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Friday, March 20, 2009

Salisbury University Crime Comment Worthy Of A Post

"I have had numerous comments from Salisbury University students that they don't report "crime" to the Salisbury Police department because "it doesn't do any good".

When asked to elaborate, most students say the "cops won't show up, won't investigate, or tell us 'we deserved it' among other reasons".

Most of the "crime" the students are referring to are B & E, muggings, and MDOP.

I wouldn't put too much faith in Chiefy's numbers."

Is this true? What are the College Students experiences with crime? I'd like to hear more on this. How about you?


Anonymous said...

If you drink a beer the cops show up, put you in handcuffs and threaten to take you to jail, you pay fines and do community service.... If your house gets broken into then they show up 15 min late and say "we'll look into it", they may catch the person, but the criminal gets off because he/she knows how to play the system.

end of story

Anonymous said...

SPD shows up late bc of shots fired on the other end of the city. Oh wait, SPD is falling short of officers this year. LOL How many are leaving or got fired so far?

Anonymous said...

there only job is to gather evidece against you.innocent or have the right not to speak to them without (god help us) a lawyer. do not help them gather thier evidence they will use it against you every time

Anonymous said...

They dont report the crime, because some of them are so stupid that when they have reported a crime and the cop shows up they get locked up for having stolen goods or pot pipes in plain view.

Anonymous said...

when i was in college i lived on hazel ave for 4 years. Our house was broken into 3 times and on 2 seperate occasions myself and a roomate were robbed on the street. One time our house was robbed during christmas break along with 12 other house in the area. They took tvs, computers, change jars, state quarters maps, all the liquer from the bar, most of the food from the freezer, and 4 boxes of cornbread mix. The cops said it was probably someone we knew. The next month some one tried to sell us our own dvd player. we restrained the guy and called the cops. the cops yelled at us for trying to take the law into our own hands and said they couldnt search is residence because they had no probable cause. i pointed out the dvd played with a sticker that i had put on it and they said that wasnt enough. the next week i got pulled over for running a stop sign while riding my bike back from campus.

Anonymous said...

More cop bashing! If you can do a better job, then by all mean; APPLY to your local police department! They are always looking for a few good men and women to tell other officers how they can do could do their job. So, come on down! Please step up to the plate and help make this city a safer place. Stop complaining and make a difference.

Anonymous said...

They only love to bust college kids for petty things. For instance, a few weeks ago I was picking my girlfriend up from a friends apartment (a pretty nice place on the south side of town, not one of the college-associated apartments). I had been in the apartment for not even 2 minutes when the city boys showed up. It was 10:30 PM and they had the radio too loud in an apartment complex, so I can understand the call. Well FOUR uniform officers showed up and blocked the parking lot with their cruisers. Does it really require 4 officers for a minor noise violation? It was seriously 4 21 year old girls with the radio a bit too loud.

Anyway, the cops told the girls to turn it down and for non-residents to leave, so we did (and the two that lived there left as well). This was definitely fair, considering no one was getting in any trouble. No citations issued, no tickets written, nothing. However later, the cops wrote up a bogus report claiming they had to return to the apartment several times through the night, that the girls were disorderly, and later the girls refused to answer the door (considering they weren't home, how could they?). They even wrote up formal charges against the two girls that lived in the apartment and now they have to go to court.

I'm usually a strong supporter of SPD, but when uniformed officers blatantly lie to bully around a few college students (whether to boost stats or make themselves feel good, I dunno) its flat out wrong. Thats why the students don't trust the SPD when they really need their help.

Anonymous said...

Well maybe they should raise the standard for police officers. When I was growing up a police officer had to be 6' tall and be in shape and smart but they dumb ed down the standard and here we are. They cops are afraid because their either 5' tall or look like the kids I used take lunch money from so they would rather go after safe crimes like expired registrations and so on.And to the comment made at " 1:36 PM " I would sign up but I have no confidence in my would be back up so keep going after the buzzed drivers who have less accidents then sober drivers based on statistics you never hear about.

Anonymous said...

1:57 I do not believe you one bit. "statistics your never heard about" ?????? what in the heck have you been smoking lately?

As we used to say when I was younger: "PROVE IT" ahhhhhhhh, didn't think you could.

Anonymous said...

HEY 1:57

Here's one of many stupid! Do you have any more words of wisdom you can enlighten us with in your pathetic words PROVE IT !

Anonymous said...

I was a student at SU a couple years ago. I had stuidly put a $600 stereo in my car. One night the window got smashed and my cd player was stolen. I called SPD. They took a report from me and left. A witness saw the two young men leave on foot but the cop did not patrol the small area just told me I'd hear back from him. Its now been 3 years and no word from the SPD. I did call in about once to check but to no avail. I know I probably shouldn't have spent that much on something like that but I also didn't deserve for someone to steal from me either. I also had to pay my insurance deductible for the borken car window because the subjects were never found.

Anonymous said...

from 2:28

***once a week to check

Anonymous said...

as a student of SU...I prefer the response time of my SIG p226 .357 at 1600 feet per second over SPD's response time of 20 minutes.

Anonymous said...

we had someone trying to break into our house on camden at 1:30am, and called the cops. one cop showed up 20 mins later and wandered around saying he didnt see anyone and to not worry about it.

we talk to our neighbors the next day to warn them about what had happened, and they said they had heard the guys in between our houses at 2 and 2:30am. they were still there. the cop didn't care enough to really look.


Dave C said...

I used to own a home in the College area when I went to SU and I used to get one or two Salisbury Cruisers posted up in my driveway to do radar. If there were two of them they would actually sit partially in my yard so that they could be side-by-side to talk (This was about 2-3 years ago and I actually have a picture of it that I'm going to try to dig up later). If I needed to get in MY OWN driveway I would have to wait for them to take their sweet time to get out of the way. I'd also have to do the same if I was home and had to get out of MY DRIVEWAY. I called the Police Department regarding this issue several times-nothing ever changed. I'm not sure if it still goes on as I do not live there any longer, but I'm sure it does.

Here's the real house was NOT in the City limits-across the street was, but not my property. Several times I called the police for various issues and they told me to call the WCSO, but yet they had the jurisdiction to do radar and chit chat in my driveway/yard? I really hope I can dig up those pics.

Anonymous said...

The students are targets in Salisbury. They are targeted by the criminals who know they can jump and rob from students who aren't armed and are out at late hours. Then students are targeted by the police who can write citations and make the city a little change. I remember reading a while back about a noise squad going around looking for parties making too much noise. Seems that they should be patrolling for the violent crimes that plague our area.

Several years ago as a student at SU,I was at a party on Hazel. I was on the front porch leaving when a lone SPD officer pulls up. He jumps out of his car and comes up on the porch with his night stick out. His first words were, "Get outta here before I bust your skull open." I hardly think a noise call needs that type of threat from the police. Of course we left. I don't know of a town that is less friendly to college students.

Anonymous said...

well if these stories are true i think its about time to clean house and get a new squad here in the bury

Anonymous said...

College students are unarmed; Gang bangers have guns. More arrests with less risk, I say.

Anonymous said...

Jim Ireton is the only candidate saying he wants to make the streets safer for students. Remember that when Mr. "We gotta get this noise ordinance through before the students get back" Comegys and his landlord buddies come knocking.