
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Earlier today I published this story, Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't about a Bar Manager who went to the Old Mill and left her car there overnight and it was towed.

The Bar Manager posted a message on her Facebook Page stating, "I have a pocket full of ammo, they don't even know what's about to happen tomorrow!"

Her intent was that she was going to call them and give them a piece of her mind about what she experienced. 

The Old Mill contacted the Delaware State Police and had her arrested. She faced the Judge and the Judge told her flat out, she is NOT to use the Internet for the next 30 days until she goes to Trial. 

Now I'm no lawyer BUT isn't that her First Amendment Right, FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is there a lawyer out there that can chime in on this matter? I can see the Judge saying she can't talk about this MATTER on the Internet but to stop her from marketing the business she works for and discussions with personal friends, (to me) his order seems excessive. 

If The Old Mill really felt threatened, well, I guess they have the right to do what they did. HOWEVER, between Salisbury News and word of mouth in the INDUSTRY, I can guarantee you this will NOT fare out well for business. 

By the way Old Mill, THANKS FOR ALL THE HITS TODAY. If you don't believe me, LOOK at the Top 5 Posts of the WEEK. That article is already #2 for the past week and it's only been up for a few hours. UH OH!


Anonymous said...

If her intent was to call and give them a piece of her mind, that's what she should have posted on Facebook. Not "I have a pocket full of ammo...." How stupid she is! And while I'm at it, all these people that air their dirty laundry on Facebook need to grow up and handle their problems! The rest of us don't really need to know about your personal life, or lack thereof. :-)

Anonymous said...

We will never eat there again!

Anonymous said...

That's it. I'm done with that place. I know this young lady and she'd never hurt a fly.

Anonymous said...

The number is 302-846-9000. Call and let them know they have lost your business.

Anonymous said...

Last time I checked, making terroristic threats was illegal.

Anonymous said...

3:43, I wouldn't think reading her comment about a pocket full of ammo would describe her like you do.

Anonymous said...

What other businesses does the Old Mill own? They are also going on the do not visit list!

Anonymous said...

It's the same as saying "I am going in there and give them a piece of my mind because I'm loaded for bear!" The person that might say this is not out to hurt anyone they just have the info needed to win the argument not to cause physical harm.

Anonymous said...

I stopped going there when they got mad that I brought my Dad who was in a wheel chair...NEVER AGAIN !

Anonymous said...

She was stupid for losting this. A threat is a threat no matter how nice a person you think she is. People think because they are behind a computer they can say anything they want with no repercussions. If this was posted about a school everyone would want her arrested. The same should be true if you threaten a person or business. Freedom of speech is on thing but threatening is another.

Anonymous said...

If you want to make a dent in their business, go on Yelp, Tripadvisor and Google and leave negative reviews based on your experiences. It is interesting that their website does not provide an email address for the business, manager or owner.

Anonymous said...

I eat there often, great crabs!

Anonymous said...

Her comment was taken completely out of context. Completely.

Anonymous said...

If it was on her face book page then it was a general comment and not a threat made directly to them, they went snooping on her Facebook page and found it, no threat if you ask me

Tidewaterbound said...

This move on the part of the Old Mill owners, likely just put in motion what will close their doors.

A figure of speech is not a direct threat. The judge should have tossed it, the DSP should have used better judgement, and the Old Mill just shot themselves in the foot...figuratively for those who might not get it.

The sad part is the JOBS that will be lost due to the owners of the Old Mill reacting poorly at every opportunity they had to make this right for their CUSTOMER.

This time next year, I don't envision the Old Mill to be open, or at least with these owners.

Anonymous said...

That's okay-we'll use the internet for her.
Go To Hell Old Mill Crab House!
You were in the wrong and instead of allowing this customer to vent, and then attempting to diffuse the situation diplomatically, you started a war so to speak.

Anonymous said...

She used the wrong words in "venting", plain and simple. She needs to grow up and stop acting like a child.

Anonymous said...

Let's picket outside the restaurant this Fri. and Sat. That will show them!

me said...

I love crabs.

me said...

I love crabs.

Anonymous said...

Not very good public relations.

Anonymous said...

She chose her words now she must deal with it. I always taught my kids to think before you talk. Guess she did not.

Anonymous said...

3:41 you are absolutely right I think face book users should put more time in finding a life for themselves.

Anonymous said...

What would happen if someone actually attacked the owners of Old Mill? Not all threats are idle. Do you want the police to judge which threats are real?

Anonymous said...

What's she been charged with? Regardless though, I am not aware of any scenario where a judge (esp before conviction and even that would be limited) can compel someone not to use the internet.

Anonymous said...

This girl may have used wrong word of ammo but for you all to call her a child and this and that maybe you should grow up because i can almost guarantee if what had happen to her happened to you you would have done the same. This girl has a heart gold and would not hurt anyone.

Anonymous said...

Joe and to comment on your post STATION 7 in pittsville should start selling crabs they all ready do shrimp. Love that place they would have sn awesome turn out.

Anonymous said...

Take a step back folks and think for a minute....there have been other situations where individuals have posted on face book, etc. and horrible consequences have occurred...that's the pattern in today's world, we are living in a society and it's sad, that you have to check out any remarks directed towards you or your business. She might be a terrific person and never ever shown any hostile personality, but, look at the number of individuals that have exhibited the same nice person persona and carried out their threats. I really do wonder why whomever ordered her vehicle removed, didn't recognize it as a employees' car or why they didn't get the tag number checked out prior to towing same.
Seems like they could have prevented this whole situation..

Anonymous said...

