After major delays and without any notice from the County, the collector road is finally getting close to being completed. The first layer of blacktop runs almost the complete distance now and it won't be long before residents on the south end will be able to get to the north end of town without being subjected into driving through Salisbury.
We want people to come downtown and shop, etc. but we make yet another road to get around without going thru Salisbury?
Where does this road go? I know the entrance on route 50 but where is the other end?
Why no mention of the cost overruns due to bad County engineering practices. I thought this blog was supposed to expose stuff like that?
anonymous 10:41, we already did an article on that subject.
I hear it will eventually connect to Crooked Oak Lane, widen it on out to Nanticoke Road. But the construction will be slowed down. The county is hurting for money, like the rest of us.
Right now it will end at Brick Kiln Road right next to the dump. The second part going out to Levin Dashiell road is no where near half completed. The county said it would take 3 years to complete out to Crooked Oak. Did the county ever purchase the land required to get that far?
About time lol
Time required for new road construction on the Eastern Shore vs. the Western Shore (Baltimore/Washington corridor) seems almost directly in proportion to the speed at which life is lived. Traffic would have stopped ages ago on the Western Shore if they waited as long to finish a road there.
Welcome to . . . NOWHERE!
In "Nowhere" there's no there, there, is there?
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