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Monday, July 27, 2009

We've Come A Long Way In America

Let's Never Go Backwards.


Anonymous said...

Albert Pike founded the KKK. He was a 33rd degree Freemason. The letter K is the 11th letter in the alphabet.

Anonymous said...

Obama and the likes of Gates do not believe we have come a long way. In fact, they hold a lot of anger toward the "white man"

Anonymous said...


NoName said...

ahhh 9:27 the reverse racism card...i get it.


Anonymous said...

Anon 9:27, by whose standards have "we" come a long way?

Anonymous said...

A molotov cocktail would eliminate all those sheets.

Anonymous said...

we haven't come a long way...Obama is in office due to racism. The black vote this past election was in record numbers. Many of these people didn't vote before as they didnt want to vote for a white man.

Anonymous said...

9:51 --

Too bad you can't time travel to back then -- you would not have to ask your question.

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:26, where's your facts. If you google the question you are WRONG.
Try looking up:
and get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

9:51 -- Suggest that you read the recent book by a Worcester County attorney (Jos. Moore) about the lynchings in Salisbury and Princess Anne, and one that almost happened in Snow Hill, in the 1930's - available at Barnes and Noble in Salisbury.

If you don't think things have really changed since then, you are an IDIOT or a race cardist (or both)!

Anonymous said...

9:57...and a lot of people wouldn't vote FOR Obama because he was black. Yes, many didn't vote for him because they didn't like his politics regardless of his color, but there were those who voted against him because he was black.

Where has your outrage been for people who are white who wouldn't vote for blacks? Your outrage is only reserved for blacks who felt it made no difference to them if another white man was elected?

By the logic you are using, every white man who got into office could have made it based on the votes of those who wouldn't vote for a black.

No one of any color (sex, religion, etc.) should vote for anyone just because of their color (sex, religion, etc.) But don't fault one ethnic group while not faulting others (remember the dispute over JFK's Catholicism?)

Racism is just more subtle now, and you're living proof.

Anonymous said...

It's not about black and white it's about Obama and his communistic crew that want to rape the achievers of American society and give to blacks an end run reparation. Basically he wants white workers to work for those who don't this is slavery .

Anonymous said...

Guess what I couldn't agree with you more, so are you looking for a debate? You won't get one! I didn't vote for him becasue he is black! I said what I said because racism is mostly spoken of in the sense that whites hates blacks. The election was a true example of blacks against whites. We haven't come too far and probably never will in my/our lifetime. And I don't believe I am outraged at all, that seems to be you!

Anonymous said...

we are undergoing the largest redistribution of wealth that this planet has ever seen, I work and non workers (white and black) go to the mailbox brown bagging a 40 while in bath robe, wearing slippers to get their fortune! That is what Obama wants. Tax me to give to the unwilling....If a federal worker has to pass a urine test or drug testing of some sort to get a paycheck than the welfare recipients should have to as well. Wanna save the country some real dough, drug test anyone that receives federal and state benefits than maybe they will stop calling my office asking if we are hiring, we say no and they say " I will be right in to fill out an application" They are playing the system for my hard earned money and THEY ARE NOT WORTHY OF IT! OBAMA IS USELESS!

Anonymous said...

10:06 I am responsible for the following comments:9:57, 10:21 and 10:29, thats how I see it!

Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for you. As americans, humans damn mammals when will we get over the issue of race. In nature if you have a white cat and a grey cat they are still cats. We are all the same! No human is better than any other human. In the black population we have racism between darker skinned and lighter skinned people (color struck). In the white population the barrier is based on religion(Christian & Jewish). Ask yourself...If we were all the same color wouldn't there be something else that people would divide over??? Oh those people have brown eyes the blue eyed people are better or those people have brown hair the blond people are better. Sound ridiculous? It sure does!!!

X Factor

Anonymous said...

Wait til the hispanics control a voting block.

Anonymous said...

If he doesn't quit screwing around
you will see white sheets like you've never seen before.

Anonymous said...

X Factor..the problem with that is, we aren't the same color and if my grandmother had balls she might have been my grandfather! Yet again I do agree with you, it is just the way it is!

Or try this; those people who work and those people who dont, this is how I see the division to come in the near future, and color will have nothing to do with it! I work and pay for benefits, healtcare included while others don't work and receive my benefits, racism and differences hasn't been brought to life like it is going to be soon. Obama's plan will create such divisions and the country will be still divided just in a different way! An it will be worse than ever! Healthcare plan causes Dr's to retire, leaving rookie doctors making next to nothing and not enough of them, so will our healthcare be any better? We may have benefits but what good are they if we can't be seen by a Dr. Yet again another division or predudice to come. Will blacks or whites be treated first, that is if you can even get a dr to see you...The quality of the physical care will be less than acceptable, although we will all have benefits. Polls show that a large population of our Dr's are able to, willing to and will retire if this crap passes. we will always be seperated somehow.

