a long wait or even die before they receive medical treatment. You have a choice to make.Make the right choice and be in the in-group.

Bishop Brandon Johnson, N.Y.Afro Baptist Church said...

Yes, we can! Yes, we can change and make all American citizens equal. President Obama plans on the redistribution of wealth. This country cannot tolerate wealthy nor poor people. All people are equal. All citizens should receive the same salary. All people work and make an important contribution to society. A doctor is no more important than a carpenter. Each uses his talents to help people, society and make our country strong with a thriving economy.Every worker is expected to do his or best. Anything less is unacceptable. Obama will no longer tolerate wealthy snobs looking down their noses at the less fortunate or people living at a lower economic level.Obama will no longer hear poor children's cries as to why can't I have that toy for Christmas or why do I have to wear raggy clothes. Wake up America. A new day is here. A new sun has delivered unto us a new son, duly elected President of the United States of America. Obama is the chosen one by you[ elected ], by destiny, and by forces beyond our comprehension. When you gaze upon Obama's face you feel a sense of security and his words in speeches give you hope to live one more day with hope. Pray to God for his good health and success and bow respectfully to show your gratitude.Thank you my brothers and sisters.

Anonymous said...

lemmeee guess...teacher of color???

Justin Case said...

Good grief. Where is the common sense? These are 4th graders. If you watch the entire video at the end it says "VOTE." (was this his campaign video?) I'm not against teaching MY children how the voting system works but this is over the top. The teacher and/or sub should have had better sense.
Take it to the Board of Education.
Stuff like this should not be in our school system, no matter who is President of the United States.

UwillTapout said...

To the commenter who refereed to someone's child as a "snowflake"- what a perfect description. You see, snowflakes are pure and clean-until they contact the dirt and filth in which they land.
rev. bailey and his kind are the real problem. Rev. King preached for equality not superiority. Most whites have been content to have blacks rise to work and live beside them.
Rev. bailey should pray that his community become productive contributors who put their hand out to give, not both hands out to take.
Rev bailey has declared a civil war on White Americans. Bad move.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad the blacks are going to rise up, very happy to hear that, but as always it will be all talk and no action, please rise up and get educated as a race and start being reponsible for yourselves. Always here you are going to rise up and be a great race but in the end it never happends. PLease follow the advice of Bill Cosby who always states, black americans need to get over theirselves and go out and earn something not expect everything to be given to them by everyone and especially the government. Part of the problem why the government is in bad shape as it is because people always want and get handouts for doing nothing. The best thing the black community can do to rise up is educate your youth and and tell them they have to work hard and earn something and get jobs and respect. But that is not the case now, all you have to do is look at the Prison numbers and see who are the majority in prisons and the majority of crimes committed and that is because they know no difference because of bad parenting or should i say bad parent because the majority of the time are single moms raising 10 kids with no fathers around, but that person gets a nice check from the goverment for having those 10 kids so they can just sit home and do nothing. SO Reverend that is what you should be teaching to get the black americans to rise up, I was hoping with Obama's election that this would inspire the black community but it has done nothing to change anything.

Anonymous said...

I am a conservative, and do not subscribe to the politics of President Obama. But, I am not sure I see the uproar from this piece of media promotion. It is simply an optimistic message of hope, whethter it be Obama, Hannity, Palin, whomever; it is a simple message. Look at it again, and imagine your own personal political favorite saying the words. Come on people, tackle the real issues.

Anonymous said...

Come on People. When have you ever seen a conservative teacher?
The liberal/socialist have controlled education for over 30 years now.
remember Nitzi Germany? The state controlled education system talking children into turning in there parents. And what were the Natzi's? Socialist. Look it up.
I don't like the direction this country is going. But theres no stopping it. When we allowed the Entitlements to vote, this end was set in motion.
Just sit back and waite for the end to come. They out number us.
Oh Ya, I'm no racist. Steale for President. "I do not judge by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Which is as it should be.

Tom Sawyer

Anonymous said...


Prepare yourselves.

Obama is in the preliminary stages of bolstering US forces here to quell an expected Civil War.

Don't believe me, Google it.

I would suggest you all invest in canned goods and ammo.

Our country will be bankrupt in about 6 weeks.

The resulting riots will require intervention by Obama.

This is all planned.

May God help us all.

Anonymous said...

