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Friday, September 11, 2009


When Joe Wilson called Obama a liar during the joint session of congress, Democrats were appalled. Republicans tried to distance themselves from him. Thus far, I have heard no one saying Obama was not lying, just that Wilson should have sent Obama a letter.

The California courts have ruled that illegal's can not be denied coverage. The Supreme Court refused to hear the case, on appeal, thus upholding the lower court. (14th amendment) It seems, to me, only Joe Wilson understands this. The other fools in the chamber are arguing over what the bill says about illegal's when it makes no difference, as the courts have already ruled.

Democrats are calling for censure of Wilson, yet they have no problem with a tax cheat as secretary of the treasury or the tax cheat writing tax law. Wilson might be the only man in Washington that knows what he is doing.

Joel Brandes


Anonymous said...

Joe Wilson made a fool of himself and his actions were an embarassment to the entire US Congress. If he had one shred of honor left he would resign in disgrace. Nuff Said

Anonymous said...

Did any Democrats resign when they heckeled Bush during his SOFTU speech? didi Pelosi resign after calling the CIA liars? Get over it Demonrats, your reign of radical liberal terror will be over 2010, for a long long time.

dogg said...

I am going to have to agree with Joel here. Besides...if that Senator wanted to say something then he has a Constitutional right to say what he wants to say.

Oops...I forgot. Obama has apparently suspended the Consitiution hasn't he. lol...and he probably isn't even an American!!

Sen Wilson for President!!!

Anonymous said...

Joe Wilson had the stones to say what many of us were yelling at the TV screen. It is a shame that the cowardly Republicans sat on their hands and then jumped on the "politically correct" bandwagon. I sent a contribution to Joe Wilson's campaign yesterday! Tomorrow I'll be in DC!!! If we can save this country from the progressives, I just regret that those hell bent on our destruction will reap the benefit. Enough said.

xploded said...

Maybe not so quick on condemning Con. Wilson. It may have been rude and bad timing but honor? Lets rewind to the majority of Pres. Bush's speeches to congress. Jeers and boos were easily heard from the crowd and there was never anything raised about the honor of those hecklers. Where was that outrage for disrespect? It also seems to be ok, to have the speaker of the house and other leaders call ordinary Americans Nazi's, or un-American for voicing their views. Where is your outrage for that?
The biggest mistake Wilson made was to apologize. He spoke the truth and spoke what millions of us out here feel.
Just for info purposes..Obama does lie and did lie.. Gonna question my honor also? Nuff said

Anonymous said...

Show some RESPECT for the President! Wow, people in this country are going nuts!

Anonymous said...

the president called all the folks who showed up at the town hall meeting liars. if we all keep showing this man respect we will no longer have the right to call the man a liar without being arrested. wake up. talk about mind numb robots. the president has no plan except to shove the bill that is in the house down our throats.

Anonymous said...

11:17, no he didn't. Lets see the quote as well as the relative context.

Anonymous said...

Rude r not, I commend Wilson, how else can you get the attention of idiots? Up until seeing Wilson, I thought it was 100% dummies, proven now only 99%. If its not because their ignorant, then their pretty brazen to flat out lie!

Anonymous said...

Joe Wilson for President.

Yup, he speaks the truth. All things considered (like Pelosi calling the CIA liars) Wilson should be hailed.

jefferson said...

Dude was out of line,. this is not the British government. there must be protocol. If he cant follow it maybe he should find a new line of work like start his own blog. Then he can say anything he wants and not be held responsible for his thoughts

Anonymous said...

Wilson has the right to speak his opinion but he was out of order and he was disrespectful.Lets everybody just shout out our opions when the President is trying to speak ..

One thing for sure no matter how much we scream and holla and bitch and moan about the President and his plans bottom line is he will have the last word and we better get prepared to suck it up!! Just like we did when Bush was in office creating all the mess we are in now and retiring to his cushy life without a care in the world..

Anonymous said...

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Hypocrisy, thy name is liberal democrat. while obviously it was wrong for Wilson to have the outburst, but on the other hand, where was the outrage at the Paul Wellstone memorial several years ago? That event turned out to be a Democratic rally. Speaker after speaker got up and derided the President of the United States, and all Republicans. This was a funeral! and their outrage at Republicans was embarrassing-the republicans in attendance had to leave for fear of their safety. So i ask you again, where's the outrage? Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat. Good for Joe Wilson for speaking his mind. Somebody has to tell the emperor he has no clothes on!

Anonymous said...

Joe Wilson showed complete and blantant disrespect for the President of this United States of America. If anyone had address him in that manner, he would have had their azz. No one has to like Obama, the man. But, respect Obama as the President of the Unted Staes of America.

It's a good thing his website was offline that night. I sure did have a few nasty words for his azz. Maybe, I'll check to see if his back online tonite.

Anonymous said...

Hey 4:32 in normal times I would agree with you, but since they have denigrated Bush for 8 years, obviously they play by their own rules. Screw them! Where's your outrage over how they disrepected Bush for 8 years. Where???? Tell me where, and I'll give you a pass.
You can't have it both ways. It's ok to disrepect Bush, but no Obama.
Doesn't work =pal.

surfer said...

I do not remember President Bush having to face loud outbursts no the floor of Congress. When did that happen?

Anonymous said...

Can you say "Freedom of Speech"

Orsonwells said...

There must be protocol in there. I liked the "What Bill?" sign in another Senator's lap. The attitude came through without the outburst, but I understand Wilson's frustration. Tea Party and Hands Off folks have been called names because of out shouted outbursts at the town hall meetings, but after all, a town hall meeting is not a speech by one, but opinions expressed by all by definition. In that light, we deserve no name- calling by the pants- wetters, but, then, that's their only comeback when reason and logic are applied.

Okay, MD_Possessive, your turn to say something dumb.

jefferson said...

As it turns out, the unable to control himself Joe Wilson, was not only rude, but he was also wrong., a non-partisin group has analyzed the bill and determined that in fact illegal alliens would not get free insurance from the health care reform. As a matter of fact the only thing specifaclly metioned about illegal alliens is that they would not qualify for affordability credits. The only thing that illegal aliens would qualify for is emergency room treatment if they were severly ill or injured. This treatmant is by law garaunteed to anyone, as well it should be. You can read their analysis at

Anonymous said...

moves are afoot on another front to grant amnesty to illegals. therefore, down the road, they WILL be covered & flooding our present system with more it can handle.