Facebook and Twitter are a primary means of communicating for many younger people. Old folks just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like old mill is over reacting, more then likely won't be going back but it isn't entirely due to this because I didn't Cate for it when I went. And as for those people saying others shouldnt air their dirty laundry on fb because you don't want to see. Well no one told you to look at ot and if you don't like it defriend them. You're the ones that need to grow up, world doesn't revolve around you sunshine.

Anonymous said...

Old Mill just vaulted to the very top of my list - of places to avoid and places to recommend against. To many places to get crabs without having to put up with that kind of customer service.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone commend her for NOT drinking and driving??? Get real! She did the right thing. Wrong choice of words...but right actions! Old Mill should be ashamed!

Anonymous said...

Me two!

Anonymous said...

Do I think it was bad choice of words yes with the way todays society is with everyone crying for the way of rights to be in the views of thier own thoughts yes. Those that think she is a child and need to grow up. How about your own comments. Check that mirror.... Is the judge wrong, absolutely he was n DSP was in the wrong to. Now as for Old Mill. Well sure there is no parking unless a customer, how ever for them to press charges over Her Facebook comment. That is wrong, it is a freedom of speech, no threat was made to life. And for my comment on Old Mill. Over priced or rated place n have not been there n years n will not. Have a nice day. Thank you S. Mills

Anonymous said...

Me three!

Anonymous said...

It's clear why these restaurant owners are losing their asses so to speak. They have no business acumen. Negative feedback can be so used to your advantage and can increase you customer base if used properly. As soon as this became public, they should have publically as well, fallen on their sword, taken responsibility (whether they believe they were at fault or not) apologized, paid for any costs incurred by the towing AND given the unhappy customer a $100 gift card.
They couldn't have gotten any better publicity than this.

jal said...

been there before poor service over charge not very polite never again JAL

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech is not freedom from responsibility. Using any communications device to male a threat is illegal and is not protected speech. Use some common sense.

Anonymous said...

If you don't want to know about their personal lives then stay off Face Book! Thats what people put on Face Book.

Anonymous said...

It was her facebook page. She did not call them and threaten harm, she did not post on here threatening harm.

They searched her out and purposefully created this problem.

My page is private, my posts are private, she needs to learn how to make her life and comments private, as they were intended.

To those with the wawawa about todays society are ridiculous.

You want to know about todays society... you can not say ANYTHING at all any more that can and will be taken out of context and used against you. How's that for a fact.

How many times, in anger or in jest have you said "I'm gonna kill you!". So now you know you can be arrested for that, even if it was a joke, just as that phrase has been for years.

Anonymous said...

Well said!!

Anonymous said...

5:28-Yeah but.....there is a series of factors courts use to determine whether speech constitutes a true threat. One factor is whether the speaker communicated the speech directly to the recipient. Another whether the recipient had reason to believe the speaker could engage in violence.
The jury in me is out on this one. Need to see the whole exchange to put it into context.
If anyone plans on doing something like this again just say you have "a mouthful of ammo."

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks their FaceBook posts are private is tragically misinformed.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of the comment made on Facebook the point of this story is the girl left her car there so she wouldn't drink and drive....can she get an amen for that?!?!?!!?!?

Sean O'C said...

Old mill had every right to do what they as far as the towing of her car. She also has the right to speak as she wishes on her Facebook. How the owner of Old Mill saw the post is unknown to most of us. But think of out this way, if you had a bunch of money put into a business and someone threatened you (not saying she did directly threaten them) than you would want something done to that person. The judge's ruling is his own doing. Not that of Old Mills. Be mad at the judge. It's also not about publicity. Giving in to publicity is like giving in to peer pressure, which everyone was always told not to do. Why should they pay for a poor decision she made. She parked she pays, per the law. Please feel free to voice your opinion by tapping the reply button below.

Anonymous said...

I'll be driving by the Old Mill on my way to the Red Roost !

Unknown said...

TThis is silly, and was stupid for the Old Mill to tow her car that was only there a couple of hours. What's most absurd is that the Old Mill foundtime to take out of their day to expose a fully functioning member of society in such a way. How pathetic is this?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They may have had the right to tow her car Sean, but was it a smart business move? Absolutely not. Then instead of learning their lesson (these people sound so brilliant-yeah no wonder they are losing their asses)they go in search of something to have her arrested for further adding fuel to the fire.
This speaks to their character. I won't go to their restaurant. They are raving lunatics. God forbid you get cold hush puppies or something and bring it to their attention. The way they react I wouldn't put it past them to dip the hush puppies in the toilet or something before bringing them to you.

Anonymous said...

This is exactly the reason I do not post on FACEBOOK. Personally, I don't have time for the affair.

Anonymous said...

The old mill should encourage you to not drink and drive. This was petty to start with. And it's not terroristic threatening unless she has the intent to harm. Good luck getting a conviction and the judge is out of line. He can't take away your rights. Innocent until proven guilty.

Anonymous said...

Old Mill , you can still make this work for everyone ,to have a customer's car towed who just spent money in your place ,oops bad judgment. it was most likely
the mgr. It's not like she parked in your flower garden, it was a parking spot and it was a $50k car she thought it would be safe until she got back and you had it towed ! that would piss off the pope. of Corse someone is going to speak there mind. the best thing to do is apologize to EVERYONE !pay her back for the tow charge and invite her and five of her friends back for dinner and take that dumb sign down. otherwise this is going to cost you a million times more than what I just stated, right now nobody wants to park there car in your parking lot how does that feel !

Anonymous said...

The Old Mill has never been an enjoyable place to eat...they watch everyone as if they're thieves, rush people out, and are just not welcoming. Sharing tables with strangers is not my idea of a nice meal, either. However, they did have the right to tow the vehicle if they were not asked if it could be left overnight. As for the bar manager's Facebook post...I'd have to say she definitely chose the wrong words, probably didn't intend to do any physical harm, but in today's society we can't assume a threat isn't real. Sad. I think The Old Mill handled this pretty poorly, though.