Rev. Bailey your the racist here on the boards you can hide behind the Bible all you want ! I know you don't follow the word of GOD you are No different than the Islamic nut cases that pervert their religion . Believe me you will be met with a reaction your not expecting !

Will B. said...

Can anyone please tell us what "Church" Rev. Bailey is head of??? I don't believe any god would want a man of the cloth spewing rasist crap like he is. And yes I am white and now I am angry!!!!

God Bless America,

Will Brenner

Anonymous said...

Google it!?! I can google the earth is flat and find people who beieve it...that doesn't make it true.

"Uh, I read it on that-there interweb, so it must be true!"

Did you know the two biggest sources of paranoia that Y2K would be the end of the world?
1. Internet conspiracy theorists
2. Ultraconservative preachers

The same "sources" of your supposed Civil War (read some of the morons who call themselves Men of God and believe in the upcoming Civil War, if it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny).

You ought to try taking off the tin foil hat and thinking for yourself sometime.

Anonymous said...

Whoever turned this into race baiting ought to be put in jail. Seriously. This is about mind controll of little children by government schools.

Get a Grip.

Anonymous said...

"Reverend" Bailey,

I don't hear one word of Jesus's love in your response. All I hear is anger and conceit. Stop putting on a "show" and reach out to people with kindness and love. Act like a preacher and not a politican. Show some humbleness like you are supposed to do as a representative of Christ.

You are on my prayer list!

Anonymous said...

This social experiment has been a complete failure ! Segregation of schools was a better arrangement with a better scholastic outcome for all !

Anonymous said...

David T your a coward you have a lot of mouth but that's it !

Landsmom said...

Wow this is still in progress and again the good Rev. Bailey is screaming that WE are racists and should pray. Well I do pray, everyday that this country will work again. Maybe the Rev should be praying to lift his dark heart from the conceit of superiority and to beg forgiveness for his words of hate regarding the white race. And to the person stuck on Right Coast living in Fruitland. Check the WCBOE map dear, you can live outside of Fruitland and go to the school, its call the Fruitland School District, which includes much of Salisbury....And I am researching which church you "represent" Rev Bailey or maybe you'll tell us. I' m curious to know with such a vagrant political stance why you are still getting tax exempt status. I have no idea who my minister voted for because as a Christian he speaks of caring for all and praying for all, you know, the Bible, that book that is supposed to be what you live by...we don't talk about taking over the world and persecuting other races...and kind sir...there are many races at my church and we all get along and quite honestly know nothing of the others political views. If the propaganda on this site is what you speak of in your church, I'm almost 100% positive that you do not support a multi racial congregation. How would I be treated going to your "Christian" church? Maybe how you want whites to be treated...quoting your term, second class citizens.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this has got to be the most crazy per square inch ever!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, the people that defend the public schools politicizing small children appear to be the same ones that support the unions and big government. In order to defend this un-defendable action, it looks like they have posed as teachers, "reverends", racists and hate mongers here to divert the issue. When attempting to minimize the situation by saying "I'm a teacher and used this video in history class" fails as an argument, they turn calling people racists. When that fails they pose as bigots. Anything but to talk about the real issue.

Close to 50% of our county revenues from property taxes and income taxes goes to the BOE. We who contribute to that, have some say when they use propaganda videos like the one showed here, to "teach" our children.

Anonymous said...

I don't see any difference between indoctrination and child molestation . Either way their manipulating children into a situation their not mature enough to understand . It's up to parents to instill morals and values in their child not the board of education . My child doesn't attend Fruitland but I'll be there in protest Monday because if this kind of attempt at social engineering isn't met head on it will never stop .

doug wilkerson said...

Public schools are Gen-Pop.

Wopster said...

Reverend Bailey, Bishop Johnson, You do not sound like men of God. You sound like political lobbyists. i wonder... do you work for ACORN?, or GOD? What you say and what you do are important in your position. Do you think Christ would talk this way? What he said and what he did should provide some moral compass for you. Where did you get your theology degree? I think all of America should know about that school, and you. You know... it sounds a little like your profiling! Us white people? Who said I'm white?

Anonymous said...

It was Reverend Bailey who introduced racism in this thread so I guess we know what he preaches in his church of hate !

Fruitland Teacher said...

American Education Week is over and we teachers don't have any time to discuss your nonsense. We establish the curriculum and it is approved by the Board of Education members. Period. We will take care of the children's education and parents should spend a little more time on basic home-training.I am locking my classroom door and there will be no interuptions to my day. Merry Christmas.