Anonymous said...

I thought that everyone was created equal. Who determined that one race was better than the next?

Anonymous said...

Looks like a teabag party to me.

Anonymous said...

It's the perception . One race envies what the other has but doesn't understand what it took to achieve it so they just think they deserve it and they should take it by force ! One thing for sure is if you get something you didn't earn it's even harder to keep !

Chimera said...

Its not about NOT voting for a black man,but Obama is a big fake who used his race to garner votes.
Without all his BS about hope and change and promising black Americans the moon he would have NEVER got elected.

Anonymous said...

Aside from all the political bullsh*t, Thanks Joe for this post and it is very true. I am happy to be an American, I own a business here in Salisbury, I get taxed to all hell, and I know its getting worse. But thank God that me being a black man, I can conduct business in the same area where there were lynchings and blatant discrimination.

Anonymous said...


That is an ingorant and stupid statement on your part.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the left "the party of homosexuals " always uses a homophobic slur when attacking the right what a joke !

Anonymous said...

This site is a giant step backwards.

"If he doesn't quit screwing around
you will see white sheets like you've never seen before."

You approved that comment, Joe. But I'll bet you $50 you won't approve this comment, showing your racism.

joealbero said...

anonymous 2:42, I was at a Press Conference at the time, so you're wrong. Or don't you remember we have people moderating the comments here. Oh, that's right JT, you don't get enough hits and or comments to need that kind of help because you write most of your own comments anyway. What's the matter JT, Chiefy didn't tip you off on the Press Conference and you're upset.

Anonymous said...

I went to your site about the Albert Pike reference. It is a Grand Lodge site. According to Freemasons, Pike did not create the KKK.
I would not expect the Lodge to admit Pike's work in this hugely negative organization. Furthermore, it is widely believed that Pike did in fact create the secret organization. So we have one secret organization denying participation in another secret organization because of its negative connotations. Granted.
The letter K is the 11th letter, and 33rd degree is the highest degree of Mansonry. Pike was obviously very close to the organization and shared their primary philosophy. It is difficult to make the case he was not associated.
Perhaps the Clan made it appear to be connected to gain respect? Many clansmen are Masons. That is undeniable.
Thanks for the comment.

Anonymous said...

As a young black man, I will say we have come a long way. Probably as far as any piece of legislation or government act will get us. The rest is up to us, black and white, to either settle for good or go our separate ways. I don't like the small segment of our (black) community who milk the system. I also don't like the what I hope to be small segment of whites who seem to think that most blacks milk the system.Or that black people haven't/don't contribute positively to this country. Lets end the hatred, step away from your anger, and look at the situation with an eye on the facts, not fear. With action we can then solve what ails us.

Anonymous said...

3:14 there is wisdom in your words however white people are extremely paranoid understandably right now. I believe when the majority of blacks can gain access to the media and turn their backs on people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton that make a living off of creating and perpetuating racism a sense of trust could start to grow.

Anonymous said...

We have come a long way. The black race has had more opportunity now than ever. However you are wrong about how Obama got elected. If it wasn't for Acorn getting Obama all of those illegals votes and dead people votes he would have lost the election. If we haven't come a long way A President of the United States would not be half black. I am in my mid-fifties and I have been discriminated against all of my life because I am white. Every
time I applied for a job I was told that they had to hire minorities first because of affirmative action. I also worked for big manufacturing companies and saw more experienced and more capable white workers passed over for promotions to give the job to blacks because of this. This has happened to me all of my life. So yes the black man has had many more opportunities than I have had.
But I have still worked hard all my life to get a house and try to live a decent life. So yes there is discrimination going on but it is not against the blacks it is against the white man. Instead of blaming the white man for everything that happened to you. You should blame your black relatives that sold you into slavery. There were no blacks in the Mayflower or in the native american tribes. Your own prople sold you to the white man so put the blame where it belongs. Also I am tired of being politically correct. A black man can say anything he wants to a white man but if we say it we are labeled racist. That is BS and I am sick and tired of hearing it. So yes I didn't vote for Obama but not because he is black. I didn't vote for him because he is pushing us 100mph toward Socialism or Communism whatever you call it is still total government control. I would definitely vote for a conservative black man with the right political ideas. Such as less government, less taxes, and more freedom. We are losing our freedoms so fast it would make your head spin. I remember the sixties when we were all prosperous
and had little government control.
Everything was much better then. Ah yes the good old days if we could only get them back everyone would be happy and prosperous.