Anonymous said...

So she does the correct thing and not drive while drunk and they two her car! Old Mill is horrible. Never go there again.

Anonymous said...

Was going to head there this weekend with a Party of 10. After reading this thread and the other. Will be going to Red Roost, its a further drive, but I'd rather spend my money there.

Do we need business owners like this in our local community? If you say no, then please take your hard earned dollars elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Well looks Old Mill has my business!!! She is a friend of mine. I applaud her for being responsible and not driving after drinking!!! Maybe her words were not chosen well but that still does excuse their actions. The former owners would've have never done that!!!

Anonymous said...

Well looks Old Mill has lost my business!!! She is a friend of mine. I applaud her for being responsible and not driving after drinking!!! Maybe her words were not chosen well but that still does excuse their actions. The former owners would've have never done that!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been away from the shore for 4 years now. Someone please tell me what the hell happened to the family that used to own it. They were AWESOME! !

Anonymous said...

Since when has NOT getting a DUI some kind of an accomplishment? If that was the point if leaving the car

Anonymous said...

Lol me as well...RED T
ROOST will be very busy this summer...good for her b
Making the choice not to drink n drive...threats like that are scary in today's society...choose your words carefully...and always remember that karma takes care of those who do wrong ...we as people don't have to say anything or do anything to those who wrong us

Anonymous said...

The lesson to be taken to heart here is that this restaurant does not handle criticism well. They've now taken it a step further as someone said above, and are promoting among their staff an atmosphere of not handling criticism well by their actions.
Now who in their right mind would want to go there anymore and take the risk. I too, would be afraid to even ask for more ice in my soda.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow!!!! Idk about anyone else, but thank you for not drinking & driving!!!! If it was 1, 2 or however many drinks you had. Ppl must think its OK to have a drink & drive. Cheese & rice ppl!!!!

Anonymous said...

wonder if Ill get good service tonight?

Anonymous said...

Maybe they also own a towing co. too

Unknown said...

It was on her own Facebook page, I know this girl and she is the greatest. It was wrong if them to stalk her page and use a post against her. How do they know it was about them, apparently this business has nothing better to do then be on Facebook.

Unknown said...

She was setting an example, to not drink and drive and you tow her car then stalk her page why because you knew it would puss her off then use a post on her private page to help you out, this is so wrong if I ever saw it and old mill need to find something better to do with there time. Get a life old mill! !

Anonymous said...

I've left my car overnight at both BJ's and Fager's in OC in the past year and they didn't tow it. I didn't tell them I was leaving it either.
Towing the car was a stupid move. I can see if it were sitting there for over a day, then tow, but only a total jerk would tow a car under these circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Not sure we have all the facts here yet.

Aggravated customer posted what could be viewed as a threat, especially when we've seen lots of incidents elsewhere that have followed this type of posting.

Uncertain how news of posting reached eyes/ears of business.

But police found enough info about circumstances to make an arrest.

Judge found situation serious enough to accept the charges and to make pre-trial release conditional, in part, on avoidance of the internet for a period of time. Defense attorney could/can enter objection to the requirement.

Run this in another direction, where business, cops or judge did nothing, and something terrible happened. What then?

Can't unspeak the spoken word, and pretty tough to scrub the internet!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what happened to the original owners they were awesome. I was just there this week and found the staff to be rather rude. I will be going to the red roost

Anonymous said...

the previous owners sold the OLD MILL couple years ago. I wish their kids had taken it over ,and kept it in the family.

Anonymous said...

Old mill I hope you shut down cause u lost so much business cause what someone done for a safety reason. Guess u are OK with ppl getting DUI after drinking at ur place

Anonymous said...

boycotting that place from now on

Anonymous said...

This is the dumbest thing ever. Don't we have more important things to worry about???

Anonymous said...

As an FYI I just went to their Facebook page and unfriended them and that felt good.

Anonymous said...

what harm was she doing by leaving her car there? NONE....i would be scared to go there now...what if when i get ready to leave my car wont start...what would they do tow mine to? i would be mad to.....i dont condone her wording nor leaving her fb open to the public to view...i tell people all the time that they should set their fb's to never know whom is trolling....its a stalkers paradise....privacy options are there ...use them..but to tow her car just because she left it in their lot....that is just wrong and again it makes me wonder if they would do that to me or either of us...should our car not start when we go to leave....its disgusting......if you want a good place to get crabs besides Red Roast...go to Hoopers before you get to Ocean City...i dont go to Old Mill because they are to pricey....and if you have 4 people thats expensive .....i would rather get a bushel and have them at home in the comfort of my own home....fat boys here i come.....shame on you old mill....i wont be coming NO Time soon.....i hope you go under....

Anonymous said...

Sounds like if you want to have a few beers with your crabs and not drive home, this is certainly not the place to go. Bayside or FatBoys. Take home a feast already cooked and enjoy your evening. Much cheaper too

Greg Shrieves said...

First I put my name to this post! Anonymous ...WTH! Now on to the point , everyone is Assuming she was talking about a gun rampage.... Thank you news media for making everyone jump to conclusions...its always bad gun this bad gun that! This business has no clearly posted signs about no overnight well as this fact, if the patron left the business and had an accident the victims would want to sue her and the place THAT SERVED her! Wake up people!!!! If the comment was taken as a threat, fine have it investigated and go one with life, to have someone arrested and charges pressed.....I have lived in Delmar for many years, I can not wait to hear the creaking of their rusting doors from lack of customers! These people are true jerks for the way they handled this entire situation! oh and I am sure no town officials or political figures will make a stance on this issue and sign their names to it! I challenge you, either way you want to go with your opinion is fine but put your NAME to it! Thank you GREG SHRIEVES!