Pastor and historian for the NAACP- Jerome Hickins said...

Reverend James T. Bailey is a retired Baptist minister having served over 40 years in several churches in the Baltimore and Washington area.He was a close friend of Dr. Martin Luther King and participated in marches for equal rights all over America. The national NAACP headquarters is now located in Maryland thus, he is located in our state as a watchful-eye for inequality, traveling anywhere he is needed.The church has been the center of the Black community since racism barred Black people from joining then and still is in some cases all white memberships in private clubs and associations. This is why the Black church serves for more than the Sunday lessons in Christianity.Politics is conducted where groups of people can meet in numbers to discuss subjects of concern to the community, state and country. Thank you for allowing me to clarify this point.

Anonymous said...

I am a democrat, a teacher for 20 years, and I voted for Obama. I find this excuse for classroom teaching and the "teachers" defending it deplorable.

Anonymous said...

8:32 I hope you get the first pink slip in the budget cuts.

Anonymous said...

Fruitland Teacher. Bad form. The cutomer is always right. I wonder how much you value your job.

Anonymous said...

"Fruitland Teacher" What is your name? I have the public information of all the salaries of the WBOE employees. Are you the one making 84,900?

Chimera said...

With all due respect,some of the commentators here REALLY need to start taking their meds.I cant believe someone as educated as a Reverend is spouting such fluff.
Black or white,delusions of grandeur and raving lunacy are equal opportunity ailments and I am seeing alot of it here.
I think Obama is a horses ass but I also thought George W was a flaming buttpipe so there goes political partisianship.I send my child to school for an education not indoctrination.
And not all Christians are anti science.I believe in God and Jesus and that Jesus dies for us,but I also cannot dispute hard cold scientific facts when it comes to the topic of things like Darwin,dinosaurs and outer space.
Why cant anyone be moderate anymore?
And by the way,no one race is better than another.All the black racists and white racists need to be shipped off to an atoll somewhere in the south Pacific and be forced to duke it out so they can leave the rest of us humans alone.

Anonymous said...

Well Hickins your beloved Rev. Bailey is a confirmed racist I wonder how MLK would look down on him ? This attempt at indoctrination will be dealt with ! Were not going to take it any more !

Anonymous said... you think the Principal will do much with this? Do you think she even cares what is posted here? She will politely listen to what you have to say, tell you she will conduct an investigation, and that will be that last that you hear of it as it will be an 'employee matter' - she is much smarter than I think you give her credit for, and no doubt has been through similar situations - good luck with this...if she reads this post at all (just for fun) she is probably laughing hysterically...

Shelly said...

Oh Great. We have a high paid teacher in Fruitland that won't speak to parents and can't spell "interruptions". Those kid are in great hands.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Rightcoast,

Having been a teacher and an administrator for over 30 years, I read your post and all of the comments associated with it along with the video attached and the lyrics to the song and am dismayed by your concerns about the political concerns you have. While it is certainly your right to question all aspects of your child's education (and I applaud your involvement as many parents simply do not take the time to take part in their children's education) I feel there are a few things you need to consider before you approach the Principal. First, I saw nothing wrong with the video. It was simpy a message for change. You have every right to feel however you wish in terms of your political affiliation, but your argument for the Principal is weak. Simply, you have none based on the video alone. As a parent, I would think that the comments allegedly made by the assistant or substitute ( I am not from the area, know none of the BOE employees and frankly don't know anything about the Fruitland schools) to your daughter to embarass her in front of the class is the major issue. As a retired Principal, I spent many a day fielding parent's concerns, and can tell you that is where the Principal will focus her investigation. If indeed, this occured, then the individual who made these comments to your daughter should certainly be reprimanded for extremely poor judgment for embarassing your daughter. I don't believe it is grounds for more than that, and if this individual has gone 'rouge', then it is certainly the Principal's job to attend to this starting with a formal appology. Beyond that, while you certainly don't have to like the video message, please try to keep in mind that this is a good opportunity to share with your daughter a life lesson about how she can continue to become a responsible person by exploring how this incident made her feel so that she never does anything like it to others. I would also caution you, and the others who have shared that they might like to come to school in an effort to stir up concerns at school. Schools are places for learing that opperate by the stuctured rules of our society. To thsoe who might seek to cause concerns at the school, this will only bring negative consequences that could involve law enforcement - something no child needs to see or hear about during their school day. I would emplore you to think twice before acting as you persue this.

