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Friday, September 11, 2009


The “Tilghman Times” is continuing to play the shopworn story about a “missing” police surveillance tape as if it were the biggest of the year if not the 21st Century to date. It seems that ten or more years after the tape was made that tale has become more important than Salisbury’s crime rate, the waste water treatment plant fiasco and the City’s fiscal peril.

Reduced to basic facts, police officer Mark Tyler claims that he gave the tape to Debbie Campbell sometime after it was made, which occurred many years before she became a member of the Salisbury City Council. Ms. Campbell categorically denies that ever occurred, but let’s assume for discussion that it did. What additional information is pertinent besides when, where and why Tyler acted as he claims?

First, did Tyler violate any law or procedure by providing the tape to Ms. Campbell, allegedly at her request, and did he advise his supervisors at that time of either her request or his action? What reports about those details were required, were they submitted and what do they say?

And now, the interesting part: why did Tyler tell the tale to Webster in early 2009, days before the City election, did he do so earlier, and, if not, why not (amnesia)?

But that’s not all folks . . . Chiefy Webster, front and center, uniform not needed, and you may stand at ease so that your perfect creases are not marred.

OK, Chiefy, why are the whereabouts of the tape and its alleged possession by Ms. Campbell – by virtue of it (allegedly) being given to her by Tyler – of such importance at this late date. And if Tyler violated any rules or laws, has he been disciplined and will he be prosecuted? Why is time being spent on this tape hunt when Salisbury has rampant crimes of violence? Did you authorize the latest statements and were they made to the reporter (or her superiors) before or after the Mayor ordered that this matter be dropped?

Inquiring minds want to know facts that the Daily Slime will never touch.


Anonymous said...

To answer the question, it's not important at this late date for any reason that falls under the notion of law enforcement. It's just another effort by the Chief and his handlers to discredit Ms. Campbell.
The council majority is almost certainly going to swing 180 degrees in less than a year, and some people are sweating it, namely the Barrie Comegys crowd. They'll use any tactic they can (this already proven over and over again) to derail the other side. It's going to get dirty and this baloney is just the beginning.

Unknown said...

"(I) have no idea what was on the videotape," Tyler's memo said. "(I do) not believe that the suspect was captured on the RETURNED TAPE or (I) would have been advised later by Ms. Campbell for the investigation."

Seems maybe the police department has the tape as Tyler states it was returned

Anonymous said...

The comments on the DT site are being struck down almost as fast as they're being written. Most of the ones eliminated pointed toward this continuing story being a real dog, not worthy of ink. At least one intimated that the Barrie gang is pushing it along (not hard to believe), and even that D'Allesandro is on the take (deserves thought).

Anonymous said...

And since the Mayor ordered that this matter be dropped, why is it not dropped? Huh, Daily Timnes, why is this matter not dropped? Do you not listen to the Mayor? Obviously you are still listening to X-mayor Barrie and doing as you please as you usually do. No wonder your paper is so poor - whatever happened to reporters that went out and found the news and reported on it HONESTLY, rather than heresay all the time. Daily Times you are really rotten to the core. By the way, Joe, good job in reporting and keep up the good work. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

why are they just bringing this up now. Shouldnt it have been looked into back when it happened

Anonymous said...

number 1, the DT doesn't have to listen to the mayor; number 2, it's about character. specifically its about lying. Who is lying and whose is not. That was should be important to Salisbury. If you lie about this, what else are you lying about?

mad granny said...

These two idiots need to quit worrying about some stupid tape and worry about the unsolved crimes in the city and how to keep it's citizens safe!! My taxpayer dollars are being wasted over this crap!! Get off your holier-than-thou butts come down off of that
3rd floor pedestal, get out there on the streets and do some REAL detective work!!!!!!!!!

joealbero said...

THAT'S the problem Mad Granny, these Idiots have NO CLUE how to do real detective work.

Webster comes from Internal Affairs and has no clue how to be a Cop, let alone a Detective. All of the others are rejected cops who couldn't work the beat properly, so they were transfered into becoming Detectives, (not all of them, mind you).

That being said, have you looked around lately. How's crime working for you in Salisbury? Have you looked at all of their "Cold Cases."