Anonymous said...

The problem is that everyone on here will spout off about not going there but will not follow through or call Old Mill and let them know that they will not be coming back.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Let's picket outside the restaurant this Fri. and Sat. That will show them!

April 24, 2014 at 4:41 PM

Ok Let's! I will meet you there.

I bet no one shows up.

Anonymous said...

It used to... last year I wrote the email address provided on their website and I got a reply 3 weeks later with BULLSHI* excuses for lack of service and an awful experience

Anonymous said...

I stopped going there when they asked my family to leave bc we were there to long and others needed to eat. Keep in mind it was about ten of us and we had only been there an hour. Its all you can eat it takes about 30 min to place orders with. Red roost is my spot no rush there.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that the same Biden that can't see to protect children from known molesters in Delaware has oversight on what happens in Delmar too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anyone who thinks their FaceBook posts are private is tragically misinformed.

April 24, 2014 at 5:46 PM

its called settings. you can choose who sees what.or none at all

Anonymous said...

Very ironic I just left Specific Gravity and a group of people I was with was talking about how rude the manager and owners were at the Old Mill are and would never go back. Been there once a couple years ago and it was ok at best. Went to the Roast last week and had great service and crabs. Will never go back to the Old Mill.

Anonymous said...

I've made my last visit. Of course they will probably not miss the $500 to $ 600 we would spend during the season.

Anonymous said...

You can't blame the business for someone acting like an idiot. What if they hadn't called the police and she walked in there and shot someone, then old mill would catch backlash for not reporting it from the beginning. It all comes down to someone making a poor decision and using a poor choice of words.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:23 using your rational we could all be arrested at anytime if anyone ever perceived us as a threat you are clueless.

Anonymous said...

Thats the truth

Gerald said...

Since we have a Muslim president and we are all required to not speak truth, and we must be Politically Correct in everything we say and do, we have all given away our 1st. Amendment right to free speech. This is why she is in trouble now, before all the PC bullcrap you could vent and scream and even threaten with words, it was not illegal, it was actions that got you into trouble. Communist countries and Nazi countries arrest you for talking.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry....NEW CRAB HOUSE OPENING UP IN DELMAR......may 15th!!! Old mill don't even know.....LOLLOLLOL...can't wait to see their faces!! Hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Old mill sucks crabs suck go to the. RED ROOST IT'S GREAT

Anonymous said...

The ....NEW MILL". ...IS COMING SOON!!!!!

Anonymous said...

People: The right to free speech does not exempt you from dealing with consequences of what you say. She chose to drink. She chose to leave her car on private property. She chose to use threatening language. However you perceive the Old Mill, the customer is 100% in the wrong here. And yes, a judge can order someone to stay off the internet. Internet access isn't a protected right.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, didn't the OLD Mill reply to a review of yours years ago stating they tarnished your food or something? I seem to remember this isn't your first run in with them

Anonymous said...

Why would they gate the parking lot? Maybe somebody would get in and open up the septic tanks!

JoeAlbero said...

I spoke with my attorney today and 9:09 is correct in the sense that a Judge can in fact take that right away from you.

As for the parking, I completely disagree with 9:09.

As for those who claimed she was drunk, that's just plain BS. Then there's the group of people who are complaining she was out drinking on a TUESDAY NIGHT. HELLO, in her line of business, TUESDAY NIGHT is their Friday or Saturday NIGHT, Idiots.

That being said, PAY ATTENTION NOW, today has been a record day on Salisbury News. Even if you look on Facebook it shows these two posts have exceeded more than 30,000 views on Facebook alone.

Like I said in the Post. The Old Mill's decision will not fare well on their business.

Anonymous said...

If you have unlocked non -towing parking lot and friendly service, I'm there! Just looking for a good crab place...

Red Roost? Always great!

Anonymous said...

Unless her comment specifically stated that it was directed towards Old Mill then it isn't a threat. You can tell someone "I'm going to kill you" in front of a cop and as long as you don't pursue the threat there is nothing they can do about it. However she did say something about having ammo which is the reason the cops could do something with this case.

Anonymous said...

Yet another example of a business making poor choices that will be it's downfall. I do not understand owning a business in the service industry if you do not want to serve people. Sad the loss of jobs that will happen. As for her comments, poor choice of words. I'm sure none of you ever said something stupid. Maybe a warning from the police or judge would have been enough. Not sure arresting her was needed.... but I'm not in law enforcement. Hope she files a civil suit to recoup the legal expenses she is gonna face.

Anonymous said...

You should start a group/fund to assist this woman with fighting the charges and promoting the right to leave a vehicle at a place of business that serves alcohol if one does not feel comfortable driving.

JoeAlbero said...

I just learned her bond was set at $100.00. Clearly the Judge didn't see this as much of a threat but had to do something.

Anonymous said...

First of all is it posted now over night parking and second i won't be eating there

Carole K. said...

It is obvious that the current management doesn't fully understand the business they are in. I will never darken their door as long as these people are running it. I am going to share with my 400+ friends and encourage them to do the same. Hang in there to my friend. Anyone who knows this young woman or even meets her just once will know without a doubt that the post was not literal.

Anonymous said...

They sold the business. An they would have never towed the car.

Unknown said...

social network?

Anonymous said...

I haven't been there in over 20 years probably and don't see a reason to go there now, especially after this. I had problems there the 2-3 times I went there in the past. Parking lot is probably full from out of towners and being directed there by locals. I bet that will change now.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a terrorist threat. the word "Ammo" can be used in a number of different ways. Such as the state attorney has loads of "ammo" to use in the court hearing. They are overreacting because of all the recent shooting, that the media has put in front of them everyday. They are just brainwashed by everything on the news, they need to grow up.