Anonymous said...

If you believe that was really written by a teacher, you need to go back to school. Hey people, I'm Baptist minister and think we should go back to segregated schools, and women should be in the home cookin', cleanin', and doin' laundry.

You are right...RC has spouted off hearing one side of a story, I hope she has the guts to accurately report what happens when she 'storms the castle' Monday. I have a feeling her eyes are going to be opened quite a bit.

Anonymous said...

This (and specifically the comment by "Fruitland Teacher") is exactly why my wife and I work our fingers to the bone and do without to send our kids to private school. WE have the final responsibility for what our kids are taught, not some arrogant, socialist, stuffed shirt, a$$hole that looks down their nose at us while they can't even spell themselves.
Those who can - do;
Those who can't - teach or work for the government.

Anonymous said...

11:35 I don't think she'll be laughing. I don't know if she cares or reads sbynews. I don't know what about her intelligence level you think has to do with this. She is not the final arbitrator of this issue.

Anonymous said...

Is this video available somewhere else? YouTube is not accessible in the Wicomico County Schools. I don't understand how it was shown. As a teacher, I have never had a substitute come in with her own lesson plan and abandon mine. I would guess there is more to the this story. But as usual, a lot of the public is quick to jump to conclusions and believe the worst without all of the facts. I wonder if the other students in the class will tell the same story that RightCoast's child did.

Fruitland is a wonderful school full of dedicated professionals. This is the case with most of the teachers in Wicomico County. It is sad that no one writes posts about that

George Bush :) said...

Are you serious? You really think a "Fruitland Teacher" would write that crap and then sign it "Fruitland Teacher"....anyone can go to the bottom and sign whatever name they want to sign. Check out my name...:) Or maybe I am really George Bush...:)

Oh, and keep asking people to identify themselves...I believe "man up" was one of your terms. Well, I've looked and looked, and I can't seem to find your name anywhere...not your blog, not your website. Why don't you "man up" and tell us who you are? Or I guess I can just go to Fruitland Intermediate on Monday and look for the woman with her chest puffed up and chin in the air, looking for the news cameras.

Anonymous said...

Her name is Julie... and she started or help start Americans for Prosperity

Jason said...

I'm so confused. I've watched the video over and over and I just cannot find anything political beyond the speaker. I challenge anybody to quote something, anything within this video that talks about anything more than hope and change. It seems to me that this country needs hope and change more than ever, and regardless of the speaker, the message is relevant to every person in the country. So far, I have only seen people state that there is a problem... well... what exactly is the problem? My guess is that you hate the president for whatever reason and you are just too close minded to hear the actual message. Then I have to ask... did you actually watch and listen to the entire video? I don't know, I don't see a problem... period. When I was in school, I was forced to watch Reagan, the good Bush, and Clinton. What's the difference? What if the "great" George W spoke the same message? I'm sure there wouldn't be a problem. Maybe nut jobs like Michael Moore would have had something to say, but intelligent people without alternative motives would be pleased. So my conclusion concerning this incident is that any complainers or anybody against this is on the same level as Michael Moore... Full of $h!t with only their interest in heart... not the child's, not the school's, and certainly not the country's. This is a perfect example of one of the major problems with our country which is causing a level of seperation which eventually will lead to the downfall of this great nation. Way to go, you are now part of the problem!!!

ocdmbfan said...

what a shame... it saddens me to read these comments... this is what is wrong with the country today... the self-righteousness, the hatred, the need to push others down into the dirt... how do we expect our children to get along and become healthy responsible adults if this is what we show them... i am ashamed to call myself a human being these days...

Anonymous said...

11:05 am lol @ nothing political beyond the speaker. That's a good one.

Anonymous said...

repost this please, never saw this many comments ever!

Jason said...

2:20 pm (or anybody)... please provide an example of how the video is anything beyond pro-American, an example of anything that directly supports Obama or democrats in general, an example that lashes out at republicans. Seriously, I see this is a potential learning opportunity, and I'm very curious to be shown what I'm overlooking here.

Anonymous said...

Jason, I'll answer that question as I just answered it on my own site.

