Mike Dunn to Barrie Tilghman Email April 6, 2005
This comment from the Daily Times article, "Mayoral candidates trade jabs on records at forum".
bettertoquestion wrote:
"No grand plot, eh?
Does this non-existent plot include the email from council president Mike Dunn to the mayor just after Debbie Campbell took office that plotted to restrict information to Campbell?
Comegys learned early on in his SHA job, and then again under Dunn's "leadership" that restricting information to a select few was a great tool for getting what he wanted. And that lying, if you don't get caught, becomes easier and easier.
Comegys lies again. Just as he will continue to do if he becomes mayor, when the lies will become bigger and he'll be paid more to tell them."
Note to City Administration. The memory of the downtrodden is very long.
Oh my goodness, Barrie, we can't have Debbie actually trying to get some answers for the taxpayers and be well-informed. My GOD, NO!!!! Have the elected officials actually do something for those who elected them?? Clearly, Debbie forgets whose regime the city is under.
Heil Tilghman!
That's what the email might as well have said. How this man (and I use that term VERY loosely) sleeps at night is beyond me.
But then I have a conscience.
And they quoted that vicious man Dunn in an article today!
EarlsSister and Debbie Campbell ROCK!
How does any of that useless bunch sleep at night is beyond me. Don't worry,she'll (the mare) eventually will push the wrong buttons before she's gone and it will come back to slap her right in the face and I'm gonna be LMAO!!!!!!!!!
Yet you don't live in the City. Interesting.
And shortly after that everything was changed so nobody else got caught and e-mails were forbidden then council memebers were not allowed to ask department heads questions that may have been important to voting on a resolution or ordainance.
Thank God for the blogs, we've caught them in so many lies and schemes they should be in jail.
And this was sent from Dunn's desk at the University?
WSCL/WSDL has seen the last of my donations.
Just think of how different the city would be if Comegys, Tilghman, Dunn, Cathcart, Shields and Smith were cut from the same cloth as Campbell and Cohen.
am i missing something or did Dunn send an email to Debbie thinking he was sending it to Barrie?
Please help me understand....
Yes, Dunn mistakenly sent the email to Campbell, intending it for Tilghman. She had been in office for something like a couple of weeks. I hear that Campbell sent a polite reply.
"My goodness!"
According to a Google search the new council (including Campbell) wasn't even sworn in until the 18th of April, so that was before she was even officially a member? How pathetic. It is easy to see that they have tried to shut her out since the beginning, but she has always been polite, assertive, and on our side. Does anyone know if the absentee results were public by the 6th?
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