Anonymous said...

Im sure everyone that has shot someone as at least one person who thinks they have a heart of gold

Anonymous said...

Even with the low bond of $100, the real issue is the restriction of not using the internet until the trial. That is akin to saying don't use the phone, watch TV or read/write a letter to someone in this day and age. If it were me, I seek out an attorney well versed in 1st Amendment rights and challenge the local yokel district court ruling.

Anonymous said...

Im confused...did she say "old mill" anywhere on her facebook? If not...she couldve been talking to anyone. So how js there any case in regards to the old mill assuming it was for them? Bad experience with her or not...unless she was specific, its still their assumption, right?

Anonymous said...

She can post what she wants on her Facebook, if u don't want to know ppls personal business stay off Facebook or don't read what ppl post. That's crazy she couldn't leave her car there for a couple of hours regardless if it was after the business closed. The sign said no OVERNIGHT wasn't left there overnight. I can understand her not being able to get her car until morning if the car was there with the gates locked, but towing it, that's ridiculous. Nobody said she was a alcoholic, if she wanted to drink that's her decision, who are we to judge. She did the right thing by not driving. Yes she could have said no but regardless what does that have to do with anything? She's saying why suggestive sell something if the business is gonna be a douche bag about a car being there for two hours as a result of taking the suggestive sell. Under the influence she probably didn't think to tell the managers she was just think cautiously driving wise. This situation is crazy...everybody is entitled to their own opinion. She can say what she wants about a business its called "word of mouth", they should of treated her way better.

Anonymous said...

It is ashame they did that you can speak what's on your they lost my business to and my family and friends said they will spread the word around they need to apologize to that person they are so wrong

Anonymous said...

And you've probably NEVER made a mistake or bad decision in your life before either, right? It must be nice to be perfect. Do us all a favor and take your Holy-er than thou attitude and stick it. Her words were taken completely out of context, on her fb page...she didn't even mention them in the comment, and there wasn't a direct threat. You're probably someone who doesn't believe in innocent until proven guilty either.

Anonymous said...

I understand your point regarding the mindset of today's society, but what ever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? The police could have contacted her, investigated the situation and helped diffuse the issue. Regardless of what others have done, we can't lump people into a category and label them just for the sake of saying action was taken. I'm really surprised to see how this situation has become completely out of control in just a short period of time.

Anonymous said...

I want to say I do know this young lady and she a very sweet and nice lady never ever did anything to harm anyone what ever she puts on her Facebook page is her business they had no right finding her on fb just to see what she said right there goes to show you that they was looking for some trouble now days you see people posting song lyrics on Facebook maybe she was doing that Noone knows so before anyone goes pointing fingers at her and yes I know her name but I will keep it out make sure you have something to back it up but as far as old mill it clearly shows that they looked on her page this is what is wrong with society today people are always quick to judge others unless something like this has happen to you then you don't know how you would react

Anonymous said...

Ok im starting to think sum of these anonymous responces is from the defendent...Js

Anonymous said...

And she isnt supposed to be useing days u have to take statements seriously.

Anonymous said...

Easy win for her lawyer.. "pocket of ammo" could mean a number of things... Perhaps she meant "ammo" was a stack of receipts showing her past patronage there... Or a copy of an ordinance stating they towed her unlawfully. Or pictures of the owner cheating on a spouse. Just too subjective.. "Ammo" is gathered to win arguments. As long as the word gun wasnt used with clear intent to harm,she is fine.

Anonymous said...

You have to take what people say seriously these days. Any adult with good common sense should know better. What if a kid walked into a school and said they had a pocket full of ammo? What's the difference?

Anonymous said...

Its called common sense , get some

Anonymous said...

That's a effing figure of STUPID ARE YOU!!!????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You have to read the ultimately stupid comment on the Facebook page from the supposed DJ....
terroristic threat? Really? Do you even know what a terroristic threat is??

"threatens to commit a violent crime for the purpose of terrorizing another or of causing public panic. "

What a screwed up world it has turned into.

Anonymous said...

where is the new crab house in delmar going to be? i want to go!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe 90% of the people commenting. Are you guys really that ignorant?
1- it is the law that violators of a parking rule will be towed
2- if you post something on facebook and happen to tag the location (in status or with the "where are you?" option) it pops up on their page and they see it.
3- This says she was a bar manager there. An employee. Doubt Old Mill did all this, but in a lot of big name corporations there is a apecific human resources employee whose only job is to monitor employees activity on social media. Violations of the code of conducr be it in restaurants or anywhere else has consequences.
4- This is an enforcement of a zero tolerance policy! It was a threat and evidence of premeditated violence, whether she meant it or not! If someone said this about a school or a government building, they would be detained indefinitely. And if y'all reacted the same way about that as you have here, and said "oh it's a joke you're overreacting! " how would you feel when that someone actually shoota up a school? Whether it was a figure of speech or not, you can jever be sure! And Old Mill had every right to do what they did.
5- And the theory that the nicest people hold the darkest secrets can veey much apply in this situation. Is it not thw quiet nice people, who no one would have ever thought would so such a thing, the onea who commit the most heinous of crimes?

Anonymous said...

If the judge actually thought this was a terroristic threat he wouldn't have set bond at $100. This is something that has gotten way out-of-hand for all parties involved. Maybe Obama will invite them all to the Whitehouse for a beer summit.

JoeAlbero said...

7:56, I wonder who would drive them home and if the White House would tow their vehicles?

Anonymous said...