It is not a factual video. It teaches nothing of history, science or math. It's soaring rhetoric set to music for a CAMPAIGN played in a government run school. What does "hope" and "change" and "Yes we can" mean? What does "hope" and "change" have to do with Math or Science? For that matter what does anyone's political campaign have to do with the 4th grade? What lesson is here? The implied is this presidents policies are "helping the world" and many people disagree with that implication. Moreover, it is teaching little minds that these policies are "good" because they are "changing the world". That is loaded with implications a public government run school should not be getting involved with.

Jason said...

I agree but I disagree... I mean, I agree that generally a campaign add shouldn't be presented to our kids, and since this is a campaign add, the teacher should have used better judgement. At the same time, I do believe it is OK to teach our children that our's is a strong country and regardless of past events, there is always hope in the future which requires a level of change. With that being said, I have to ask... Would it be better if the video was labeled "Pro-American Hope Speech" instead of being a campaign add?

The bigger problem is how your child was treated when she questioned the assignment. I can't agree more that the incident needs addressed.

I guess my question is a little off your specific topic involving school. I mean, outside of a school setting the content of the video itself promotes the strength of America, it attempts to reinstate a lost level of confidence in govenment, it attempts to reestablish respect for our leaders. I would actually love to see the exact message relayed by a mix of politicians, giving equal exposure to all parties. In this video, I don't see where Obama attempts to take credit for any "good" deeds, and I don't see where he claims to be right about anything at all. I can see how this can be twisted around and manipulated in a metaphorical sense to mean pretty much anything you want it to, and that leads to the question of intent. Can we really make an assumption that the producer's intent was malicious against anybody's beliefs? I believe that once you deviate from the literal meaning of ANY writing, all you really have is assumptions based on extremely varied personal experience. In this case, Obama supporters are going to assume that he and the video's producer had good intentions while those who oppose Obama will site assumed bad intentions.

Anonymous said...

It's not so much the video, I object to although I don't see why it was played in a fourth grade classroom to begin with, but tying it to the assignment of "what can you do to help the world?" (like Obama is) is implied here. It seems to me to be a very blatant political view of the aid that she believes that Obama and his policies are helping the world. I find that objectionable because I see much of his agenda to be destructive, but that's just me. Even if I agreed with that message, I find it inappropriate that a state paid employee is telling my kids what to believe about political policies, regardless of who they used as an example. I didn't say that Obama himself did anything wrong here. Nor am I blaming the producers of the video. They have a right to make any political video they want to. Obama nor the producer didn't choose to play it in a 4th grade classroom and say in effect: "See? Obama is good. He is helping the world with his policies. What can you do to help the world, like him?" The aid took it upon herself to impose that Obama's political policies are helping the world on my children. Fortunately my children have had a lot of exposure to politics and they recognized that something was awry with this lesson plan. Certainly there are better ways to inspire kids then to politicize their elementary school classrooms.

Anonymous said...

Okay RC...I've read your comments at 5:15, then went back and read the lyrics. Where is the political view? It's simply a message of the hope in change, specifically identifying a situation that you must agree deserve change (crumbling school.) While you certainly could lean this in political direction (and that is most assuredly the intent of the producers) it's not blatant.

Don't get me wrong, I voted for McCain, and can't wait for the chance to vote Obama out, but I think you're making a huge mountain out of nothing more than a molehill here. If the teacher was indeed rude to your daughter, that is where my anger would lie. If the teacher said "Obama will make changes to help the world," that's a little slanted, but not so much to get as upset as you seem. Remember, it's the PARENTS' responsibility to teach morals and values...and I have no doubt you do that. But I think you've grossly overreacted here, and your vim and vigor might be better placed in the grassroots movements you help with.

Just my 2cents.

Anonymous said...

Surely your private school education has taught you that the use of an ad hominem is the sign of one who knows they have a weak argument.

Hell, I learned that in public school.

Anonymous said...

Wrong 7:09 I've talked to teachers and they say that is not a lesson plan they would ever approve of.

Anonymous said...

7:09 So would you be agreeable to your child listening to 30 minutes of Limbaugh and then asking them how they can help the world?

Anonymous said...

So wow the troll hanger on-ers are still here. I would close this post to further comment Joe as it's clear the attackers are out in force.

J Taylor said...

Thank you for doing this. This is not a private matter. This is the PUBLIC government schools. Where there is smoke there is fire. Thank you for having the gutts to stand up for this. Hopefully others will stand up with you. This is not an isolated occurance.