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Friday, March 20, 2009

An Interesting Event In Victoria, Texas

Victoria, Texas (pop. 55,000) is a town about 80 miles west of Houston.

Local Hispanic leaders there, in opposition to pending Immigration Legislation, boycotted all Caucasian owned businesses in the Victoria area this past weekend as a demonstration of their economic impact on the community. The boycott was declared a success by the Hispanic community, noting that revenue in Caucasian owned businesses was down by 19%.

Business owners declared the boycott a success as well, pointing out that shoplifting was reduced by 77%, money orders sent out of the country were down by 97%, and the cost of daily clean-up and trash collection was down by 84%. Shoppers reported that they could actually hear English being spoken throughout the community for the first time in recent memory, and customers actually paid for purchases with real money, not government debit cards...


Reconciled1 said...

Have noe Fear, Amnesty is near!!!!

Anonymous said...

I still don't get why everyone skips right over the word illegal that falls in front of aliens...they sure don't have the same problem seeing that drugs are illegal, drinking and driving is illegal, etc. Why is this so hard???

Anonymous said...

9:13 "Why is this so hard???"

Because it's a minor violation. Sort of like speeding.

I don't really care if half the cars are speeding (a bit), and I don't care if half of the (otherwise law abiding and tax paying) people are illegal aliens.

Furthermore, I don't really get why you care so much. I read what you write, but deep down, I just don't get it. I just don't get it.

Unknown said...

Anon 11:40 - I suppose we just shouldn't have any rules then. Everyone should just be able to do whatever the hell they want with no consequences, right?

Anonymous said...


If people are stopped for speeding they are usually given a ticket. This will cost them money, time off work if they go to court and in some cases raise their insurance cost. All as a punishment to them.

Nothing is being done to the illegals. They come here get free housing, food, medical care and we are left paying the bill. They make money in this country and send it back to their own country. This needs to stop. If you make it here spend it here. Most dont want anythning but the hand out, we have hospitals closing becuase they dont pay the bills. We have schools that are having to do without because the money is going to teaching these illegals to speak english. How much are we spending on all the govenment offices to employee people that speak spanish so they can translate to someone that is here IllEGALLY. Not to mention the crimes they commit and the cost we have to pay to put it through the courts and to jail them. At what point are we going to say enough is enough we need to take care of our own people and not cater to someone that is here breaking the law.
Next time you get pulled over for speeding tell the police "well the illegals are here breaking the law why can't I." See how far that gets you

Anonymous said...

Run every da*n one of them out of this country at gunpoint, build a moat between Mexico and the U.S. and put crocodiles in the moat to eat them if they try and return.

Tom B. said...

We first have to run the idiots that are supporting them out of office . They just passed a law that gives S. S. to the kids of illegals born in this country .An who do you think gets to spend it. Again at our expense . The real problem is in Education , Head knowledge and no common sense .

Tom B

Anonymous said...

Tom B. some education for yourself may help you complete your fragmented sentences.

Anon, divulge your source for the statistics on hospital bills. According to a report by HHS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Nearly $500 billion, or 60 percent, of the national hospital bill went to the federal and state governments for Medicare and Medicaid patients.

Take your own advice mister or miss "make it here, spend it here" and stop shopping at WalMart (made in China) and buying Toyota (Made in Japan) pick up trucks.