One of the previous posts states that you can tell someone you are going to kill them right in front of the police and it is not against the law. That may be the case in Maryland but it is not the case in Delaware. In Delaware that is considered terroristic threatening and if the person you say it to says they are in fear for their life you will be arrested. I'm not sure which side of the line Old Mill falls on.

The other thing is that everybody keeps saying Old Mill shouldn't have "stalked" her facebook page and that whatever was on their was her "private" thoughts. Nothing that is ever put on the internet is private. Once it is put on the internet it is pretty much open season and it is my understanding that if you put something on facebook and you have "friends" then they can see what you put there. Also any of their friends can now see what you put there because they become your friends through default. I'm not sure that is correct because I don't use facebook, but if that is the case then it is pretty hard to call something back once it is put out there.

Anonymous said...

Al Gore eats at the Old Mill whenever he's in the area because they are big on global warming.

Anonymous said...

She'll now have her day in court. Gag orders are issued all the time by Judges, when they deem them appropriate. I wouldn't advise her to tell the Courts that she has plenty of ammo for when she shows up for her court date and say it was just "a figure of speech"......

Anonymous said...

Omg...are you serious? Just hearing that makes me never want to go there again. So sorry.

Anonymous said...

To everyone that says she was doing good because she wasn't drinking and driving....You do realize it doesn't actually say she was drinking? It just says she was a Bar Manager, not that she was actually drinking that night. Read a little closer next time.

However, I do think Old Mill was wrong and I won't be eating there again.

Anonymous said...

ok so what you are telling me is that if I use the word AMMO I am automatically talking about a bullet not being armed with information as the DEFINITION in the DICTIONARY also states! Boycott the Old Mill! Remember a PEACEFUL PROTEST is still protected under the Constitution, UNLIKE the FIRST AMENDMENT.

Anonymous said...

that's ridiculous, its like they wanted her to drive drunk... they went too far having her car towed. If there is a rule saying no over night car parking, and it was still there by maybe noon, then yeah I would say tow it as long as she didn't call or anything saying she was coming to get it. but seriously, looking at her personal facebook? reporting a comment that didn't have their name in it at all? That could have been about anybody? that's bull shit. I definitely won't be going to old mill. I don't want to say the wrong thing have them snooping around to see if I said anything on a social net work. I don't want to drink there because if I can't even leave my car there for a couple hours to keep people safe and myself, they might get it towed. any normal person would have said, hey she was drunk and being safe. we will give her a chance. they just wanted to be complete ass holes. they wanted the spot light and now they have it. they definitely just lost a lot of business including me and my family.

Anonymous said...

8:30 While you are technically correct that she never said she was drinking you need to re-read the post she said:
"I ordered one beer and she persuaded me into ordering a bucket of beer,... I didn't feel comfortable driving my car so I left my car there, found an alternate ride and came back at 11:15 to pick my car up with a sober driver."
A reasonable inference from that statement would be that she drank from 1 beer to a bucket of beer and felt a little tipsy.
I love reading these comments. It's amazing how many people read and comprehend written words differently(including myself).

Anonymous said...

To those making the claim that the business was in it's right or whatever and following their policy when they had the car towed are dead wrong.

The fact is the car wasn't parked there overnight. Taken literally a sign stating No Overnight Parking means the car is only in violation if it were still there the next morning.

Anonymous said...

9:13- My thoughts exactly. If their policy is no overnight parking, then they effectively did not abide by their own policy by having the car removed before overnight was over. Overnight means the entire night and extends into the next morning.

Anonymous said...

Between WAY over priced food, crabs that aren't nearly as big as they claim to have, managament/ownership who has tried to turn it into a frozen food heated up kind of business (and I know for fact bc I used to work there. Their food comes frozen from Sysco Foods and heated up when ordered. So remember that when you're paying $26 for your dinner), and now this whole "come in, drink and have fun but now you have to drive your car home bc we don't want it in our MASSIVE parking lot" attitude is absolutely the final straw. The Old Mill has become a garbage restaurant. What happened to the old home town, neighborly feel? So much for trying to HELP the community by understanding you can't drive drunk. The Old Mill has been a cancer to this small town, close knit community. I honestly hope the people who have been faithful to this abomination of a restaurant seriously rethink their decision and choose Red Roost instead the next time they want crabs or any kind of seafood for that matter.

Anonymous said...

I love how all these people are jumping on the bandwagon to not go to the old mill when you do not even know this person or "have a dog in the fight." Stage a boycott by going to the old mill eat and drink and everyone leave their cars there until after closing and allow the old mill to tow their vehicles come back at 11 pm and have a class action suit regarding inappropriate towing and not following their own posted policy. I didn't realize that the sticker was huge

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the Old Mill will survive just fine without all you "informed" patrons. Great place, have been a loyal customer for years. Never had a bad experience whether in a large group or small. Always pleasant staff who do a great job! Sounds like someone is pissed off when they should look at their own responsibility in causing their situation.

Anonymous said...

IMO most restaurants have become Sysco restaurants. All taste the same but big price differences. Nothing original around here. Need to go back to preparing home meals.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3:51PM The new owners of the Old Mill also own the DOMINO's PIZZA around the shore.

Everyone is right about the owners, management & staff. They are rude, make the staff push high dollar drinks and seafood steam pots and not the all you can eat. They have fired waitresses for not selling enough seafood steam pots.
All the "old" waitresses that worked for the Wonderful Kowalski's have quit, all the kitchen staff has quit. FYI-The COOKS are from WORK RELEASE UNIT!

The bar tender they had for 16 yrs also did not come back, so what does that tell you. Nobody leaves a job they like after 16 yrs of service.

Anonymous said...

