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Monday, July 27, 2009

Listen To Parts Of The Police Dispatch Call That Led To The Arrest Of Henry Louis Gates Jr.

Tape: Cop called Gates uncooperative

Released dispatch recording shows sergeant wanted more backup

- A police sergeant who responded to a 911 call about a possible break-in at the home of black Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. can be heard calling Gates uncooperative during a radio communication with a police dispatcher.

Sgt. James Crowley said he was with a man who claims to live in the house and with identification showing he was Gates. Crowley said the man was not cooperating and told the dispatcher to "keep the cars coming."

Another voice can be heard in the background of the transmissions, but it is unintelligible and unclear if it is Gates.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Gates is a racist, pure and simple:

I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't provoke the police to arrest him so he could:

1) Make a ton of money in a lawsuit
2) Gather evidence about "racist" America for the reparations movement.

He knew the charges would be dropped - he's a FO Barak Hussein!

Anonymous said...

That officer should have told Obama "thanks but no thanks" about the invite to the White House!

One dissing deserves another!

Anonymous said...

How about Osama Bama now inviting the officer and Gates to the White House for a beer. This is all an attempt at covering up HIS stupidity in what he called the officers actions in the arrest. He's treating this invite like he's settling a dispute between two fighting kids. What a bunch of BS! If I was the officer I would tell Obama to get bent. The officer was doing his job and it's none of Obama's business to be stepping in. Let the law work it out. Obama is just trying to save face for making such a stupid remark on a situation he was wrong about. What an idiot.

Anonymous said...

i just don't understand people... if i had locked myself out of my house, if i had to force my way into my house and if the police were called due to my suspicious behaviors, i would be grateful! i would be grateful to my neighbor, who is keeping an eye on my house. and i would be grateful to the police for demanding to see my identification and proof that this was, indeed, my home. there's no reason to take any offense to anything the officers did. they were doing their job and trying to protect gates and his property. for an academic, gates sure does seem pretty dense.

Anonymous said...

Some cop...."keep the cars coming" for a elderly man tha walks with a cane. Setup.

Anonymous said...

Gates can be heard twice in the background, obviously speaking loudly if he can be heard on the cop's radio. The first time he is unintelligible; the second time you can clearly hear him say, "no I want" before the dispatch switches. Sounds like he was loudly making demands.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, 3:39!

Anonymous said...

The beer was officer Crowley's idea. The intelligence here is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Just view Mr. Gates on Cspan Books... He was very boastful of smoking more than cigarettes... He is totally opportunistic in Character. Anything for a Book deal...He too completed Advanced University Education by Minority Grants.

Anonymous said...

So osama wants to have a beer with the cop and the racist to 'work on an understanding between the police and the community.' What???? I thought we had one, don't break the law and you won't get arrested!

I agree with 3:13 that is was a set up by yet another of osama's racist buddies!! Open your eyes and see what you've done by electing this moron before it's too late. The cop should tell him to go pack sand because right now he's the good guy until osama spins a web of lies after the beer.

I wish whites would realize stating facts is NOT racist but hiding the truth about osama IS stupid!!

Anonymous said...

wow a black playing the race card ,when there is a black 1/2 in 1/2 in office .What is the world comming to??

Anonymous said...

You people make me sick...The guy said that he lived there...and right then and there, there should have been no reason to arrest him at all. The true racist are making comments in this thread....I can't put into words how frustrated I am that you racist aholes are posting this crap when the tape proves that the officer is planning on arresting him while he has full knowledge that the guy lives there. Why don't you racist pigs put your hoods back on?

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind I agree with everything 3:13 says. However, the police have no right to enter a house unless A) a crime is WITNESSED B) police are invited C) the police have a warrant. Also, the police have NO protection from offensive speech. There are very few questions a citizen should answer if they are not under arrest. The Constitution still trumps all emotions.

Cathy said...

at first i thought "if i were Gates - i'd be pissed off at the person who called the cops and didn't reconize me as their neighbor..." and then i thought "if i were Gates, and my own neighbor didnt' recognize me, i'd better start having bbq's and invite the neighbors so they know what i look like!"

Anonymous said...

Well Gates was a Black panther and all.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:10 you are an idiot. What if a burglar broke into your house when you where not at home. Then the police come and the burglar says it is his house. Do you think then the police should leave him alone to finish burglarizing your house. Also if Gates showed a college ID because he is so proud of where he works. It probably did
not have any address on it at all. Most school ID's don't have addresses on them. The police officer was doing his job trying to find out if he really lived there or was breaking into the place. And Gates acted like he was to good to be questioned on the matter. Instead he should have been co-operative and glad the police where trying to protect his property.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Crowley is now reportedly the one who asked for the meeting? WTF? Doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

The main stream media misses the point - of course. They are supposed to distract us from the real story in these cases.

The police are out of control in America. Whether you are white, black, brown the police act like they are our masters.

This story is about police, not race.

Chimera said...

He was acting like an obnoxious b*stard,and if I were the cop I would have declined the invite too.
Maybe Gates should get to know his neighbors,but I am guessing they are white and he snubs them accordingly.