Webster's track record is crap and I seem to have been the only one to call it like it is, then he sues me in the hopes of accessing my sources and to try to shut me up. How's it working for you Chiefy?

Debbie Campbell admitted today on the Bill Reddish Show that she doesn't like, or get along with the Police Chiefy. Hey Chiefy, there's another lawsuit for you Pal. She doesn't like you, OMG, get a lawyer.

TheONLY time they solve a crime is when the WIFE sees a picture on this Blog of her husband from Berlin and turns him in. Salisbury News does better work for the 3rd floor at the SPD then they do any day of the week.

Anonymous said...


Where are you?

Anonymous said...

Interesting aspect --

The acting chief at the time of the surveillance, Ed Guthrie, does not recall authorizing the release of the tape, so Tyler may have been acting on his own.

Interesting possibility: Tyler gave the tape to someone other than Ms. Campbell and now that it is missing is pointing to her not his co-conspirator.

VERY interesting -- et tu, Chiefy!

citygoer said...

This is exactly why things around here are so F-ed up. Crime is sky high, cold cases are piling up and the entire community is worried about crap like this. Ive never seen so many ppl concerned about other ppl's business. This isnt high school anymore. Lets worry about the numerous robberies and murders shall we. People around here are too concerned with fulfilling their own agenda rather than doing the right thing. Pathetic!!

Anonymous said...

They deleted my comment over there pointing out the ridiculousness of this all, so I will repeat part of it here: we aren't morons--when a reporter (and editor) choose the word "admitted" rather than "acknowledged," they are revealing bias. Why are they so concerned about what Ruark has repeatedly said would not be prosecuted if (a big if) it happened, and ignoring significant allegations of voter fraud in the last local election? Go door to door--people can remember what happened 6 months ago much easier than what happened 11 years ago. Ask them what they were promised if they voted a certain way. Look into some parties that were held, who held them, and what was said at them. Track down a local NPR reporter and see if he still has his tape. That is a big story, not this bs. But it will never happen.

mad granny said...

You're dang right that Sby. News could do better! Do you know why...because you CARE!! Those people could care less what happens around here as long as it doesn't affect them. I am so sick and tired of being afraid to go out after dark. Crime is out of control because there are no consequences to pay. These folks have no respect for anyone or anything. The officers out on the street can only do so much and I hold the Chief accountable. I often used to see Colbourn Dykes riding around with officers (in uniform) or walking around various areas of town making himself visible. He loved this town and I really miss him. Has Chief Webster ever rode a shift with his officers or walked the streets to make himself visible? I know the answer to that question, I have talked to some of the officers out on the street and they have told me that he HAS NOT. This is not good for morale if your boss isn't willing to pitch in and do the job that he is asking you to do. On a positive note, I am very pleased with our Sheriff! This young man has what it takes to clean up this county! Too bad he can't run the city police too.

Anonymous said...

"In his response letter, Webster cited retribution as a motive behind the duo's attack on his tenure. Ireton called off the 11-year-old investigation on Aug. 27 and forbade the chief from commenting to the media."

If the mayor forbade his employee, allan webster, from speaking to daily times about this issue then why did chiefy make this quote?

"In response, Webster said, "I'm tired of talking about this. I'm concerned with running this department. Capt. Mark Tyler is a trusted and valued member of this police department and I am very disappointed a member of our City Council would question his truthfulness.""

Anonymous said...

Why are all the comments deleted from the daily rag. Not like censored journalism.

Anonymous said...

Because he thinks Jims a joke.

Anonymous said...

12:54 I believe that comment from the chief is grounds for dismissal. Sounds like insubordination to me. It is obvious that the police chief thinks he is untouchable.

Anonymous said...

Now that Ireton is the mayor, Webster is untouchable!

Anonymous said...

Insubordination, it is! I'll fire him first thing Monday Morning! I've been waiting for something like this!


Anonymous said...

"In response, Webster said, "I'm tired of talking about this. I'm concerned with running this department. Capt. Mark Tyler is a trusted and valued member of this police department and I am very disappointed a member of our City Council would question his truthfulness."

I am very disappointed a ranking member of our police department would question the truthfulness of one of the only working council members.

Just because he's a cop doesn't make him honest.