Most people vent on fb, for some they may feel that is the only way. I have been so stressed, upset and angry that i have vented on fb. Perhaps its not tge best way,but it relieved what i was feeling.

Anonymous said...

"Sounds like someone is pissed off when they should look at their own responsibility in causing their situation"

What are you simple or something 9:42? The restaurant caused the situation. This isn't even debatable. Even if the person had seen the "No Overnight Parking" sign, the car was gone before overnight was over, thereby preventing her, from abiding by the restaurants own policy.
That's the problem with you people. You are a bunch of half wits. In order for the car owner to have any responsibility, the car would have had to have been parked there until the next morning.
Now please all ignoramuses go away. There is nothing to debate.

Anonymous said...

Agree! I don't understand why so many people have sided with the woman. Maybe they know her and maybe she is a nice lady but she did make a threat that sounded pretty scary. The Old Mill did the right thing by notifying the police. It is the job of the police and courts to decide whether or not the threat was substantial enough for punishment. If the restaurant has a sign posted that states no overnight parking then of all people a restaurant employee should know better. It sounds like a nice lady made a few bad choices and is paying the consequences for them. I don't understand why everyone is upset with the restaurant. Also, why assume that the old mill was "snooping" on her fb page. She made a public threat. It was bound to get back to restaurant staff sooner than later.

Anonymous said...

Maryland has the same law. You cannot threaten to harm someone "right in front of the police" without being arrested. That is a rediculous statement

Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the owners had her arrested AFTER she had already gotten her car back and commented on the same facebook page that's in question "I'm over it, I've just learned my lesson and will never go back" Hm..

Anonymous said...

The food there is horrible

Anonymous said...

Had a girls night planned for next Saturday at Old Mill. We've changed our venue to Brew River! Much cheaper and guaranteed to receive better service!

Anonymous said...

Agree 100%

Anonymous said...

Many places that state no overnight parking will put a big hot pink sticker on your window that says it will be towed if not picked up in 24 hours. They are hard as heck to get off and have stopped me from leaving my car in certain parking lots. Rather than having it towed they should of just left it there. What's the big deal? I understand the gate because people would hangout in the parking lot after hours and drink.

Anonymous said...

@10:23 YOU ARE INCORRECT! My husband was told by an older gentleman, "I'm gonna kill you, just let me go get my gun!" Right in front of a Maryland State Police Officer! My husband asked the officer what could be done about him threatening my life. The officer stated Nothing - he is just running his mouth the 1st amendment covers that! There is nothing i can do unless he actually goes and gets the gun. I was standing there when this was said. I called the barracks to double check this and was told the officer was correct!

Anonymous said...

10:12, her responsibility is not to take your car somewhere and then drink too much to drive it home. Nothing simple or halfwitted about that except your response to it.

JoeAlbero said...

11:11, What you are saying is true.

Over the years I have been threatened more times than I can remember.

Now, if someone says they'll burn your house down, guess what, they go directly to Jail, seriously.

Anonymous said...

Wow that's awful!

Anonymous said...

Me 3!!!! Sooo does this mean a shorter wait line?... lol. But seriously, suppose they served her one drink to many so she did the responsible thing. Why tow her car. SHAME ON THEM and their dry chicken!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

The sign said no overnight parking. Why did they tow it before the night was over then?
What a bunch of morons and so are those defending them.
You are some kind of halfwit 11:13. Her responsibility was to not leave her car overnight which she made an attempt not to do. You must be public school "educated." This isn't rocket science you know.
If the dopes were really following their own policy or whatever other stupid excuses people are coming to their defense with, they wouldn't have towed the car until the night was over.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone say " Red Roost"? Word of mouth is what made Old Mill famous. The same word of mouth will destroy it. Overpriced food has to be tempered with excellent service and community support, they don't look to have either at the moment.

Anonymous said...

^ Take your chances with interpreting what the "figure of speech" was and her intent. Take your family there. I'm sure the peers of the "glorified shooters" take it for granted.

Anonymous said...

You are correct 12:22. There is no place in society for a restaurant that sells alcohol and uses poor judgment. The message they are sending is we would prefer you to drive drunk then to leave your car. This also spills over to other bars and restaurants that serve alcohol. Someone may think twice about leaving their vehicle for fear it will get towed.

Anonymous said...

Makes no difference to me. Last time I was there for "all you can eat" chicken they brought 1 piece at a time every 20 minutes. I left hungry.. never again.

Anonymous said...

Making a bad decision or mistake in the heat of the moment is one thing but she acctually took the time to think about what she was going to say ,took the time to put it in print and still sent it. Now im not saying she would have shot the place up but no one really knows what her intent was. She should have chosen her words more carefully

Angie Romano said...

What's with all the anonymous posts? I swear, she mad a threat. These comments sound like a future episode of America's Most Wanted......

Rick Smitz said...

The far right wing is awesome comedy to read, always standing behind the wrong cause .. in the name of freedom of course .. anyone who posts as anonymous is a coward in spirit, stand behind what you write. I think the Old Mill although wrong in towing her car was correct in calling the law about her freedom of speech threat and glad they took it seriously.. lets get real if anyone threatened you with the same statement wouldn't you be concerned that they may just carry out on it? I would now carry on defending all of the wrong principles in life because of all of your inner anger issues :P

Anonymous said...

Mike Harris said:

Dear Mr. Superior Liberal boy 2:59, I don't think I read anywhere in the posts anyone agreeing with her threat on fb, only the injustice of having her car towed away. Along your line of thinking how would you like your car towed away after accepting their hard sell on the alcohol? I'm sure you would like it and take it with a smile being the good little liberal that you are. Liberals are always such hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

Acting like a child,she ate dinner they serve beer there she left her car returned at 11:30 that nite and it was towed business might as well put up sign thanks for your dollars now drive your drunkass home we dont care

Rick Smitz said...

