I brought this to the County Council's attention a long time ago. As soon as they voted to have a County Executive, I immediately stated, why 7 Council Members then?
While the County Executive is cutting corners, cut out TWO seats on the County Council. In fact, eliminate the At Large seats, (two). The Council is no longer a legislative body like it used to be, so having 7 members is a complete waste of time and money.
If the County removes two Members they would save quite a bit of money. $16,000.00 a year salary. Health and Life Insurance, (who knows how my that would come to, at least $10,000.00 a year each. Cell phones, fax machines, mileage reimbursement and lunches, (just off the top of my head). Multiply that times two and you save a minimum of $52,000.00 and let me assure you, it's a lot more than that.
I'd even bet that if it came to a vote, the entire Council would agree that this is reasonable. So, what do you think of that idea Folks?
Sounds like didnt care about your opinion then... or now
Yes, I vote for eliminating the 2 at large seats. Leave only the 5 district seats and the highest vote getter will become the council president. I disagree with your thoughts on the legislative part. The county separated powers when the people voted for the change in the form of gov't. The council is our legislative arm of the gov't just like the US gov't when congress is the legislative arm.
Nobody will agree to give up their power. It's like asking Congress to stop exempting themselves from their own laws!
12:04, lol, you may just be right. However, not everyone is happy with good ideas that make sense, especially democrats, with all due respect.
The County Executive is the executive branch and the County Council is the legislative branch.
I agree that the two at large positions should be eliminated and the council president should be elected by the council members, not the one that gets the most votes during the election.
The County Administrator and the Assistant/Deputy Administrators positions should be eliminated. The newly created PIO for Rick Pollitt should also be eliminated. Does anyone know how much the savings of elimination those positions would be to the tax payers? When the voters voted for a County Executive form of government they did not vote for Rick Pollitt to create positions. Hell, it might be easier to get rid of Rick Pollitt.
As long as you get rid of Sample-Hughes and McCain, I'm all for it.
I vote yea
This is a great idea!
I like the idea thou someone I know was thihnking of running at large.
RightCoast, what's more important. Hundreds of jobs or someone you know wanting to be on Council, with all due respect.
If they can't win a "District" then they shouldn't be running at all. I too have a friend considering running who will get 100% of my support. However, (and they would agree) keeping jobs and cutting expenses, (especially 2 seats that are completely unnecessary) would be right in line of their fiscal responsibility line of thinking.
What an awesome idea. They should clean house before they take from employees that have given great service to this county. The elected side of the shop should be the the first cuts.
Sample-Hughes is an B.O.E. puppet she has a vested interest in that her husband works for the Board.
If I had my way I would can all of them. They all have an agenda and it has nothing to do with the beat interest of this county. This has been one of the most self serving councils to ever be seated. Salisbury City stirs so much press the County Council has been allowed to skate media pressure.
Craemer needs to go as well how much has he made over the years.
The P.I.O. get rid of him as well.
The idea of getting rid of Pollitt is no good. Then you would have John Cannon running the show. Taking care of family land deals that line his pocket. We need people who care about the the County and its future, not their own bank accounts.
Joe long overdue that you start working on this council they have as many issues as the City. Great Job !!!!!
I think by what I have read they need to iron out this thing with the deputies it is going to cost a fortune as well. There has to be some resolution without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to battle thier own employees over something the tax payers voted for.
All the sercuirty gadgets and gas rings for all the vehicles does anyone know what that cost. Just hold those at the top of each division responsible for thier part. All this high tech anti-theft crap paid for with tax dollars was over kill to deflect from those that fialed the system.
You can not buy common sense. Egos run this county. It is time for a whole new council.
Napoleon Cannon should be the first to go. If he had any honor he would just step down.
Wow the verification word is "Sonsof" it just left the last word off lol.
I am 12:04. Call me a democrat again and I will bustacapinyomouf. Got it?
4:39 PM I have to agree with you on everything except Rick Pollitt does need to go. He has the most power in the county and he is the one costing the tax payers with his wasteful spending.
The rick get richer and the poor get pooer!
One would have thought that by now we would have learned quantity is no substitute for quality. The Declaration of Independence was produced by 56 people. The Constitution by less than that.
The country has grown And 535 members of congress, with huge staffs, produced "Cash for Clunkers." The former represented the country. We have no idea who the later represent.
You all may be able to vot Pollitt out, but the same morons who got the revenue cap going, were also the ones who got the Executive form going. Now we have one person with all the power, instead of 7. That makes sense. One person to pay off instead of 7.
Voice is a bunch of self-interest morons. They don't care if Wicomico County is a good place to live, they just want it to be a good place to buy and sell real estate.
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