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Friday, March 20, 2009

Bush Admin Fallout Continues

We all sort of suspected Cheney and Rummy were evil, twisted souls perpetrating an unjust war through dishonest means. The evidence of that is becoming clearer with each passing day.

In the latest fallout from former Bush administration officials, Lawrence Wilkerson, the former chief of staff to then then-Secretary of State Colin Powell, said the U.S. has continued to jail many Guantanamo Bay prisoners seized in Afghanistan despite knowing of their innocence. In an interview with the Associated Press, Wilkerson said the U.S. held on to the innocent prisoners in the hopes they could one day provide helpful intelligence.

Describing the Bush administration mentality, Wilkerson said: “It did not matter if a detainee were innocent. Indeed, because he lived in Afghanistan and was captured on or near the battle area, he must know something of importance.”

Wilkerson continued: “We need to put those people in a high-security prison like the one in Colorado, forget them and throw away the key. We can’t try them because we tortured them and didn’t keep an evidence trail.”

He continues, many detainees "clearly had no connection to al-Qaida and the Taliban and were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Pakistanis turned many over for $5,000 a head."

Wilkerson says former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney fought efforts to improve vetting of Afghan prisoners.

This abuse of power and trampling of the virtues and values of this great country turns my stomach. As time goes on, the past 8 years will grow into a darker and darker blemish on American history. Don't believe me? I just had a friend return from 3 weeks abroad and everywhere he went, people of all nationalities wanted to know if he was embarrassed to introduce himself as an American.

(but let's go ahead and make this about Obama shall we? I know the commenters will)


Reconciled1 said...

Did your friend have the guts to say he was proud to be an American?Most of the countries abroad should have thanked him that they have their freedom and aren't speaking German. I have many friends in the military that got thnked everyday while serving in Afganistan and Iraq for the freedom from opression they brought to their countries.

Anonymous said...

You said it in the beginning: we knew all along.

We knew, didn't we?

Anonymous said...

Let them move next door to you then, you shouldn't have a problem with that.

Anonymous said...

Reconciled1, maybe they should also thank him for the shortcoomings of the American financial markets, the global economic meltdown, and the oncoming global depression of 2009-2012?

Reconciled1 said...

Yeah I'm sure that was the soldiers fault??? Are you saying its Americas fault for the Global meltdown? The Global depression? Wow

Anonymous said...

When did SBY News hire Olbermann?

Anonymous said...


So it's OK to deprive innocent men of their freedom, just so we can be more free?

I think that the answer to that specific question lies the gulf between the right wing and true liberals.

Anonymous said...

Uh yeah reconciled1. Where have you been?

Reconciled1 said...

Round the corner and back again. and you?

Reconciled1 said...

ANON 11:13 where in my comment did I say anything about holding innocent men? If you're the same ANON as 10:48 you never answered is America responsible for the World's meltdown?

Anonymous said...

Shame. This All-American Gulag is a permenant scar on all Americans. Those responsible should be put on trial for war crimes.

Anonymous said...

Nutbags, do not worry, Holder is going to let some of these terrorists out into our street. many of you liberals should be excited. frank wants the names of the AIG people made public, even though they are being threatened, but then we are goign to turn around and let people who want to slit our throats free into our streets......

Anonymous said...

Pile on Reconciled 1 because our soldiers are doing the best they can on the battlefield??? He's only defending the little guy in this "latest" slam against the Bush administration. Don't worry TWOSENTZ and others, Obama will make it right, closing Gitmo is surely the best thing because only people the Republicans incarcerate (even though our soldiers abroad caught most of them on or near a battlefield) are innocent, everyone else is not. Stop being apologists for defending FREEDOM. There's no way the whistleblower in this case has no self-interest and the way Obama silences everyone, he's just as bad as Bush. Where's the you tube vidoe of the teleprompter/Ireland PM??? This rant is about you taking one guy at his word and just bash everyone who disagrees. -ANYmouse

Anonymous said...

Yes America is responsible and the whole post was about innocent men being held. Did you not read it or were you just trying to change the subject?

Anonymous said...

there are no innocent men being held there, this joke of a guy just wants to make money because he knows the msm will print and run with these lies....

talk to some soldiers who have been there, they will tell you.

Reconciled1 said...

No I read it I commented on 2centz friend who was asked about being ashamed of America and now your blaming the World's economic disaster on America which wasn't in the article at all, maybe you didn't read it? My comments have been relavent to the original post. Where in the article does it blame America for the economic woes of the World?

Reconciled1 said...

Thanks ANON 11:48

Anonymous said...

Yep! In the Wall Street Journal! They are turning someof them loose in the US. Now wouldn't that be the government supporting illegal immigration as well?

Anonymous said...

12:40, so even if they are innocent they should still be incarcerated?

Anonymous said...

Two Sentz,

How do you feel about the black eye Janet Reno gave us in Waco?

Those were American citizens that the ATF murdered.

Does that bother you. That the FBI burned down the ranch to cover up what they did? And Reno served all 8 years!

What happened in Waco was as bad as anything since!

BC in NC

Two Sentz said...

To be honest BC I dont know enough of the details to have an opinion. I do recall a crazy man named David Koresh holding people against their will in his compuond.

As far as the other comments, I dont question what our soldiers do, I question their leaders who say one thing and do another.

Two Sentz said...

If you guys want to be challenged in your thinking on this topic, go here.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Thank you, BC in NC & Reconciled1
for not falling for the shallow, un-American babblings of twosentz!

God bless George Bush, Bill Clinton & Ronald Reagan as regarding American policy in the Middle East! And really bless Harry Truman as the ultimate paragon of how an American president should "negotiate" with those who would threaten us or our friends! If Iran continued to threaten us and Israel with terroism & destruction, Mr. Truman would soon deliver 40 million "good Iranians", and, behold, the rest would quickly become our friends.
In today's news, Mr. Obama works to kiss IRAN'S ass! Is he taking his foriegn policy instructions from Muslim Minister Farrakahn, who called Obama "the Messiah"? Iran's leaders responded by saying, "friendship with the U.S. may be possible if the U.S. changes their policies toward Iran." Really? Thanks, you terrorist Muslim dogs bent on the destruction of Israel and the U.S. I wish we had the Democratic president, Truman, instead of the Islamic puppet, Obama! Will our new president next reverse 60 years of American policy & abandon Israel to the unholy hoards of howling Muslim dogs? Superficial morons like twosentz are unwitting traitors who will help the current administration deliver us to the sword of Islam and achieve total governmental control over the population of America. The GOP may very quickly become our ONLY hope of protecting the rights of Christians and all citizens who do not wish total governmental control of what's left of our nation & freedoms.

Anonymous said...

Two Sentz, your an idiot. Have another glass of Liberal-aid. You dont have two cents if you believe that crap. If you care so much about the people of the middle east, then why don't you go there? I am sure they would love to have you. I hear they are real nice people looking for American friends. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Wilkerson and Powell suck bro.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Ha Ha Ha, I am the real idiot for I believe America is a theocracy of Judeo-Christians, or at least an oligarchy, but not a republican democracy based upon a constitution which states "all men are created equal." I actually wish to supercede it and become a protectionist, nationalist society because I fear anyone who is not like me and I believe everything I see on Fox News and everything I hear from Boss Limbaugh. I actually can't even get along with you unless we see eye to eye. Change is for suckers. I like things old school so stay out my mutha f***kin way!