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Monday, July 27, 2009

Jury Backs Hospital That Deported Patient

Luis Jimenez secretly returned to Guatemala over objections of his family

STUART, Florida
- A hospital that quietly chartered a plane and sent a seriously brain injured illegal immigrant back to Guatemala over the objections of his family and legal guardian did not act unreasonably, a jury found Monday.

Health care and immigration experts across the country have closely watched the court case in the sleepy coastal town of Stuart. They say it underscores the dilemma facing hospitals with patients who are unable to pay for the long-term care they need and don't qualify for federal or state aid because of their immigration status.

Deputy Court Clerk Carol Harper said the unanimous 6-member jury found in favor of the hospital.

GO HERE to read more from MSNBC.


Anonymous said...

It is a good thing the trial was held in Florida. If it had been held in the Northeast or west coast they would have made the hospital bring the illegal back and probably have awarded millions of dollars in damages. Damn I am glad some people still have some common sense.

Anonymous said...

This can only be done when a corporation faces loss of profits as is the case here. Otherwise, illegal immigrants are welcome to come here take jobs, and destroy our culture.

Anonymous said...

thank god some people in this country(the jurors) still have some common sense!

vote here said...

vote here ppl i say good thing

Anonymous said...

Don't worry - Obamacare will change all that. Illegals will gete an even sweeter deal than they already have.

AR-15 said...

Does anyone know how he got the brain injury? I need all the facts to render an opinion on this one. If he was injured on the job and the construction company or meat packing plant that employed him for minimum wage needs to pay. Otherwise, I agree.

Anonymous said...

Send all the illegal immigrants back to where they came from. And close the borders. This is the reason why California is broke now.
They sent out IOU's instead of tax refunds. Sounds like stealing your money to me. They have 40% illegal immigrants and Arnold was giving them health care, welfare and everything else. Some where even coming across the border into California getting their welfare checks from a post office box and returning to Mexico to spend their money. No wonder California is broke. And now Obama wants to do the same thing in the rest of the country. Go figure that one out Mr. Liberal Obamamites.