Liberal boy pfft , I am a realist ..anyone not agreeing with you is a liberal I guess.... I see lots of posts saying she was just using freedom of speech and "probably " didn't mean what she said .. their hard sell on alcohol, she made the choice to drink by the "bucket " lol, just a figure of speech... If I was going to leave my car to pick up at a later time, I would talk to the owners to make sure it was all cool, you know common sense stuff...I do like reading all the comments though and can sense the anger and ill feelings put forth.... issues issues

Anonymous said...

I just called and told them this has reached Canada! They aren't overly happy. ..

Anonymous said...

There was no threat of physical harm the Old Mill made a mistake and should publicly admit they did or suffer a loss in business...small price to pay.

Anonymous said...

1 pm, HA HA HA we had the exact same experience, but that was under the old management! Plus some of us were sicker than dogs a few hours later. Never been back.
Oh and the crabs were soggy dripping wet... yummmy.

Anonymous said...

So apparently ammo jumps up and fires itself now? Having ammo is illegal?

am·mu·ni·tion [am-yuh-nish-uhn] Show IPA
the material fired, scattered, dropped, or detonated from any weapon, as bombs or rockets, and especially shot, shrapnel, bullets, or shells fired by guns.
the means of igniting or exploding such material, as primers, fuzes, and gunpowder.
any material, means, weapons, etc., used in any conflict: a crude ammunition of stones.
information, advice, or supplies to help defend or attack a viewpoint, argument, or claim: Give me some ammunition for the debate.
Obsolete . any military supplies.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't the police have investigated a little more before arresting her? If I was the ops officer on duty, I would have dispatched a unit to go talk to her. Nowadays, everyone's more concerned with "CYA."

Bobbi said...

OMG all of this has been blown way out of perspective. Yes towing her car was extreme but if it was posted...And if she "is in the biz" and a manager, she knew better than to use those words to express herself. If someone posted that about her place of management, she probably would have reported it also especially if the person had created a negative buzz on a local blog site...just saying. As far as Old Mill goes, they have always sucked, Red Roost is well worth the drive.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand this.

State of Delaware is pressing charges to a comment not to her main post but her comments back so someone reply..... she stated that to them not to old mill as a threat. On top of that a Delaware state trooper had called her the day after to make sure she didn't mean it in any literal type threat. And she clearly told them no she ment she had her ducks in a row for that morning.

Now after clearing up the miswording the next day she arrested. .not even for terroristic threat but for Miss orderly conduct...lmao wow old mill really made this situation a lot worst. They talk about her growing up all they had to do was deleted comments from their page

Anonymous said...

I get there was a sign of over night parking will be towed however when does that time start? The moment the business close it doors? Problem here is there is no sign stating what time.. to me i would say over night is after 1 am.. bars in Delaware stop serving then. . She didn't leave it and no she didn't contact someone inside because she wasn't leaving it over night she came right back for it. Now her words could have been better wording but it was to a comment back to someone on the post not a terroristic threat to the Old Mill directly. Nick it's me even more is superhead call her to bury next day about her Facebook page they went back and forth cop said I'm not going to go back and forth with you on this matter I think you could have handed this better then a post, but I am calling to make sure you didn't mean that in any treat. This young lady clearly told her no she didn't and she didn't direct it to old mill directly. .. so next day cop comes out and arrest her for what was already cleared up? Wtf!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Either unfollow or just get off Facebook if you don't want to here about their personal life. I thought that was what the social network was for.

Anonymous said...

The way the Mill treats their customers is also a reflection of how they treat their staff! They've lost this loyal customer's support after they indefinitely suspended one of their veteran servers of 13 years based on a customer's word. Rather than seeing that they were scamming them to get a free meal out of it, they gave her the ax instead in fear that they would get reported to the health department. If they do not value their staff how can you expect them to value their customers??? A restaurant may have it's regulars, but servers, like the one they suspended have regulars, too. As one of her regulars for years I will be following her to Millie's and from my understanding the crabs will be following her there, too! Old Mill should not be telling her customers that "she's not working today" to keep our business. We know her work schedule, but It's ok, I called and found out the truth. Millie's has got one heck of a server and their crab balls are to die for! I look forward to making my once frequent trips to The Mill now to Millie's :)

Anonymous said...

Great crabs going there tonight . That's a threat to people working there in today's times .

Anonymous said...

Geez 1:35 you would actually patronize an establishment that doesn't feel they have a moral duty to the community to discourage impaired driving?
I will pray for your children if you have any. Having a parent with a lack of community responsibility puts children at such a disadvantage.

Anonymous said...

Right and who's gonna police that?? ARe they gonna take her smart phone?! SMh This all could've been avoided by them giving a little more time before towing the's not like it was there for 3 days

Anonymous said...

F old mill. Never going to get our business.

Anonymous said...

Sounds as though this girl experienced a 'Nighmare from Hell'.

I do not believe I am ever going to return to Ole Mill after what I have been reading about the establishment. Towing cars, locking up customers, come-on, there are a lot of other restaurants that are vying for my business.

Anonymous said...

Where are the new owners from? May explain their position...

Anonymous said...

Threats equate to red flags plain and simple.Imagine if you can a person following through with a threat.That makes everyone who chose to ignore the threat look pretty foolish.

Brooke S. said...

I totally agree!

Anonymous said...

Well it seems like it was just bad choice of words...I do give her credit for not drinking and driving. Being hit by one has lower my tolerance for such a dumb act. But it's funny do a little of research and your find out many places that serve you alcohol will not allow your car to be left without it being towed..Might just hurt the business owners some..